Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 8 Chapter 153: Outlook after the avalanche

Although the things that compatriots of Kraunpith asked Anna for to Anna felt a little strange, a little suspicious, the sisters seemed to know something, but Anna knew that even if they knew something, they would still say nothing with the mentality of watching their sisters for fun. .

But it should be no problem. If it was the gesture of the monster Gorgon, there should be almost nothing in this world that could threaten Anna.

However, the reward is too difficult for the sisters to resist, and the same is true for Anna, that is, to restore Anna's appearance as a goddess.

The method is very simple. Since you know that you will be corroded and assimilated by using your own rank card, and there will be no side effects if you are corroded and assimilated by yourself in the past, then, give Anna the rank card of the goddess Rider Medusa. Can.

Originally, Anna had worried about whether becoming a goddess would make her figure bigger. In the aesthetics of the three Gorgon sisters and their followers (lo*ic*n), petiteness is king. Fortunately, she is playing against Aynz. After the assimilation of the spirit base of the monster Gorgon in order to strengthen its own combat power, Warth, even if it became a monster with its tail, snake hair, fangs, and scaly body, it was still petite, so it was dispelled. Worries.

The road is also very smooth. Anna needs to eat and rest. Sometimes she hides the dragon and takes care of Tanaka to enter the town. Now Anna gives her the appearance of an inferiority monster, and she has not received the strange eyes of ordinary residents, or in the alien race. In the world everywhere, Anna's monster appearance was not very surprising, which made Anna feel better in her heart.

But usually flying so high, most flying monsters dare not approach the dragon. The only objects that need to be guarded are the dragons of the same kind. Anna has asked in the passing cities that they can threaten that level of dragons. There should be only the Dragon King or the dragon that is regarded as the main **** by some religions.

I heard that there was a Hell Fairy and her companions who had successfully defeated a large number of countries and created a horrible horror of zombies. The Fairy’s image sounded like Crow En Pith.

Since Kraunpisi can get into a hard fight, then Anna thinks the **** two-headed dragon and she may have to go through a hard fight to deal with the dragon king. Fortunately, most of the dragon kings have not appeared outside.

However, Anna, who had been conscious of the possible fierce battle, felt a little bit like she was raising a child because of Tanaka's existence.

Now, Anna and Tanaka are falling sharply up and down towards the ground. Seeing that Tanaka is heavier and lighter, the resistance is greater and the distance is about to be pulled apart. Anna quickly stretched out her left hand, shot the chain from her sleeve, and tied it. Tanaka pulled upwards, trying to act as a buffer. Unfortunately, Anna did not learn physics well. For Anna who can't fly, Newton's laws are everywhere——

"Boom!" In the end, two big pits appeared on a snowy mountainside--

Their bodies hit the snow mountain.

"Wow, it hurts!" Tanaka got up and yelled, jumping towards the top of the snow-capped mountain like this.

"Hey, wait." Anna also quickly got up and ran up. She shouldn't lose faster than the running speed... For the first time, I felt that the snake's tail was such a hindrance!

However, there is no need to chase after such a trouble, and of course what follows is-an avalanche!

"Wow, it's the first time Tanaka has seen this. It's spectacular." Tanaka couldn't help but stop and watch, completely unaware of the disaster that followed.

Anna, who lacks geographical knowledge, doesn't know what to do. She only knows that facing the majestic power, she can only use stronger power to deal with it, so she unfolded her binoculars on her face and countless snake hairs, and the petrochemical rays radiated a wide range!

The avalanche was petrified in a large area, and then, the "slide" that turned into stone was pushed by the back waves and turned into a "landslide", burying Tanaka and Anna who were already close at hand.

The damage of the avalanche has also increased, on the importance of the combination of geography and magic.

After a while, two heads came out from the snow mixed with a lot of rocks. Geological disasters of this degree did not harm them at all.

"Oh, I hit my head, it hurts." Tanaka touched his head and said, even if he couldn't even see the skin trauma.

Anna also covered her face and hummed slightly. Although she was completely behind the monster, her scale coverage and skin strength increased a lot, but the hard scales did not cover the abdomen to the head line and the roots of the limbs and joints. It's covered with scales, it's like a tortoise, it's even difficult to move around.

"It's all because you suddenly turned the snow into stone. Think about the consequences before doing it right?" Tanaka blamed.

"I don't want to be suddenly jumped from a kilometer altitude and suddenly started, say...Huh?" Anna was a little uncomfortable with Tanaka who suddenly looked serious.

Could it be that because of the kilometer free fall and avalanche, she smashed her head and restored her memory?

"Well, Tanaka, what are your plans after eliminating Einzworth?" Anna asked curiously.

Anna had been summoned by Kraunpith that she knew that she holding the sickle that killed her was to assist the Lord's existence in making the Holy Grail War to be broken, but for various reasons, she was actually affected by the flesh, but it was obviously blackened. I didn't feel strange to live until now, because there was an older sister who had nothing to do to find things to do so that she had the motivation to continue living, what about Tanaka? She is like an existence that was born in the world just to destroy Einzworth. Tanaka's memory and abilities are too directional, which makes Anna feel like this.

So, what does Tanaka want to do after achieving his goal?

"..." Tanaka made an incredible expression with his eyes staring like a frog.

"……What's wrong?"

"Never thought about it at all."

"...Really." At the end, Anna couldn't hold back any other words.

However, Tanaka immediately threw the loss to the back of his, filled with enthusiasm, raised his right hand and clenched his fist: "Actually, I faintly felt that I should have disappeared afterwards, but, thanks to this Only with the right hand that Pith has shook, I feel alive."

"..." Anna said in her heart that she didn't understand at all.

In fact, Kraunpisi had not given up the ownership of Tanaka's right arm, the treasure of the sword of flame, and it turned out to be one of the treasures that Tanaka himself had seized for Kraunpisi. It's okay at ordinary times, but not in the Moon World. Once Tanaka wants to use his power, Crown Pith's MP will decrease like flowing water.

"Anyway, sit on the flying dragon and search for the secret soup all over the world!" Tanaka raised his arms and shouted.

"...Is there such a purpose for this trip?"

"The purpose is to be the best in the world!" Tanaka shouted even louder.

Then, Anna and Tanaka were buried by a new round of avalanche.

After a while, the **** two-headed dragon descended, and after the two of them pulled out, they boarded again and left the snow-capped mountain.

(to be continued)

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