Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 16 Chapter 228: Kiriko VS Virustila

The beam bombardment wielded by Kirito was like a huge sword that lifted the sky, hitting the bodies of the three giant dragons with one blow.鵈

A large amount of blood was sprayed in the air, and the three-headed giant dragon let out a low roar that endured the severe pain. A small number of peeled off limbs directly exhausted their destiny and became space resources and dissipated in the atmosphere.

The prototype of the three-headed dragon is Verustila, and the information obtained is the information obtained after clearing the level of Sao, so it has a system that can calculate part of its real strength, which is much stronger than Sao, even in terms of the superficial power and range of moves. Compete with the deity.

But there is a problem here, that is, "Doleful Nocturne (Doleful Noe is originally a special attack on dragons, and dragons are as if they have no defense in front of it. The system cannot recognize the difference between "dragon" and "dragon species".

Another problem is that the underworld has never had a pain-absorbing buffer device, so [Pain Invalid], a skill that Virustila learned not long after he got spiritual intelligence, cannot be recognized by the system here, resulting in never being used on a purely physical level. She felt a little flustered for a while after feeling the pain (the pain that Zhenvirustila once felt was the injury that touched the spirit and soul).

At the same time, Kirito, who turned into a meteor and fell to the ground due to the terrible recoil, raised his long black coat like a paraglider, and used the sacred magic to create a wind mass behind his back as a buffer, successfully landing safely.

The three-headed dragon also fell down, and before it touched the ground, it turned into a red short bathrobe with some Taisho maid accessories and stepped on the ground. It used the [humanization] method to offset the trouble caused by the incomplete repair of the limbs, and also I don't know if the opponent can launch that kind of huge attack in succession, so we must avoid the consideration of becoming a huge living target.

"It's actually that Virustila." Kirito recalled the tragedy of Yuuki being tricked into applauding that day.鵈

"[Yuanlong Bullet]." Virustila raised a nearly colorless energy ball with his hand, and it expanded rapidly, reaching a size comparable to her body size in less than a second.

Then, the group of people and the dragon who were swooping in behind were thrown out, and they clenched their fists and crushed the ground and rushed towards Kirito.

The moment Kirito raised his sword, Virustila's fist rushed to the blade.

"Wow!" It was Virustila, who was supposed to have a great advantage, who yelled out in pain.

Kirito's past year has not been for nothing. After all, if he wants to match the two highest priests, he can't deal with them with his own strength—at least he must have the ability to fight.

And he is also burdened with the burden of how to let his family and friends who are also treated as experimental products by the big countries and save the motherland in reality-if it weren't for the Sao incident, this is definitely not the responsibility of an ordinary middle school student.

In fact, Kirito's strength now is stronger than the so-called open state after awakening after half a year of soul self-destruction due to Eugeo's death in another time and space, and is already stronger than the three creation gods in the world definition. After all, waking up to grasp the rules of the world and the transformation in the sleeping state must have advantages.鵈

Now he is using his mind technique to integrate the characteristics of "Doleful Nocturne" into his whole body.

Virustila's state is just like when Veldora thought that his strength had greatly increased and he went to catch the sword of the brave Kronoa head-on, but he was injured and bled profusely.

In mid-air on the other side, Fei immediately cast [Mirror Wall], but failed to reflect successfully. The huge energy ball wrestled with the reflection barrier and collapsed in less than a second—no, it should be said that it can be praised after a full second. Faye is strong.

This period of time was enough for her to dodge the flight path of [Yuanlong Bullet], allowing the huge energy ball to shoot high into the sky without causing any damage to the human world.

"Isn't your dragon slaying ability a skill?" Verustila asked, shaking his hand that was bleeding profusely but was healing quickly with [Infinite Regeneration].

"you guess."

"No, after all, I should be able to easily eat the inherent skills given by the world." Virustila has the ultimate ability [Star King], although in another world where all skills can create changes, it is very difficult. It is difficult to use, but it is very easy to use in a world where all kinds of skills have been set, known in advance, or can be known with permission.鵈

"Thank you very much for your kind basic reminder." Kirito put on a posture of combining the Norugia style and the Serurut style.

Although many mysteries are derived from inherent sword skills, some of them have been changed by the influence of the mind and are not close to the inherent skills after continuous inheritance and branching. He guessed from the conversation that Virustila here can absorb inherent skills, that is, he must use the skills he developed to form an opponent in battle.

"But at least I can confirm that I can't touch you anymore. It just so happens that the weapons my elders gave me are not yet proficient, so I can use you as a partner." Virus Tila clapped his hands, and the flames rose, and he pulled to both sides to change Bring out the Azure Dragon Saber that Velgrind gave her.

She kicked the ground again, dodging Kirito's shelling, and the blade rushed fiercely in succession.

The impact and vibration produced by the confrontation seemed to shatter even the light element, directly darkening the surrounding space.

"It's a bit...unbelievable that you, who haven't even been reborn as a mortal human being, can do this." Virustila subconsciously smiled.

"It's just that you are more familiar with the rules of this world and can make good use of them."

"Hee hee hee, can you change the nature of skills and magic by relying on pure willpower instead of using space resources and your own strength? Interesting, but if you don't beat me quickly, these will all be mine. First this—— "

When Kirito saw Virus Tila's high-speed rotating sword picking up and interrupting his [New Star Ascension] moment, he was about to switch his other hand to perform the joint sword skill immediately, UU reading www. saw Virus Tira holding the center of the long and narrow handle of the knife with one hand and pulling it behind him.

"Are you going to charge forward and slash horizontally—" He just made this judgment and was immediately slapped in the face.

The Qinglong Saber stabbed straight forward with a flash of light!

It is not easy to stab straight with a curved blade, but of course this is by no means a pure stab. The light on the blade turned into a beam of light and approached Kirito.

Forcibly twisting his body desperately, Kirito suddenly felt an omen of death the moment the light beam touched the clothing, and canceled the mental technique that controlled the clothing to increase defense and add flight functions.

"It's [Death Strike]! And it's not an ordinary [Death Strike]. Although an npc should not know mind skills, she may use a program with a similar effect to integrate her own abilities into it. If she comes into contact with my mind, It will cause damage to the spirit that generates the mind, even if the body is still alive, the spirit may die, which is equivalent to the effect of killing people like sao!" 鵈

The hem of the skirt that had changed back to its original shape was burnt open, and Kirito reassembled his posture while secretly thinking that he was not a real girl.

(to be continued)

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