Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 8 Chapter 162: Death is the end of all life!

Kraunpith: "... Then, as expected, Ainz Ul Christine, right."

Sunny: "Pith's memory in this respect is a personal experience, it's impossible to admit it wrong."

Kraunpith: "...why?"

Star: "It doesn't matter what the reason is. What's important is that it might be better for us to escape here."

Kraunpith: "Why!" She thinks this is a good opportunity, and it is just right to send out a few more combat powers to kill!

Star: "Calm down, if it's just a solo player, I don't mind killing it, but don't you think it is like this now: there are flying squirrels, but it can contain the Ainz Ur Christine Guild residence that will appear in the future-Na Salick’s tomb."

Ainz Ur Christine’s NPCs in this guild are a bunch of extremely vicious people. Although they have something in common with Kraunpith and others in regard to humans as inferior creatures, those monsters will easily regard humans as humans. Garbage disposal does not even qualify as a slave.

In the original work, thanks to the human remains in the bones of the King of Bone, as well as constantly fighting against other player forces, indigenous strong... middle.

Star: "Furthermore, if Mordred is rebellious and blackened, he will also have the heroic spirit of the Knight King's dream, which can influence the thinking of flying squirrel. With Mordred's character, even if they convene some natives, they still see it. It’s good for the “strong” who is eye-catching to join the team and go on a safe travel expedition, ha ha ha.”

Luna: "What about the Naz-Ul-Christian Guild itself? Does Star think that he can count on Flying Squirrel to oppose the Great Tomb of Nazarick for his current companion?"

Star: "Hehe, don’t worry, Ainz Ur Gong has only been in relationship with Flying Squirrel for many years? But now, it’s more than a hundred years since Ainz Ur Gong’s tomb of Nazarick appeared. After so long, the new bond has long been stabilized, and it’s not surprising to forget that big tomb."

Luna: "Can the spirit of the undead be analogous? It's a bit of a gamble."

Star: "But this is a big gamble to win. It is true that Flying Squirrel has a feeling for Ainz Ur Christine that is the same as the second life, but that is the feeling that he only has as a human. It has been integrated into this world. Will the flying squirrel endure the aliens that ruin the world at will?"

Kraunpith: "Well, if it is a righteous flying squirrel companion like Taqmi, maybe he will clean up Ainz Ur Gong, at least Shatia Bradfren, Albedo and Dimiugos feel like they are going to die. I know...just bear it."

Besides, the flying squirrel here has never done anything unfavorable to him. Is it a bit unreasonable to hate him here?

However, watching the guy who killed himself once was alive and kicking, it really hurts, and Kraun's teeth tickled.


"Is that so." Flying Squirrel looked at Mordred's back, he thought, no matter how careful you are in this world, sooner or later you will have to face objects who may not win, but will definitely fight each other, right? When he came to this world, he took advantage of his unfamiliarity with the world's rules and the gap in the number of people who killed him twice.

Flying Squirrel decided to use all his strength to wipe out this group of enemies who had become enemies.

Of course, to prevent anyone from jumping out to avenge these subjects after it is possible, the flying squirrel will not use many tricks, and will use methods that allow the possible avengers to gather intelligence and think that the flying squirrel has used all its strength.

"It's over there!" Anna was shocked, and immediately wanted to pull away to chase the flying squirrel.

"Your opponent is me!" Mordred clung to her, and she noticed that the flying squirrel was flying away, and she understood that it wasn't an escape-that was the direction where the explosion happened in the first place.

Flying squirrel crossed the hillside and came near the creek. From a distance, he saw the beautiful body wrapped in pitch-black smoke nearly a hundred meters away. I can't see the outline clearly, but I can understand only the appearance of Lenovo Anna's reaction.

"What, I can't move anymore. It's okay, it's not beyond expectation." A huge quartz clock appeared behind the flying squirrel, "Skills, [Death is the end of all life [Thegoalofalllifeisdeath]]."

The skill of the profession "Eclipse Lv5", only the ruler of the dead who truly exhausts death can become this profession, a skill that consumes all lives like a solar eclipse and has a cooling time of 100 hours.

The hands on the clock behind it are turning "tick tick", passing a number every second.

"Mordred, retreat to a hundred meters away!" Flying Squirrel informed Mordred with [Message].

"Is it the big magic again, understand!" A red thunder broke out at Mordred's feet, leaving Anna. Now Mordred's armor has been shattered in half. If it were not intuitively surprising, she would not be able to hold on to it if she had taken off many attacks that could severely injure her at the expense of her armor being destroyed.

Anna couldn't see what the other party wanted to do, but she could only attack the flying squirrel. The clock made Anna feel really dangerous. I wonder if I can use the word danger to describe it, but I can only describe it like this without seeing the essence of release. .

"[Self Seal·Dark Temple [BreakerGon]]!" Regardless of the huge consumption of magic power, Anna released the third kind of treasure. This was originally used to seal the magic eye to prevent accidentally staring at the ability to petrify things that you don't want to petrify. Use it to others to shut the other's consciousness into Medusa's own spirit and hinder various abilities outside of the spirit system. launch.

I used it once in a battle with Beatrix, but the opponent forcibly broke free with a higher godhead. The skeleton in front of me should not be such a high-level god, but at least I must seal the clock——


Lost Anna rushed to the flying squirrel desperately, throwing a sickle, her eyes and the snake's head shot a beam of rays.

Flying squirrel hurriedly avoided the continuous burst of rays from Anna running towards avoiding the scythe that could spin under the control of the chain, he was hit three times and his movements were sluggish.

Just when Anna was only a few meters away from him, the sharp claws raised high, and the sickle that flew behind the flying squirrel and pulled back, formed a pinching force--

Twelve seconds have come, and the hands of the clock have turned a full circle and pointed to the sky again.

In an instant, the world is destroyed!

It is not a metaphor. Everything within a hundred-meter radius with a flying squirrel as the center is moving towards death. Not only life, but the land, vegetation, and streams have also turned into deserts. Even the lifeless air has fallen into death, and breathing is not allowed. Even if you encounter a resistant opponent, you can let the opponent pass away after a certain period of time.

There was no reason for Anna's new enchantment to continue to exist. She also felt that death began to erode herself, and she trembled in place.

Of course, Tanaka's curse magic that continued to consume HP was also "dead".

(to be continued)

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