Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 17 Chapter 63: Arche VS Clementine

"【Fuel Air Explosive】." With Arche's wand pointing at the Ling Temple, all the doors, windows and other openings of the Ling Temple shot out raging flames.

Soon, a navy-blue mass rolled out of the flame-breathing door.

"A fire-resistant cloak? The props are really well prepared. 【Magic Arrow [magicarrow]】!"

Arche fired golden light arrows one after another, hitting all of them. It felt effective, but it didn't seem to have brought any damage to the opponent that affected the action. The opponent stood up indifferently.


The woman in the cloak showed a twisted wry smile: "Oh, I thought the Wind Flower Sacred Book was the first thing I found after I left the empire. I didn't expect the people from the empire to arrive first? Long time no see, both of you. How did you find me?"

"The answer lies in you. You have meddled with the power of the devil, right? That's what exposed you."

"Really?" Clementine raised her cloak, revealing her body in bikini armor, pretending to look down. She remembered that those demons were sacrificed, and it would be impossible to detect them with magic.

If what Arche had prepared was really the magic of detecting and locating demons, then it would be impossible to find out. It was precisely because of the magic of divination and the fact that Clementine used demons as sacrifices to increase his power was unique in this area. It made her easy to spot.

But the moment she lifted the cloak, the weapon at her waist was also exposed, and Brian took a few steps forward, posing as if she was about to draw the knife.

Suddenly, Clementine grinned and said: "Hey, seeing a girl's body is such a reaction, do you like the one who can fencing each other? Or is the small one behind you more suitable for you? ah?"

Arche's eyebrows twitched.

"This kind of boring joke doesn't work for me, so how about we continue the last interrupted battle?"

"Okay, okay, but two against one isn't very fair. I'll add a helper who reverses this situation." Clementine pulled out one of the short cones and activated the stored magic [Create Undead] dead]].

A large number of skeletons crawled out of the cemetery. Although many skeletons would become undead for workers and peasants, there are also many skeletons that have not been transformed into natural undead and have not been used by necromancers.

"How is it possible that one person can create so many skeletons at one time?!" Arche was very surprised, but it was only at the level of heightened vigilance, the level of skeletons was more or less—

"Clang clang!" A flash of bright knife light flashed under the moonlight, and Bryan instantly chopped into pieces the nearby skeleton.

But the change didn't end, and the other skeletons quickly fell apart and flew up together with the chopped up skeletons, forming a huge dragon shape.

"Indeed, your ability is very good, but it doesn't seem to have a direct effect on the props. Too much reliance on outstanding talents will suffer a lot." Clementine joked.

"You don't need to talk about this kind of thing!" Arche was surprised that how could Clementine have a way to possess such a high-level magic weapon.

However, in fact, apart from the advantages of being immune to magic, flying, and volume and weight below the sixth rank, the bone dragon actually has a comprehensive level of less than 30. Combined with Clementine's improved strength and the special ability obtained by sacrificing demons It is not a big problem to strengthen the magic stored in the short cone for a short period of time.

Quite a few bones, then a second, and a third!

"Bone Dragon?!" Bryan immediately raised his knife, trying to hold back the huge paw of the bone dragon.

"Angelaus, hurry up and kill that guy to save me!" Knowing that her magic attack was ineffective against the bone dragon, Arche immediately launched [fly] to fly back.

As expected, Clementine locked on to her and came after her, even with [fly], she couldn't get rid of it.

Of course Clementine couldn't fly, but when Arche was trying to get out of the fighter's attack range, she shouted: "Hehehehe, correct opponent configuration, but don't run away into the air, or I will I can dodge your magic bombardment while attacking Brian Anglos' back."


Arche maintained a posture of accelerating at low altitude, and immediately summoned [shield wall] with multiple sceptres to surround Clementine layer by layer.

But it was quickly disintegrated by all the piercings. It was obviously only a short stabbing weapon suitable for killing the vitals with one blow. Even if it was made of Mithril or above materials, the power was too amazing.

"哐!" There was a loud sound, this was the sound of the knife cutting on the bone and killing it, and Bryan's counterattack had already begun.

As Arche flew and continued to retreat at high speed, she kept hindering Clementine's movements with the [shield wall] stored in the short staff, and took out things from the small interspatial bag with all her strength and threw them out.

Smoke bombs, flash bombs, glue that sticks to the soles of the feet, oil that is slippery and easy to fall on, and can be ignited by sparks, etc., all kinds of black work criminals have all kinds of sharp weapons.

But none of this can stop the distance between the two from rapidly shortening.

"Hee hee hee, I don't even need martial arts to deal with you." Clementine swung up to Arche, grabbed her wand with one hand, pulled out the wand that was thrown far away in an instant, and pulled out another short wand with the other hand. With a smooth stab, the awl sank into her shoulder.

"Beep, beep!" The electric arc twined and flickered around Arche's body.

Clementine immediately felt something was wrong.

It's magic [proteergythunder], some of the performance of Clementine's short cones have been demonstrated, this buff is prepared in advance, Arche knows that Clementine's multiple short cones may still have some As for the magic of other attributes, since the thunder attribute has a paralyzing effect, Arche thinks that the best choice for at least the first strike is the thunder attribute. Facts proved that her judgment was But Clementine quickly pulled out the short awl, and a burst of rapid stabs made Arche bleed instantly.

Immediately, he drew out another short awl and pierced it in, triggering the magic 【mental control [mentaltrol]】.

She is not interested in the help Arche can give her, she just considers multiple hostages and multiple insurances, and there is one kind of attack magic that has not been shown in front of these people, which is reserved for those who can resist [mental control] Brian Unglaus is better.

But this is completely ineffective. Considering the strength of the hunted target and the possible demon attributes, the superiors gave the guardian spirit magic items as a matter of course. The magic that Clementine is able to obtain is comparable to the protection that the Ministry of Magic of the Bajas Empire can give. Coupled with the stimulation of pain all over the body, the effect of spiritual magic is completely offset.

"[Slander heals [middleds]]." x3

Arche endured the severe pain and continuously activated the magic stored in a healing scepter—this scepter was exhausted.

(to be continued)

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