Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 16 Chapter 153: Decisive Battle・Blade of Love

Latest URL: A little backward in time—

From Kirito's point of view, before Eugeo turned into a sword, Kirito saw the two girls who suddenly changed from a worm to a human fighting in battle, but they were almost killed due to psychological fluctuations.

Isn't that the young lady who works at Miss Elvira's house and has a good relationship with him, and senior sister Lena who ordered clothes for him? If they are the targets sent by the two managers, how many secret fights are there around me?

And both of them are girls!

When Eugeo, who had turned into a sword, wanted to rush to "Adominus Dolet" alone, Kirito's heart almost broke.

Even if the weapon itself is temporarily comparable to an artifact in this way, without the person who manipulated his memory release (Eugeo here is different from the original work and did not obtain the memory crystal of Alice Belluku), it is just a very strong and sharp sword That's all, it is absolutely impossible to challenge "Adominus Doret".

Breaking... No, it's not surprising that Eugeo was smashed to pieces.

When Kirito thought that the sword transformed by Eugeo might be broken or even shattered in the duel with "Adominus Dolet", in a hurry, he felt as if his whole body was going to be burned, and he burst out. With imaginary speed, he grabbed the hilt of Eugeo's sword that had started charging towards "Adominus Dolet".

"Eugeo, half of your regrets over the years, whether it was originally or now, should be borne by me, so let's fight together!"

So heavy, is this his weight?

But, it doesn't matter, the role of imagination and impression is very important, how could he not bear Eugeo's weight? Moreover, after teaching Miss Elvira the giant sword for such a long time, he is not simply being a short theorist.

"You look like a combination of a dark knight and a fist fighter." The pearl-colored ruler revealed a vicious smile on his lips. With a sound like a squeeze, he swung down the mirror rapier, and a ferocious thunder burst out from the tip of the sword.

He realized that this was a blow that was enough to wipe him out, and perhaps the real Cardinal might not feel well after taking this blow.

There was no possibility of dodging, he resolutely raised his left hand, and he could only construct the strongest posture in his impression that although he was satisfied, but physically repulsed, he never used it except on the road of seeking to revive Yuuki.

After all, he is not the magic bullet shooter that Scythe of Destiny loves, but he must sincerely thank him for his company and protection all the way, this time too—please.

After closing his eyes for a moment, the feeling of nostalgia but never wanting to come again spread all over his body. The weapon in his left hand has become a revolver that Lisbeth passed the level before he had time to hand it over to him.

"I remember in Aincrad she called that magic that works directly in space... scripted magic, right? But what I want to take is—"

He resolutely sucked all the surrounding space resources into all the gun chambers, where he should have been accustomed to magic without chanting, and immediately generated magic bullets at high speed, and then began to shoot and reload continuously!

Within a second, a large number of magic bullets and thunder light set off a small but terrifying explosion.

Confirming that his divine power was exhausted, Kirito used the cover of the explosion smoke to glide towards his opponent.

"If she understands all the instructions of the system, I can't win with pure inherent sword skills, but with the power of my own mind!" he thought.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the veteran assistant who was watching the battle not far away moved to the left. The best chance to attack the highest priest is now, and he can't let her get close to the assistant. He immediately threw the remaining bullets from the revolver at her Hit them all out to force her away, break through the smoke, and in sao only exist to quickly kill the opponent—the unaesthetic sword skill [Death Strike] shot out like a light cannon released by a divine weapon under the blessing of the mind!

It collided with the mirror rapier that was blocked by the "Supreme Priest" in time, and the ultra-high frequency vibration caused the enclosed space to shake. A few seconds later, a large number of cracks appeared in the weapon of the "Supreme Priest", and then burst into pieces instantly!

But the sword couldn't move forward. The little figure who had been forced back somehow exploded at such a speed, opened his arms to block his sword, and forcibly blocked him and Yuu with some kind of mental technique and her body. Jio's full-strength attack, as a price, her chest was destroyed, and red liquid sprayed out from her chest and mouth.

The next moment, the weapon Kate had obtained before hit his body!

"Could it be—"

Realizing that Charlotte had been defeated and might even be dead, Kirito was forced to stop the attack, and the other party tried to tear the wound further and took the initiative to kick him, pulling away from each other.

Kirito did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, after all, this short period of time was enough for the "highest priest" to deal with this simple assault, and he had to consider the possibility of being further attacked by Kate.

At this time, the "highest priest" smiled and said something he couldn't agree with, grabbed the head of Yuan Fuzuo, and lifted her up regardless of her body that was still spilling blood like a faucet.

Kirito frowned, even if he was an enemy, the elder Fu Zuoke had tried his best to protect the highest priest just now, so it was too much to treat him like this.

But he still underestimated the opponent's level—the old veteran Fuzuo had the same phenomenon as Eugeo's body, and began to change to a weapon!

Kirito stepped forward to stop him intentionally, but just as he took a step, he immediately felt his lower body being entangled by a heavy object.

Looking down, it was Kate who rushed to hug his leg. At this time, Kate's condition was also extremely bad, half of her leg was broken, a small piece of her head was cut off, one eye was missing, and there were several cutting and biting wounds on her body. UU reading Was it Charlotte who hurt her?

"I won't let you...go, great master and master...but, the...mother and...sister who gave me life, ah."

"Why?" Kirito couldn't help asking the words that even he felt that knowing the answer was meaningless.

"...Do you need a reason? That's my mother and sister... What a pity, I've been looking at you all the time, and I was once fascinated by your special thoughts. I thought you could help save the world together.... "

Although Kirito wanted to refute it, she couldn't say it out loud. If her world was born like this, she has always felt that the world should be like this. Forcibly speaking out her worldview will only increase hostility.

He wanted to forcibly throw Kate away, but not only did she show no signs of breaking away, she even climbed up his back with the momentum of bone cracking in his body, trying to further stop his actions, even if he wanted to throw her, he couldn't get rid of her. This kind of shameless and fearless style of play made it very difficult for Kirito to hit her with his sword, and not being thrown to the ground was enough to show how stable his foot was.

(to be continued)

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