Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 7 Chapter 62: Theft of Teddy Bear's Secrets

   The next day, Crown Pith and Meiyou did not retrieve the rank card.

  The reason makes Kraunpith sigh--it's a big man's problem. The Templar Church and the Magic Association are not a cooperative relationship. If the number of rank cards collected by the Magic Association is less than that of the Templar Church, conflicts will intensify, so -

   Now the Templar Church already holds four rank cards, so the remaining two rank cards that Kraunpith revealed have to be handed over to the Magic Association for recycling.

This made Klauen Pisce in a bad mood, so she just stayed in her bedroom that night and continued to write books and appraise props with Meiyou, instead of going to the mirror world and closing the door to the alien world that guarantees the survival of the sea monster, she would See how the Magic Association recycles!

   "But that big squid, what should I do?" asked Mei Yu Mei Yu who continued to appraise the props for Crow Enpis last night.

   "It won't be difficult for me to defeat it. That's it." Crown Pith said that he can clean up the mess, because the other party wants face, so it is the other party's responsibility if it messes up.

Miyu breathed a sigh of relief. If that kind of big monster might get out of control and wreak havoc in the world, then even if she has obeyed orders for the "graciousness of nurturing" and the "graciousness of giving opportunities" so far, she will also resist angrily. of.

   What Cronnpis didn't mention was that doing this kind of thing would make Fuyuki's ground veins more chaotic, so please ask the Tosaka family of the manager of Fuyuki to work harder.


   The morning after tomorrow, Suigunyuan Academy, Elementary School, Class every five years——

   "Illia took sick leave today?" Crown Pith looked at the empty seat diagonally in front of him with strange eyes.

   "I heard it was a cold and fever," said Mei Yu, who was sitting next to her.

   "How is it possible? It must have been bad last night."

   When I went to collect the rank card early this morning, I was crippled by Saber or the big sea monster, right? No matter how bad it is, it consumes too much and can't get up today.

   is definitely not a cold.

   The last Holy Grail War I also supplemented my knowledge. Artificial humans will never get sick from normal humans. If they are sick, it is only possible that there is a problem with the function of the artificial human itself.

   "Go to see Eliasfield, after school." Meiyou said suddenly.

   "Oh?" Clown Pisz showed an unexpected expression. Ming Meiyou has always taken the initiative to keep her distance from other classmates. What's wrong now?

Meiyou’s sense of distance makes one of Qili’s pleasure scripts not going well. He originally hoped that after Meiyou tasted the hope of being a mortal happiness, he would use the Holy Grail War to destroy everything that made Meiyou collapse, but Meiyou himself It seems that he is very clear about the possibility of his ending, and outsiders are indifferent.

   But what happened today?

   "Maybe it was my inaction that caused her to fall ill, so I should visit and ask about the battle last night by the way." Meiyou said.

"It doesn't matter if you don’t do anything with Miyu, after all, it’s an adult’s decision, hehehe." Crown Pith laughed clearly. The decision of the adults of the Magic Association should have been correct. Let the pupils get mixed in.

  Rin and Luvia love face so much, how could they report the wand themselves to the elementary school students?

   "It's not funny that Illiyas Phil is sick." Mei lobbyed.

   "I'm not laughing at her, I'm laughing at the so-called adult. However, Meiyou, there are conditions to visit." Kraunpisi had a prank idea in her heart, and her tone suddenly became serious.


"Don't forget that Meiyou, you took the initiative to use labor to repay Qili for adopting your'graciousness', right?" Crown Pith said with a smile, "Since it's your promise and awareness, do your own thing." Before, don't leave this behind."

   "Well, I won't forget." Meiyou nodded very surely.

   Elementary school ends very early. After school, Crown Pith and Meiyou partnered to bid farewell to other students and rushed to Dongmu Church.

   In the locker room, I changed back to the church attire with Meiyou, watching Meiyou walk towards the church hall, which must be kept tidy every day, holding the cleaning equipment. Crawnpies is planning to continue to "write books"——

  Who knows that Qili, who is always doing his job as a priest, has come.

   "Come to the backyard." Qili said, and went out.

   Qili's face doesn't seem very good.

   "Qere, what's wrong?" In the impression of Klauen Pith, there are certainly not many things that can move Qiere. If it is a negative situation, it must be something that is physically worse.

   is more than just a matter of mood.

   Coming to the yard, Kirei paced back and forth very rarely.

   Qili: "You, did you go to Russia when you should have gone to bed?"

  Crown Pith: "Ah, yes, I've been to many places—"

   Qili: "For example, a Russian military base?"

  Crown Pith: "Ah, ha—"

   She slapped her. In fact, Klauen Pith has visited the military bases of many countries. After all, she has eaten the sweetness of using modern weapons and buffs to crush the heroic army. [Gate] is a convenient magic that can be teleported as long as you know the location. Although there may be coordinate deviations when you go to places you haven't seen, Crawnpies's feet are not slow and don't care about the error of up to a few kilometers. .

   Kirei sighed really exhaustedly, turned her back, and said: "The military of various countries is not an organization that has nothing to do with magic. When a large-scale abnormal event occurs, they are willing to help us depending on the situation."

   "So?" Kraun Pith probably guessed the it discovered by military magic or church personnel that he sneaked in and fiddled with weapons?

   But it shouldn’t be serious, right? In fact, in order to sample the books extensively, she used teleportation magic to jump around the world, not only Russia, but also the United States, Europe, and China.

   is really only a little bit. If you go through all of them, Kraunpith won't have time.

Qili sighed again—Crown Pith saw Qili’s continuous sigh for the first time—seriously said: “The theft of light weapons and the illegal takeoff of F-16 fighter jets in service in a certain country and the uncontrollable crash. Having said that, this can be resolved by contacting a related arms dealer, but the latest T-90A tank and the 152mm smoothbore gun that has not been in service at the beginning of production have been stolen, but they can be alarmed. The country’s major cases. The local churches simply couldn’t deal with it. After finding the source, the phone calls continued from this morning. Even if I don’t understand these types of heavy weapons, I understand how much impact this incident has on the country’s top leaders. "

   If the stolen thing is really new, then it is really a big trouble. If the world-class prop "Two Realms Mandala" worn by Crown Pith's camouflage hair accessory on her head is gone, she will panic for a while. Understandable.

   Rather, it can be understood by judging human knowledge acquired at birth.

(to be continued)


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