Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 14 Chapter 171: The 12th Demon King

Latest website: After seeing the video provided by Clayman, the Demon King Valentine's expression did not fluctuate in the slightest.

"Hmph, what does this mean?" he said calmly, "There isn't a single clause in the Demon King's Agreement that it cannot be associated with the church, right? If Slime intends to use this method to win the support of those who are hostile to the church, Clayman will You take this opportunity to bring me down, that's ridiculous."

His tone was not emotional, as if he was looking at other people's affairs.

Limuru frowned, which seemed to scolded him too.

He knew and agreed with the fact that someone from the Clownpith family sent Victoria to be a spy, but it seems that this "ticket" is a bit too much.

Without waiting for Rimuru to speak, Veldora, who had been on the sofa outside the venue for some reason, had already spoken to Veldora—and said to the silver-haired maid, “Mirus, you have to take care of your servant’s mouth. You actually scold my friend!"

The maid looked flustered and stammered, "I... I'm just a maid."

Unexpectedly, Milim broke the line and broke the news: "Veldora, why did you expose the fact that Luminas found a substitute to pretend to be a demon king?" Then she covered her mouth in response.

Then, the real maid Demon King Ruminas went mad on the spot. After scolding everything related to dragons, he angrily told Ray, who played the Demon King, to go back to the Emperor's office and sat on the seat of the Demon King himself.

Limuru said that there is a lot of information in it.

If Clayman investigates the church and the enemy country, Rimuru has no problem and will still help, but he will only be troubled if he stabs other ancient demon kings.

Ruminas said that he had no intention of becoming an enemy of Rimuru, which made Rimuru a little relieved. This was said in front of other demon kings, and he could not regret it.

I don't know what is the relationship between Luminas and the **** Luminas, shouldn't it be him? No matter how I think about it, it doesn't seem realistic. Maybe the vampires and the church can sing and perform fights there to win people's hearts. I heard that when Lula was about to give Hyuga the last blow during the first World War, he was stopped by the power of blood, and he was able to do it once. It must be the level of the Demon Lord to block so many powers that are similar to the Demon Lord... It seems that he has discovered a very dark secret.

However, as long as the vampires don't directly dispatch their combat power to help the church and the human nation fight the demon kingdom together, that's good news. Limrud thanked Clayman for the basket.

Only Clayman was surprised by the current situation.

In fact, Clayman's initial purpose may have been achieved. At least in a short time, he will not be retaliated by the Demon King Luminas. Whether it is layout or withdrawal, it will buy time.

Then, Clayman threw out an issue that almost made Limuru spit out: Limuru became a demon king on his own, and the four demon kings worked together to promote the birth of a new demon king, and there was no objection from other demon kings, so this place should be OK. use.

Originally, the demon kings had different reasons for promoting the birth of new demon kings. Milim just wanted to increase the number of fun and durable guys to pass the time, Kalion and Frey wanted to try to increase the number of subordinates and allies, and Clayman wanted to increase the number of subordinates and allies. It becomes personal combat power and increases his weight in the Demon Lord.

What Clayman recommended was Velustilla, whose predecessor was the Great Storm Vortex who was named by Klauenpis, the child of Veldora and Klauenpis, Milim's cousin, Velzard's niece. The demon king-level disaster that was originally recognized by the world, now the "Voice of the World" has also recognized her as the true demon king.

The awakening of demon kings is not a common thing. In the past, the real demon kings who were recognized by "Voice of the World" will join immediately, regardless of whether they have a country, where they live, or who they are related to.

Some demon kings appeared, and some demon kings were overthrown or replaced.

The former "Blood Overlord" was a single demon king, and the position of Luminas Valentine did not overlap. It was just that Luminas abdicated after beating the "Blood Overlord" and let him be on top.

Hundreds of years ago, there were "Ten Demon Kings", so Clayman's recommendation was logical and historical.

His purpose is to sell Klauenpis a favor. Although the two have different ultimate goals, he can keenly smell that Crowenpis has the same taste as him, and has the same hobbies in his actions, so that she can make her The influence of his forces entering here will do more good than harm to his "vote" and future issues.

"The time is right, she should have already repulsed the enemy coalition forces and heroes on the road, Milim, Frey, Kalion and my men also participated in the battle, of course, the supporting role did not affect Velustilla's performance. ." Kleiman said with a concealment of some of the facts.

"I think it's okay for her to be a demon king now with her own strength." Milim, who just wanted to find someone to play with in the circle, agreed.

Before Rimuru could respond, Velzard stood up and said, "I'm a little interested."

So Guy said to Misali, "Bring her here."

Misali opened a door and walked out. After a while, she opened the door behind Limuru from the outside, and a black-haired girl in a red kimono walked in. The entourage was from the Clownpis family. Lin Xian and Mary.

Rimuru was a little regretful. She knew that she should have communicated with Velustilla to discuss the way of action before, but she was frustrated when she met at the time, and she just dealt with it casually, but it was useless to regret it now.

Velustila saluted, went straight to the remaining seat next to Rimuru, and placed a round cloth bag in front of Rimuru.

Rimuru: "This is?"

Verustila: "The leader of the plan to attack the Demon City, the murderer who killed Shion, the head of Fulken, the strongest knight in the Farmus Kingdom, Fuss, Stella, and Nim also worked hard, please accept it. "

"Oh, thank you very much for taking revenge for them." Limuru suppressed his excitement for a while, and complained about why this matter was brought up at this time. He swallowed it silently, and glanced at Milim, Kalion, and Frey, and said, "Can we discuss the merits and rewards later?"

The three said no problem.

Guy and Velzard completely ignored these things, and Velustilla was bathed in UU's scrutiny and pondering eyes.

Then the "Voice of the World" appeared—

"Declaration. Obtain the skill [Commander]. 》

"Because of acquiring the skill [Food Chain], collectively evolved into the additional skill [Synchronizer]. 》

The former is a skill for forcibly commanding and capturing his subordinates, and the latter is a skill from the Pig-headed Emperor and his family to share the results of evolution. The integration of the two has become the same ability as "Hello, I'm hello, everyone." Rimuru felt that the connection between herself and her Familiar was strengthened, and she felt that she could use herself as a medium to summon a Familiar form if necessary.


Before he finished speaking, suddenly, the huge round table split into two!

The crack just staggered the wine glasses placed on this line, and not a drop was spilled.

(to be continued)

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