Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 17 Chapter 89: Execution of the rebel Albedo

Pandora Zackett put on a very exaggerated gesture as if performing an opera on stage, and said to Albedo in a singing tone: "I became my creator and came here in the form of my father, but What are you waiting for? Violence and killing? Everything here belongs to the Supreme Being, and the person at the center of the Supreme Being is my father. After my father left, no one thought of looking for me, the prince. I want to ask you on behalf of my father, what is your intention to become the general manager of the entire Nazarick when you were originally the manager of the floor guardians? Was it arranged by your creator, Master Cuiyulu?"

Albedo's expression twisted all of a sudden, her mouth opened wide like a gorilla growling: "I hate them who abandoned us, and want to kill them. This is exactly the personality that Master Cuiyulu bestowed on me, since So, what's wrong with me thinking like this, and then doing this?"

"Oh, so that's the case, oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, what a pity. With your ability, Albedo, my lord father will definitely value you very much."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Albedo was fully armed at once, and the heavy black armor replaced the snow-white dress. It was obvious that her whole body was airtight except for the eye holes, but the madness leaking out of it was still as strong as if it was about to materialize.

"Lubedo, come on!" she shouted.

Pandora Zackett immediately turned into Takimi's appearance, dodging Lubedo's attack.

"Even if you become Master Takimi, you will never be our opponent!"

"Huha, super dangerous?"

Pandora Zackett turned into Taqimi for no other reason. Even if he couldn't win, it was much easier to resist and retreat because of his physical ability to become a world champion.

"Eat! Eat me [Dimensional Slash [worldbreak]]!"

He immediately resorted to his big move, and beat Albedo and Lubedo to the ground with his sword. This is not a move that can be fired in succession, but his purpose is not to defeat these people immediately.

Slightly closing the gap between them, Pandora Zackett ran deeper into the treasure hall, and after passing through two areas, he was about to reach the place where he had to hold the "Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown" to pass through the gate.

While chasing after her, Albedo suddenly noticed that the number of times she used the skills equipped had decreased.

She assumes the role of a tank with strong defense, but she has a variety of attack attributes. It is still difficult to be a defensive role with a high defense alone. Some racial weaknesses cannot be easily corrected. This aspect can only be supplemented by equipment.

For example [Poison Nullification], although it is a passive skill, but because it is able to resist all poisons, as a price for balance, the running time after each automatic activation is very limited, and the number of times of use per day is not much, and it was immediately reduced by one just now. .

Although Albedo ordered other subordinates to move the gold coins outside the treasure hall, she didn't know the details of the depths, because she didn't have the authority to enter, and it would take quite a lot of variables to overcome the psychological barrier bound in the character set.

"Thinking to beat us down with such a boring trap, stupid!" She easily crossed this hurdle with Pandora Zackett's "betrayal".

Pandora Zackett had already run to the door that was completely covered in black shadows leading to the real treasure house.

He stopped, turned back into Ainz's appearance, and raised his bony hand wearing the ring and said in a loud voice: "Ainz Ooal Gown is full of glory—so, you monopolize the glory of the whole world, and all darkness will be far away from you!"

The black shadow shrank into a small ball, flew to the depths of the passage that appeared, and opened the door.

In the waiting time, Lubedo had already rushed over the "garbage-strewn" mountains of gold and silver, and grabbed Pandora Zackett's raised arm.

"Cut!" Pandora Zackett casually pulled an ax from the "garbage dump" next to it, chopped off the captured arm with one axe, and ran into the passageway of the treasure house.

"He actually cut off his own arm? Hmph, it's very self-aware to know that you can't stop Lubedo." Albedo followed up and said.

"Hehe," Nigreide came over with a gruff laugh and said, "My sisters, unlike Pandora Zackett, who was originally the guardian of the treasury domain, even the Supreme We all have to use this ring, that is, if we want to chase, only one of us can catch up, and my magic can't work inside, this is obviously a trap, what should we do, my lord?"

"Hmph, let me go in." Albedo took off her equipment and said, "Double phantom can only replicate 80% of its strength, so that guy in one-on-one is not my opponent. If there are other high-level battles that I don't know Power... No, since it is possible to collect treasures that the Supremes cherish, there must be considerable guards. No matter who enters, they will not be able to stand up to the siege, and the siege will inevitably fail. , Capture the Theocracy and you will get a stable source of funds, just remember to resurrect me, the most important thing now is to confirm what is inside."

Not long after Albedo entered, there was a burst of fierce battle sounds of gold and iron colliding, and soon calmed down.

At the same time, Lubedo also became silent like a statue.

"Alas..." Nigrede sighed, glanced at Lubedo who could only be activated under special conditions, knew that Albedo who activated her was dead, and walked back talking to ~I used to think that Spinner (Lubedo) was definitely not the kind of person that people could open their hearts to, and would definitely bring great disaster to Nazarick, but Albedo, you... I like Spinney My son, maybe you are the same kind of existence, isn't it... Is it because I am the only one who was asked to stay in the frozen prison in the past? What is the standard of betrayal? "

In fact, the main power system shows that apart from Shalltear, there are no named combat units marked in red.


Near the entrance of the spiritual temple, Pandora Zackett carefully retrieved the guild ring from the hand of Albedo's corpse, and then danced, expressing her admiration for the Supreme Being from the bottom of her heart.

To enter the treasury, you need to wear the "Ainz Ooal Gown's Ring", and you can continue to enter the spiritual temple where various artifacts are stored, you must take off the ring, otherwise the various Graemes and undead used to place the artifacts will be destroyed. The avatars would pick up the top artifacts that once belonged to the forty supreme beings and kill them collectively.

The supreme being who can think of such a trap—father, is simply too wise!

(to be continued)

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