Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 16 Chapter 66: hunting time

The Tawa scimitar is a treasure to most human world swordsmen who focus on the power of single-shot sword skills, but how can Kirito, who is famous for his continuous sword skills, play with it? Gaming experience sucks.

However, that ax is also very difficult to chew, and the processing consumables and labor costs are extremely expensive. Wouldn't it be a good idea to hand over the materials for the Tawa scimitar, which is popular in the human world but not to Tongren's liking?

"Besides, without Eugeo, our chances of defeating the kobold lord Yin Erfangu are very slim, but no one else can wield the Dragonbone Ax proficiently. So you deserve it." Kirito said earnestly.

"...Thank you, Kirito." Eugeo couldn't say anything else with tears in his eyes.

"By the way, let's not talk about this. Tomorrow, the eldest lady will invite friends to go hunting. The eldest lady sends a message, you patrol over there, and if there are wild animals that want to enter the territory, let them go."

"Oh, I see."

"Okay, finish your sword skills training today and get used to your new weapon before dinner." Kirito said, pulling out the guard-style long sword.

"it is good."

"Wait, Eugeo, put on the scabbard. That knife is very strong. If you break up these public property, you will break the law."


Kate Yinsabella is still focused on performing surveillance tasks.

It's just a different way. At this time, she is transforming into a maid with cat ears and cat ears, focusing on taking care of the two-meter-long giant sword in front of her.

The sword body is icy dark green, but it seems to have milky white reflections. This kind of abnormality that violates optical phenomena cannot be achieved by mixing multiple materials together. The Nodachi and dagger were reforged together. The new weapon has reached the artifact standard.

[To be honest, I have been using reading books recently to follow up, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, both Android and Apple. 】

People who can maintain artifact-level equipment, excluding those inside the Axiom Church, can be counted with two hands in the four great empires. And even if you are lucky enough to learn it, people who are not the owner of the artifact and do not have a first-level blacksmith or craftsman qualification certificate have no right to undertake the job.

Coincidentally, Kate Insabella, who has the corresponding knowledge, took advantage of the loophole to apply for the job through the back door and entered the house of Altimias, and was given another opportunity to closely monitor Kirito.

Of course, when I have free time, I will turn into a cat form from time to time to sneak around Kirito's sight, and ask for some snacks by the way, so that if the human form is not working well in the future, there is still a way out. It is better to approach Kirito with a legitimate name A spider that can only sneak over his head is much better.

To be human now is to work.

Many artifacts have the function of absorbing resources and repairing them. Taking care of the artifacts according to the necessary procedures will help stimulate the mind and memory to generate power bonuses. Therefore, this job is very important. As long as swords are involved, she will have many opportunities to meet Kirito —Although I always feel a bit regretful that I can't be fed.

Consciously ready, she raised the sword slightly to the height of a fist, and carefully examined it for a while from the tip of the sword to the hilt.

"No problem." She raised her sword with difficulty and walked out the door.

Carrying such a big sword is a technical job, dragging it backwards is easy, but you will definitely be punished by exercising the power of judgment; it is also easier to carry, but it is not in line with noble etiquette to hand it in; the less effort you carry on your shoulder, the easier it is to hit the top of the door It is easy to hit the goal post if you are not careful when you hold it horizontally; it is too laborious to hold it vertically.

She walked out of the door awkwardly, half-turning her body like a soldier with a heavy knight's spear, and "just in time" almost hit Kirito with the tip of the sword.

"Oh, it's so dangerous! It's dangerous to shake like this, I'll help you." Kirito came to help immediately after avoiding it.

"How dare, this is my vocation."

"That's right," Kirito still respects other people's vocation, he thought for a while, and said, "Although the test swing after maintenance is optional, but since you are going to go hunting, it's better to try it out."

For this kind of weapon, the memory and state of the sword, as well as the user's object operation authority and intention will all affect the feel of the hand. Therefore, it is the servant's job to test and guess whether the sword owner is suitable for use at this time.

Kate handed him the sword.

But after Kirito strenuously set up his sword and put on a posture ready to display his sword skills, he walked straight forward.

"Wait, aren't you swinging?" Kate hurriedly chased after her.

"Which rule stipulates that the test swing must be swung in place? Just swing it a few times before handing it over to the eldest lady to make sure it's okay?'s so heavy, obviously my object operation authority is sufficient, how strong is the eldest lady? ?”

"This sword weighs about forty kilograms."

"Woo! No, no problem. It's okay to walk for a while."

"...Thank you, Kirito." Kate thanked according to ordinary people's reaction.

During the period when she came into Kirito's sight, she was always looking for similar opportunities to test Kirito's limits with various rules.

The reason she was looking for this time made her seldom laugh, but the next triggering event will not be so easy to fight.

"Kirito, if you had to choose between the young lady who violated the goal that may ruin the future of the goal, and the best friend who seemed to be only planning to use it at first, but who has been with you all the way, what would you do?" The master ordered Kate, who was ready to make trouble next time, thought to herself.

When she and Kirito came to the place where Miss Elvira was, she saw that she was drinking tea and chatting with a son and a daughter.

Before meeting people, Kirito had already tried to swing the sword and returned the sword to Kate. When Kate handed the giant sword to Elvira, the somewhat dazzling appearance of the giant sword surprised others.

And Aiweila smiled and easily lifted the giant sword that weighed more than 30 kilograms, not counting the influence of object operation authority, and swung it downward, arousing waves of wind pressure, making those friends with lower titles clap their hands and applaud. While flattering, the tip of her nose also turned up.

The surrounding servants also applauded in unison.

"She actually used the [Sawtooth Wave] I taught her to create useless wind pressure. It is so powerful that even the [Vertical Slash] of the one-handed sword...uh, even the secret technique of the Lugia style [Thunderbolt Slash] 】Not as good, is this very compelling?" Kirito joined in the applause while whispering.

"Maybe it's because the power of the sword still radiates outward in waves after swinging the sword, which has never appeared in the past." Kate said.

"That's the result of the sword vibrating. In fact, the wind pressure doesn't have much power..."

Before Kirito finished speaking, Elvira shouted to the surroundings: "Okay, let's go."

Then, she smiled and said to the noble friends who hunted the bigger monster.

Claiming that it is not a beast but a monster, and it is not compared to the number or size, it is almost equivalent to the strength in common sense, that is to say—

"Missy seems to want to show off... No, is it to confirm her practice results and show off? According to the rumors not long ago, she may have found a powerful target long ago. I am worried that Missy is too greedy. Kate is not a fighter. If If you are in danger, back away."

(to be continued)

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