Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 16 Chapter 121: dream murder

Latest URL: Yuuki persuaded Kirito, who seemed a bit out of shape, not to get excited, lest he fall into the trap of a higher-ranking nobleman and become a crime. It wasn't just Yuuki who was worried about Kirito who was always messing around, but also Cardinal.

Although it is faster to enter the Axiom Church as a sinner, and it is easier to persuade them who are desperate to go against the church, but sinners will be strictly guarded and it will become difficult to connect. Moreover, allowing Kirito and his partners to practice longer and get more friends will also help increase the combat power of the confrontation.

They returned to the swordsman-in-training dormitory and knocked on the door of Eugeo's room.

There is also another high-level swordsman who lives here, but fortunately, he is a more reasonable low-level nobleman.

Eugeo, who has been worried about why Tijie was absent from work, came out to check with Kirito and Yuuki the "confession" he had encountered recently, and he still thought that Yoos and Humbert were playing tricks.

After all, there was a previous record of using bullying Frenika to set them up.

Just as they were walking aggressively towards Laiyos and Humbert's room, a white light enveloped them, coming and going quickly.

"Was that just now?!" Kirito looked around nervously.

"Isn't it lightning?" Eugeo said, it's thunderstorm now, and there will be lightning from time to time, so it's not surprising that there is such a lightning that is a bit too strong.

"I always feel that there are some Xinji who have been cast with sacred magic." Kirito said.

"Kirito, it's against the school rules to cast holy spells on students for no reason, even if it's just a dazzling scare. It's impossible for someone to do such a thing." Eugeo reminded.

"Hey, Kirito,'s not that simple." Yuuki became worried, because even if she didn't communicate often, she still felt that the slightest connection with Cardinal was cut off.

Who in the world can do this?

"Eh... Anyway, be careful." Kirito could only say.


"You guys are already in a dream. Well, you just can't hear it. But even if it was a surprise attack, I really didn't expect to hit all of them without any resistance. Isn't the performance of this artifact too high? No , Anyone who is unprepared and eats the [Armed Full Control Technique] of the Integrity Knight's artifact will probably lose his combat effectiveness. It's a pity that those regular knights really don't know how to sneak attack tactics."

Klaumpis looked at Kirito, Eugeo, and Yuuki who were knocked down to the ground by the [Armed Full Control Art] of the evil rod, and Kate who was accidentally involved, and almost murmured to himself.

She picked up Kate, threw it to a suitable location in the academy, turned around and reopened the light door of space transfer, and walked in without leaving any more traces here.

After a while, other students passed by the corridor and saw the three sleeping on the ground. They were shocked and called Kirito and Eugeo's dormmates before notifying the dormitory supervisor.

Unlike the trainee's dormitory, men and women in the swordsman's dormitory do not share the dormitory, so it took a little longer for Avra ​​to arrive.

"Hmph, came here aggressively regardless of my order, but was plotted by someone?" Elvira said to Eugeo's roommate in a temper tantrum.

"However, no matter how you check, it's just a normal sleep...just can't wake up for some reason." Eugeo's roommate said.

"I've never heard of the sacred art that forces people to fall asleep. If a dark attribute sacred art with similar effects is used, the life will also be reduced. So, what about the possibility of being drugged?"

"His Royal Highness Elvira's chief swordsman-in-training, including things like sacred arts attacks, if you use drugs to harm people, doing so has already violated the "Taboo Index". How could such a thing happen?"

"Hey, you are a noble after all, if you don't want to be caught and judged, you should think about these things more."

But no matter what, no problem can be detected, and it is meaningless to occupy a bed in the infirmary that has a high utilization rate due to training with a real sword. In the end, he had to be sent back to the dormitory for observation.

For Elvira, this is fine, if these people can't bear to draw their swords against those people, then her preparations will be in vain.

As for Ronnie and Tijie who were probably indeed being judged in their room at this time, Elvira has no plans to rescue them, because everything they do is legal, even if her family has a high title, it is unknown.

Anyway, those three people at most acted intimidatingly, and they were all harmless and infringing but extremely insulting things (the library version really didn’t do any substantive things, so the web version and the publication should be used to talk about the matter I didn't say that), the purpose is only to provoke Eugeo and others to actively break the rules and be punished.

And the dream Crohnpiss gave to the three of them also connected with reality.

In their dreams, they went to Laiyinos and Humber's room, and found that Latino was also there. They were doing indescribable things together, because there was one more male, and they took turns playing 3P.

The three people who were extremely angry showed their swords directly at them.

The seal on Eugeo's right eye has not been released yet, but he has been a private soldier of the nobles for so long, and he has also learned how some nobles "do not treat people as human beings" and can bully the citizens without psychological barriers, so There is no need to treat people like Yoos, Humber, and Latino as human beings. Although it is impossible to kill people, but if it is just a fight——Yu!

Then the three ended up with two dead and one injured.

After Eugeo cut off Humbert's arm by surprise, he lost his combat power in the severe pain in his right eye; Wanting to use the [Fate Transfer Technique] to take away the fate of his companion, but because it violated the "Taboo Index", he fell into an extremely unmanageable logical contradiction. UU Reading artificial soul collapse; The villain's memory, even though there was some conflict, she stopped holding back after the confrontation. As an npc, she was not bound by the rules, and she directly killed Latino.

After appeasing the school girls, they surrendered to the academy.


The next morning, Central Capital Centoria, Axiom Church, Central Cathedral, 90th floor—

Klaumpis summoned the knights who were waiting and guarding in the temple at this time, and announced to them: "Since the collapse of the Eastern Gate is within this generation, I decided to take advantage of the absence of the highest priest. Hold a drill."

"Exercise?" Everyone said that they had never heard of this concept.

"Yes, the defense of the sanctuary itself is still unknown. So we need to test how well it defends when it is invaded by monsters from the dark realm without any precautions." Klauenpiss said.

(to be continued)

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