Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 16 Chapter 220: obsidia city

"The Axiom Church claims that it will take one month. Can you compete with the Axiom Church for the dominance of the Dark Realm in one month?" Mary Ann Bell asked the Lord of Light.

The Lord of Light gritted his teeth, lowered his head and said: "It is very difficult, although it is enough to 'visit' all the territories of the ten princes, considering all kinds of accidents and difficulties, the time is quite tight, considering that there is no law in the dark world, only the iron rules of strength, Any change will make some dissatisfied people animate, we don’t have enough subordinates to control that kind of Xiaoxiao, so it takes more time, only Sanhou is sure to fully control it immediately, but we will do our best to complete it.”

"Then focus on starting with the three princes who hate humans the most. This will also reduce the burden of spiritual interference on your family. And... when those important people have to fight and the struggle with each other becomes weaker, it will be easier for the **** to take advantage of the weak and enter, isn't it?"


Dark Realm, Obsidia City, 50th floor of the main city—

Obsidia is the capital of the Dark Territory. Its central castle is located at the Flashpoint, and its height rivals that of the Holy Church of the Axiom Church in the Human World.

In the main city, the dark knight captain Shaster led the boy and the young girl to walk up the stairs step by step. Although there are fifty floors above the forty-ninth floor, the stairs seem to be longer than the bottom. The dark stairs Even though there were no windows around, bursts of air-conditioning slowly drifted in from time to time, making the young man shiver uncontrollably.

The stairs finally came to the end, and there was a left and right double-opening door about ten meters long and wide like the devil's room, with no gaps at all, and a gray chain wrapped around it, tightly locked by a huge lock without a keyhole.

"Both of you, this is the place where it is said that Emperor Vector will come and lead us to conquer the human world when the Eastern Gate collapses, but it is just a legend. There is no place to pry this lock, even with a divine tool. Cut off, and the chain has the same priority as the lock." Shaster said to Crompiss and Kirito.

The two are here for a reason.

A few days ago, Adominus Doret ordered the Axiom Church to dispatch almost all of them, and about 2,000 units capable of flying—including all integrity knights with flying dragons and knight golems—soon arrived near the Eastern Gate.

In addition, since the end of the Rebellion of the Four Empires, the Unified Council has indeed deliberately expanded the army deployed here to prevent the invasion of the Dark Realm by a total of 4,000 people. Lost any two of the five tribes in the dark world.

This makes the Dark Realm nervous and excited at the same time. Although the Eastern Gate is difficult to pass, it is not completely impenetrable. If the Human Realm dares to attack with thousands of elites, destroying them as the defender is equivalent to invading the Human Realm in the future. It went smoothly.

Soon, without the emperor's unified command, they also began to make preparations with their own minds. This kind of place was not taken into account except for the place where everyone, as the surface of the dark world, usually gathers and holds meetings to talk about it.

Among the ten princes of the Dark Realm, only the Dark Knight Chief Shaster and the Chamber of Commerce President Lian Keir advocated peace. Taking advantage of this time, with their support, they brought here the actors selected by the Human Realm to perform the big drama. Of course, makeup was not forgotten.

Crohnpiss and Kirito here are the result of a compromise between Adominus Doret and Cardinal.

Adominus Doret, who has a strong desire for dominance, wants to work part-time as the "Dark Emperor" himself, but Cardinal disagrees, and under the premise of not wanting internal friction anyway, he made a countermeasure to lower the level of the team. Lawn Pease was pushed out, supervised by Kirito, who also had a relationship with Cardinal—it didn't feel like a more suitable configuration than this.

It seems a little unbalanced, and Adominus Doret also made a little concession—using [Material Transformation] to make "Melancholy Nocturne (dolefulnoe into an artifact that can be transformed into a wheel cannon after liberation" as a token of love "Give it to Kirito for use.

Anyway, a thing that will continuously take away her own authority when used is nothing more than a hot potato to her, and this can also eliminate a threat-she has observed Kirito for a long time and concluded that if he is better, once he returns There is a possibility of being hostile, and the power of its own mind will be greatly weakened by human feelings.

"It always feels like a boss room." Kirito said.

"Boss? It's true that this word in the dark language is more suitable to describe the position of the God of Darkness in our hearts." Shaster responded very seriously to the complaint.

"Your Excellency Shaster, do you still study the art of darkness?" Crohn Piss asked.

Shaster said: "Yes, regardless of whether we can learn it or not, we must at least get the means to understand our opponents. Our enemies are not only the holy warlocks and the most outstanding warlocks in the human world—the highest priest of the undead, but also the Dark Warlock Guild. If most people's material desires and hatred are bred by the long-term lack of material goods and wars, then the woman's greed, the head of the dark warlock, is probably no less greedy than your highest priest's desire for dominance. So..."

"But if you can't open this lock, you can't go on." He added, chanting the dark magic of the dark attribute to create a small soundproof area, and pulled out a bone sword from his waist.

He put on a slashing posture, and the purple sword skill light that covered the [Blade of Heart] wrapped the sword body, exuding the aura of turning into a solid body, the general tactics will fall down just by twisting it in.

"As expected of the man who beat Knight Commander Bercouli to the ground, isn't he?" Kirito exclaimed.



Shouting and violent impact sounded at the same time, UU Reading The target of the slash was not the lock but the chain with the same priority but at least the metal ring of the lock ring looked thinner.

There was an explosion-like roar. If there was no soundproof area, the guards or even cronies of other forces might have been attracted, and this dark attribute area was also facing collapse under the shock wave of a blow.

Crohnpiss silently threw out some dark elements to supplement the spell, increasing the strength of the spell several times.

Shasta showed a thankful look, and then he focused on one point in a seven-point combo, which was no less than the previous full-strength strike, hitting a lock ring of the chain one after another.

But after panting and finishing the slash, he found that there was only a shallow dent on the lock ring.

"Phew... the highest artifact of the knight order can't be cut off? The blade is all torn... there is no way to repair this sword, how can I explain to my subordinates, really." Shaster sighed.

"Eh? Are the weapons of your subordinates better than yours, Commander Knight?" Kirito asked curiously.

(to be continued)

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