Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 14 Chapter 328: Rimuru's Victory of Cause and Effect

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Velgrind came to Velustilla, bent down slightly and glanced at her.

She didn't think she was a dragon who would use her original ability to create artifacts for outsiders in another world. There are two things that happen to be discarded, which can only explain two points: one is that the Rudra shard was reincarnated in another world, and she found him to give such artifacts as gifts; the other is the situation where the artifacts cannot be kept, and most of them are descendants. Going to take the pot.

That is to say, there is a high possibility that Rudra will be in a high position after reincarnation. The soul of that person is born to take on the life of the emperor, but will the descendants be subject to foreign invasion?

The invasion of another world that can cause causation with this world, that is...

Velu Gelian Duo had some ideas, and she was in a happy mood and decided to try it first. In short, she generated a blue dragon knife in her hand and stuffed it into Velustila's hand.

"This taste... I've eaten it before, and it was given to me?" Velustilla had just killed Velugren just once, but now she was suddenly stuffed with a "gift", and she couldn't turn her head.

"Take it, I will be happy if I can give her some color on the date of my appointment with the eldest sister." Although there is no reason to be hostile, Velgrindo originally had the idea of ​​dealing with Velzard. Change.

After all, if Rudra wanted to face off with Guy, she would definitely have to play a couples mixed doubles—to help suppress Velsado, who was the equivalent of Guy's lover.

But these are not important for the time being, at least give some color to see.

Satisfied, she immediately chased Rudra's soul fragment to the past of other planes.

Velustila dazedly held the Azure Dragon Saber, which was nearly twice her height, and was a little overwhelmed. Although she was not picky eaters in a wide range, the taste of high-spec weapons was not good, and all the related abilities were obtained. (It is integrated with [Hecatia, the King of Demon Gods]), so I don't know where to put it.

"I remembered something." Galassia said suddenly.

Rimuru told him to fart.

"I have a colleague named Kernu, who is responsible for conquering a different world to prepare troops. Although there is basically no contact, there is still a chance to know the necessary information-his army was burned to death for unknown reasons, which is equivalent to Prepare for one-third of the total force of this 'Devil War'."

"Hmmmm... Is there a country called Holy Asia in the world he conquered?"

"I don't know such a detailed place. And I can't say any of these before the [Justice King] allows the angels to officially function."

Rimuru thought there was a ban, and Ciel answered—

"Usually summoned angels are usually not the main body. The summoned body can be understood as similar to [parallel existence]. Even an angel with personality can choose whether the summoned body shares information with the main body according to the actual situation. However, just because it is equivalent to [parallel existence], giving ** and naming makes its existence higher than the main body, and it has the opportunity to replace the main body. When Michael awakened and used [Archangel's Domination] to call Pico and Galassia and let the barrier disappear for a short time, Picoxi and Galassia here officially became the main body and got all the known information. 》

"That was before the war started, right?" Rimuru recalled a time when Pikexi suddenly started breaking information.

"Speculation, yes. 》

Rimuru secretly said that there is no reason for this.

He summoned the Origin Angel just to increase the actual meaning of combat power and deterrence. At the same time, he was jealous of the configuration of Klauenpith's subordinates. He wanted to learn, and he wanted to divide more of the work at hand so that he could relax.

He liberated Veldora was just the best plan for Veldora and himself when he saw his friend was taken away. After all, he is not a demon. No matter what they did to Veldora, they couldn't be in front of him. Veldora's face killed his sister.

Klauenpis summoned Velu Grendo's ultimate ability to integrate with Limuru, and let Velustilla gain the power to fight against the "Dragon Seed" and the Origin Angel. Milim, whom Rimuru befriends...a series of butterfly effects seems to have caused the enemy capable of destroying the world to fall apart before the war begins.

These factors that made the enemy so completely defeated can be related to Rimuru, but Rimuru really didn't want to go so far.

The next development over there can also be imagined. Anyway, the last time Rudra Fragment reincarnated and crossed into this world, it was Masayuki. Since Michael's influence has been removed by Klauenpis, the Empire of the East cannot be without a king for a day. With Damrad, an elder who thinks that he is the reincarnation of Rudra, a large number of dead emperors can be resurrected. Next, let them return to the country, and they must establish a new king, and they must find Zhengxing.

Hmm, I feel like there is a picture. Fortunately, he didn't seem to have awakened Rudra's temperament, so I asked him to work harder with the imposing manner of a hero.

"Yeah, Limuru, have you grown up again?"

Limulu came back to his senses, UU reading found that Klauenpis was greeting him, looked down at his body, and said, "Isn't it, it seems to be older than you."

"Be confident, you can get rid of the 'seem' if you remove your age. Why is my face slimmer than mine?" Klauenpis patted his head.

"Uh... At least I hope to change the adjective." Limuru said shyly.

"I'm sorry, no matter how you look at it, you can't match the handsome. If you are a slime, can't you adjust your appearance by yourself?"

"Yes, yes, but using skills to maintain other appearances requires extra mana, right?"

"What are you talking about? Although there are still high and low levels at my level, you are considered to have stepped into my level, right? This way I can rest assured..."

Limuru hurriedly grabbed Klauenpis: "Ehhhh, don't be in such a hurry to go far away, although it feels like winning is too fast, but if you don't have the previous accumulation, you won't be able to reach this level, let's celebrate It’s good to talk to everyone more at the banquet. Especially the mess you left behind with your unscrupulous style of play is also responsible for me.”

"What, the war isn't over yet."

"Could it be true that Klauenpis' attack just now can strike the body across time and space?"

"Rudra's body did blow up all the way to kill him, but Feldway's guy is very abnormal. It's almost like the clones are independent individuals. In order to avoid being found, there is no connection between different individuals. I doubt him. The main body doesn't even know what happened here and that part of his family was copied by Milim." Klauenpis shrugged.

"This result is indeed in line with that man's timid character. Otherwise, I would have killed him long ago if the guy who troubled Rimuru-sama appeared in front of me." Diablo affirmed.

(to be continued)

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