Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 5 Chapter 15: Warship capsized

The power system of the battleship was completely destroyed, turning the battleship into a giant coffin floating on the water.

Reluctantly, Yayaka gradually lost the light of hope in her eyes, and immediately lost her strength, making her sit by the window of the bridge involuntarily.

Not long after she was born, she was discovered to have natural abilities. She has great learning ability. The whole family praised her as a genius. Even though she is a girl, she received the original "enviable" treatment-the same study treatment as the family heir. , Although there is no right of inheritance, as long as you work hard, it is inevitable to fly.

But at the same time working hard to increase her strength and natural abilities, it also gave Yayaka the idea of ​​taking a break occasionally and exploring like an adventurer. But after being sent from the seaside to the academy in the imperial capital, there was no chance.

Why did you encounter such a thing after a long absence from the sea this time?

Prior to today, Yayaka had not experienced a real fight, just a battle, Yayaka has always relied on her inexperienced combat power and ready-made powerful props and equipment to continue to win, and this mode, she can not afford to lose Once the signs of victory return are extinguished, the only straw supporting the body will break.

"This is... not listening to the adults...retribution?" She muttered to herself, touching the dimmed cross that she put on her neck again, "You can't bless me at all. Is it darkened?"

After a while, Yayaka suddenly lost her balance and fell off. Unexpectedly, her head hit the wall on the other side!

"It hurts... this is?!"

Yayaka discovered that the whole ship had begun to tilt drastically! The sea outside the window is close at hand!

"No, did they overturn the boat directly!"

That's it, while the battleship was shaking, the naval gun lost its alignment, the sea dragon and the naga all leaned up, and worked **** the side of the ship to overturn the ship!

"Wow!" Sea water rushed in from the windows that hit the water surface. Yayaka, who was able to float, wanted to escape the bridge on the water surface, but—

The battleship came upside down soon! This is by no means natural, the culprit is naturally the hordes of naga and sea dragons.

"No, I'm trapped!"

If you are a swimmer, leaving aside the naga and sea dragons outside, you can only swim out. It may not be impossible to do it before the ship sinks completely, but it is difficult for Yayaka, who can only float on the water, to do it!

This is not the still water on the side of the dock last time. Yayaka, who is struggling to dive in the turbulent water, can't catch the window at all. With great difficulty, I caught a door, didn't even think about it, and quickly opened it and jumped in.

"here it is……"

Yayaka found that she seemed to be advancing deeper into the ship, and the other small hatches were also being filled with water. Her body, which could only float, could not drill out under the impact of the current.

"How can I just give up like this! I don't want to die!"

Yayaka ran desperately toward the place where there was no water, grabbing everything that could be caught when there was no way to run, and climbing up.

"Just like that, rush to the bottom of the boat and make a hole to get out!"

On the way, through several floors of cabins, there are giant rats, giant rats, giant rats, giant rats locked in a running wheel cage.

In the cabin shaped like a bottom compartment, there is still a running wheel cage where the giant mouse is closed. The connecting rod of the running wheel is finally connected to the stern and leads to both sides of the rudder. Is it the oars? The arrangement of the oars here is really a peculiar design, but Yayaka has no time to pay attention to these now.

After confirming that there were no doors everywhere, she used the cage of the running wheel as a footstep, carefully avoided the giant rat inside, climbed to the top, trying to pry the board open.

However, when the running wheel under her feet was also submerged by the overwhelming seawater and there was still nothing to do, she knew that her efforts were futile from the beginning.

"This ship, but even the dragon can't make a hole. At best, they can overturn the ship. How can I, a human being, be able to do it?"

From boarding the ship to the present, the scenes flashed through Yayaka's mind like a revolving lantern.

"However, this ship is really great to use. It has a fast attack and strong protection. If it is not broken, the speed is great. I will be addicted. If it is not in this terrible state, I will fall in love with this ship. Ship, never want to leave anymore..."

But the sea waits for no one. The infused sea water squeezes Yayaka, who can only float on the water, on the "ceiling", making her painful, even if the seawater does not invade her due to the existence of natural abilities. The lungs can therefore block the air on which they depend for survival.

"So sad."

Yayaka, whose body was squeezed and her face turned more and more blue, had the urge to kill herself. This might be easier, and she didn't want to continue the suffering.

I really regret it, why did I choose a blunt tool like a magic wand to cooperate with defense and assist magic to fight? I was so pressed that I didn't even have enough power to swing my magic wand to hit the head.

Yayaka swiped her head several times, and the splashed blood stained the surrounding sea water red, but the pain was so terrible that she couldn't die. On the contrary, she suffered even more.

However, the giant rat in the running wheel reacted to the blood, spitting bubbles in the water, making a dull cry, and wanted to get close to Yayaka, but was helplessly blocked by the fence of the cage.

"That's...this! are hungry..., then, let me, right~"

The monster that indirectly caused Yayaka to fall into such a situation has now become the only "life-death straw" for Yayaka's relief. There is a light of "desire" in her eyes. The body leaned forward.

The giant rat showed its fangs to Yayaka!

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Yayaka, who felt that she was starting to die, made a miserable cry from, and quickly mixed with the sound of water.

After a while, the human named Yayaka died.


After a few hours-

Sanny, who rushed to the sky with translucent, shining insect wings, and the several frost dragons that had merged on the road not long ago, could only sigh over the calm sea again.

The purple black that has not completely dissipated on the sea seems to be telling the battle that has just happened here.

"Ola Sadark, Miana Talon, Muvinia, Kylis Dolan, are you the oldest dragons here? Do you know anything about sea dragons?"

A few huge frost dragons, look at me, I look at you, and finally Ola Zadark said: "Going back to Sonny, I really don’t know, if... the former elder should know something, but... …"

(to be continued)

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