Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 14 Chapter 208: So, come and die once

Chloe's dismantling of Klauenpis caused a lot of laughter, and only Verustila was puffed up: "Ah, ah, mother is so cunning, what about me, what about me!"

"Children need to learn to be self-reliant, come on. Go to the training ground to fight, I will watch you carefully, come with me." Clownpis touched her head, turned around and jumped out of the broken window.


"Dare to lose and spank you tonight, little Stella!" With a group of leaders who came to watch, Klauen Pischao was standing 20 yards away from Hyuga in the vacated training ground. Verustila waved and shouted.

"Okay, Mom." Velustila, who was wearing a red kimono, immediately turned into a red afterglow and rushed towards Hyuga. At this time, she was like a child who has not yet shown off a new toy. She couldn't wait to try it and never had a chance. new power to use.

Hinata held the Holy Light in his hand, showing a one-handed rapier, the blade turned, and the back of the sword slapped Verustila's neck.

Velustila felt that the timing of this attack was very clever, and with her current momentum, if she didn't use the skill magic to resist hard, she would have to concentrate very hard to avoid it.

She was furious, lowered her head, and bit the sword that was about to hit her neck to pieces.

The two sides kicked each other and separated from each other. Velustila stopped the backward figure and said unhappily: "This is too much water! Fight me seriously! I will defeat all your strength head-on!"

Velustila pulled out the divine weapon that Lin Xian had given her before, held it on top of her head, raised her head and opened her mouth, like eating a cookie, "Kah, Kah," and swallowed the whole sword.

Originally, she learned a little swordsmanship to suppress her uncontrollable destructive power that she could not adapt to this body at first. She also took advantage of the situation when she obtained the divine weapon that was accidentally summoned. These are not necessary, it is better to eat and integrate the performance of the artifact into the ability of the body.

"Since Hinata has lived in this way, now there are two Hinatas in one life and one death in the same time axis. There is no time. Send her to the **** Luminas." Klauenpis shouted to the venue .

Just as Velustilla was entangled in her storm-like magic element, Crowley Asahito threw a sword, which was the weapon of the hero Cronoa's skills.

"Sister Hyuga, come on, don't lose too badly! Now her aura is comparable to that of the three Grumbels!" Chloe shouted.

Hinata, who caught the hilt of the sword, said, "On the premise that I lose, you don't have to look down on me who once led Kronoa and sealed Veldora once, right?"

"Is that you?" Veldora was a little surprised, because he could feel the strength of Hinata, and he didn't think he would lose at all. Although Hinata's power usage seems to be very similar to that of the hero, how can he admit it?

"It's me, how?" Hinata smiled smugly, but now that she doesn't have the power of a hero, she really feels that she can't use a trick that can seriously hurt Veldora.

"However, a little concentration may not fail to reproduce some of the attacks at that time. This time the opponent is small in size and still in human form. Even if the structure is different from that of humans, the key to killing humans can still do more damage than dealing with dragons." She thought .

In short, use [Absolute Cut] to use [Spiritual Disintegration []] on the manipulation skills of the spirit child, and create a new holy sword skill on the spot.

Most of the onlookers have a few guys who can cheat and learn in threes or twos, which makes Hinata a little annoyed. But Kronoa and Chloe are both on Limuru's side here, so the stronger version must be taken away by some guys who are good at stealing skills sooner or later, so it's not a loss for her to use it here. I can be fortunate that I didn't have a life-and-death relationship with the Demon Kingdom in the end.

"Come and die once! [Never Killing Profound Truth-Balong Prison Collapse Fist]!"

Velustilla blasted towards Hyuga, and a fist-sized ball of light gathered in her palm and blasted forward.

This is a blow that converts all the magic elements except for the survival of the whole body into fighting spirit, and uses the ultimate ability [Janus, the king of holy demons] to refine it.

The principle is quite simple and rude, but this is no easy task for Velustilla, who has a large amount of magic energy. It is absolutely impossible.

[Janus], the king of holy demons, was originally in response to her awakening ability to fight against the natural enemies of monsters and save her mother's wish. As long as the opponent is an existence that uses the divine power of the monster nemesis, it can be absorbed and turned into her own. Power, even when resisted, can disrupt and drive rampages, burning opponents from the inside out.

No matter how powerful the opponent is, when there is a blow of absolute power outside, and there is a danger of explosion or being taken away at any time, the premise of victory is to have a more absolutely huge magic element, and all energy is still divided into two. The precise control that is enough to suppress internal and external troubles at the same time.

The current sun direction obviously does not have all the conditions.

"Hmph, this isn't a punch at all." Hyuga fearlessly aimed at the ball of light blasted by Verustila and stabbed her sword, and in the next instant, she herself was vaporized to ashes. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

It's not that she doesn't even have the ability to resist Verustila, if she knew that Verustila was forced to evolve by Klauenpis in the environment of [Holy Purification Barrier] to obtain this kind of ability plus With the power of his own colleagues and the high-level leaders of the Eastern Empire, he will never fight head-on with the [Spiritual Collapse []] derived sword skills.

[Spiritual collapse []] is quite powerful among Hinata's abilities, but it is not without other means of combat.

Dodging is actually not difficult for her, but she chose to use the strength that was just restrained to force her, and there was no other result other than the ashes.

Seeing this, Klauenpis clapped his hands, and Hyuga's soul flew to the west.

"The soul has been repaired, and the next resurrection should be on her original corpse." Crowenpith picked up Chloe, who wanted to chase the soul, and put it back to her original place.

"Wu...Is resurrection magic so convenient?" Rimuru swallowed the urge to scream that Hinata had died again, and complained.

"Originally it was more troublesome, but now as long as the integrity of its soul is guaranteed, resurrection is so easy. Thanks to Limuru, when you resurrected me, the skills were well integrated. Thank you." Klauenpis said.

Chloe pouted and said, "But the princess teacher is so cunning. She actually deliberately recreated Sister Hyuga's body resurrection, causing Hyuga's life and death to have a paradox of time and space at the same time, and then using the excuse to kill her again to vent her anger."

"Ahaha." Klauenpis spread out his hands and smirked, "I can't deny that this is the easiest way, right? After all, she really lost her soul before, and it was all her skills that left some fragments."

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