Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 4 Chapter 61: trample

"President Sophia? Why are you here?" In the secret basement below the cemetery, Meliface was surprised at Star's arrival.

"Ah, don't you know this level? It seems that you don't use the natural ability often." Star teleported directly from the side of the magic tree and smiled and said.

"Yes, it's not only rude to peek at other people's magic, maybe piercing others will also cause me trouble."

Once, Meliface would look at other people's magic power without any scruples in indifferent occasions, so as to give herself a sense of superiority and see her goal clearly, but she vomited on the spot in front of Kraunpith After incontinence, she never dared to do it again.

"Now I'm allowed."

"?" Meliface felt very strange, why would anyone ask her to do this? Is it to let her understand something? If it is suspicious, she should refuse. However, when she is alone, she is better than herself even on the bright side. People who refuse to ask are even more stupid.

Then, Meliffis, who was ready for vomiting and collapse, became more confused in her eyes: "Can't see?"

No one would believe that their student president Sophia has no magic powers.

"Thanks for the experiment, it proves that [counterdetect] is also effective for natural abilities. It may also be the reason why you and me are too far apart. In short, lift it." Star smiled and lifted the magic on his body.

"Oh uh uh uh uh!"

Because it was a small basement, the sour smell immediately filled the entire space where the light dissipated and became pitch black.

If you watched Kraun Pith and watch it again, you might be able to endure it because of adaptability, but it has been almost a year since the last stimulation.

"It's really outrageous, [Cleaning Technique], [Group All Race Confusion [masscharmspecies]]."

Because of Star’s magic, the vomiting just now became the same as it didn’t happen. Meliffice still had lingering fears, but she was no longer as embarrassed as she saw Kraunpith for the first time, trying to get up tremblingly.

Stass grabbed her by the collar without any softness, lifted her up, and asked, "What are those people gathering inside?"

"This... isn't something I can know. It's probably about discussing how to negotiate with Claus to get the most benefit." Meliface said according to common sense.

"It's boring." Star took off the illusion bracelet, lifted the human appearance, revealing the true face of a fairy, and walked toward the door.



Under the auspices of the Marquis Robert Bardo, the son of the master of this cemetery, about thirty people met here to discuss how to obtain the "gift" of longevity from Crawnpies, what to exchange, and what to use. A way to make her happy and so on.

Half of the people here are sick old men and old ladies, and 90% of the remaining half are guards.

Therefore, the elderly accounted for the vast majority of the matter, so they valued this matter very seriously. Of course, some people were somewhat skeptical, but the muscular old man who was still working as a philosopher and learned pose was found on the scene and found people who dared to question Crow En Pith. It just passed.

Just when the so-called benefits and reception methods were almost finalized, the door was kicked from the outside.

"Okay-that's it!"

Everyone present was stunned, unable to react. Because it kicked the door—the heavy stone door that was still difficult to move without a mechanism, it was a creature that looked like a petite girl.

The people here basically have no knowledge about monsters, and they can't understand the existence of flowers with pointed ears and flowers on their heads that don't look like ornaments. They can only be called a certain kind of creature for the time being.

"I don't want to waste time explaining, [massspecies], minimum effort."

"Is this the upper seat?" Star walked to the edge of the most expensive chair at the end of the long table and asked, pointing to it.

The panic caused by the ultra-miniature version of [massspecies] released by Starr made everyone present almost panicked. Several people with a little stronger spirit nodded slightly.

"This is the upper seat for Pess?" Star asked again, and raised one leg, stepping on the upper seat.

Everyone looked at each other and dared to call Crow Enpis that way, is it a companion? It is likely to be a messenger? But that one seemed very dissatisfied, is there any difference in the seating customs of the fairies?

"Are you idiots?" Star launched [Flame Aura] in a small range, put the upper seat to a torch, then jumped to the long table, walked from one end to the other, his eyes swept from top to bottom, and became unconscious. The people who dared to raise their heads walked back to the middle of the long table and stretched out a hand with the palm facing down, saying, "Many of you are people with few remaining lives. What I pray for is not a simple benefit. And energy? What do you want? What is it?"



"I am not old or dead."

People who have become more obsessed with the world because of the aging of the year, and who can overcome the panic a little bit, begin to answer one after another.

"I'm pursuing immortality, isn't it? Hold life firmly in your hands, right?" As he said, Star slowly clenched his hands in accordance with the tone of voice, and then opened them again—

"Since you are pursuing immortality, then entertain the dead in this place... No, what on earth is it to see Lord Kraunpith Rampads? Are you pursuing death?"

"Boom! Kara!" Under Star's foot with [Flame Aura], the long table slammed into crisp coke and broke apart.

"No, it's not like that!" someone shouted, "It's just because..."

What should I say afterwards? It is also risky for people like them to calculate things that are taboo in the temple. Is it so easy to find a place that is convenient and possible to gather? I thought you were studying the undead would like the cemetery............

Is it that way? Research is one thing, and whether you like that environment is one thing?

These nobles have never been magic researchers and don't know much about it, but at least they still know that the great celebrity of Fluda likes to soak in places surrounded by his research It seems impossible to generalize?

You can’t make the other person angry, or you will die, you must remedy it, but how to remedy it? Even if they asked what they needed, they couldn't immediately find a place that satisfies each other.

"Let you see what the realm of life is like." Star raised his hand, "[Magic effect range enlargement·Transport [widenmagic·]]."

The transferred magic circle expanded to the entire room.


Star looked in the direction of the sound. It turned out that Meliface outside the door was frightened and fell over by this huge magic circle.

"Come in?"

"Yes! Please let me follow." Meli Feisi, who was accustomed to the hint of the monster in her belly, crawled into the magic circle, and then calmed down here.

(to be continued)


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