Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 8 Chapter 166: Naruto World Raiders Group

Remember in one second【】

Under the bright moonlight, Sunny, Sunflower, and Larva looked up at the huge Guanyin statue in front of them that covered the sky and covered the moon.

"Although I felt that I might be able to do this at the beginning, I really did it. Sure enough, fairies like sunflowers are very interesting." Larva swept away his a little slumped face, clutching the clothes on his chest and said happily. .

Sunflower: "No, no, my magic, except for summoning monsters that are all sunflowers, the others are all the way that Pisi should walk before becoming a **** fairy."

Sonny: "But this is a really powerful guy. What will happen to this face-to-face confrontation with Pi Si?"

Sunflower: "Also, it's Piss, of course, who won. For such a big thing, with our magic level, maintaining it for a few minutes is the limit."

Sunny: "But Larva is really great, right?"

Larva: "No, no, Sunny is better in terms of frontal combat." Although the pride on her face has betrayed herself.

Sunny: "Lalva is too late to change a job now, he has broken through the 90th level and he can upgrade to a new job level without any cost. Let's go to Hokage and have fun with me!"

Larva: " time."

Sunny: "It's okay. It can definitely be done. You can definitely find someone who can be the general manager of Larva. In low-level biology, this kind of talent has been popularized and implemented compulsory education. There are still many empires."

It's not that the Dragon Kingdom doesn't want to imitate good policies. However, it has been baptized by a war that may destroy the country, and it will do its best to restore people's livelihood. It will not be delayed in a few decades, and there is no money to implement it.

Larva: "Well, absolutely, please come to the Fairy Temple. I have to ask for help in the future."

The fairies smiled and high-five each other.

As for the consequences of religious interference in politics, leave it behind for now.


A month later, in the morning, Titanya, near the wreckage of the sacred tree—

Sonny, Larva, Sunflower, Lingxian, Linghu, Granbell, Iglea, Angelia, Venkavoz, Alfin, are in a team. Kacino was among them, but stood a little far away.

Crown Pisz watched from a distance, and Star came with a water balloon in one hand and a pointer in the other, walking back and forth in front of the team.

"As for the power of the Naruto World, the basic part of the foundation, none of you hasn't mastered it yet, raise your hand if you haven't mastered it." Star waved his pointer to the demons and said.

"I didn't raise my hand, that's good. Because mp is the energy extracted from our spirit, mp can be shared with all kinds of spiritual energy we know so far. In this regard, the "yggdrasil" game character is very convenient, even if it is substituted into other worlds. Characters can also use mp, so,"

Staton paused, then raised his voice--

"Therefore, although it is asking you to go to the Naruto world, don't get close to those ninjas. Our tactics are not suitable for the ninja profession, I believe you will not understand it. Even if you become a ninja, you will get it in your professional level.' Ninja's, don’t follow the ninja’s practice method."

The ninjas of Naruto World are similar to the ninjas in the rules of yggdrasil. Ninjas use chakras (mp) to use various ninjas, some of which are simple and practical, such as replacing positions with other objects to avoid attacks, which confuses opponents’ vision. The basics of, but also have the same attack magic like escape or blood succession limit, etc., powerful ninjas can even make world-destroying attacks; and the equivalent of assassins and thieves professional forms of physical arts; and similar to the spirit system. Magical illusion.

The strengths of ninjas are physique, ninjutsu, and illusion. These fairies and plant monsters can learn to exercise, but there are also things that cannot be done due to race relations. The important weakness of the human body structure, etc.

No matter how powerful the ninja’s abilities, all kinds of bells and whistles are mostly just for the cover and preparation of the opponent’s vitals. At the same time, they must do their best to avoid the opponent’s attack, accidentally hitting the knee with an arrow, and the combat power is greatly damaged. , The key is hit, the combat power is almost gone, and the hp may be directly cleared to zero if it is serious.

However, plant monsters are different from fairies. There are very few parts of their bodies that clearly damage their combat power. If they fight like a ninja, they will be dragged down, and it won't be good to bring them back as a habit. Although there will be a few exceptions, this must be stated to all fairies.

At this time, Granbell raised his hand: "Star, but the characters we may be substituted or reborn are all humans, right? What should I do?"

Star replied: "I will arrange for a strong presence as much as possible. Of course, I will not find a guy with swelling fighting power for the extra memory of Duro's extra memory and the soul of others. But the bloodline can be guaranteed. By the way, I won't give it to you. The main plot character, maybe there will be something like the will of the world, it is very dangerous, and the butterfly effect should be controlled as much as possible. Does Granbell understand?"

"Yes" Granbell put down his hand.

"That, what's our purpose?" Sunny asked. She was in charge of the highest level of sacred magic among the fairies and became a pope there. Her leveling up became a bottleneck again, and she wanted to change her mind.

Star said a word.

"Eh eh eh eh?!" Most of the fairies opened their mouths in surprise.

"But you don't need to be too nervous, you don't have to do much, you just stay alive in the early stage, and you can improve your ability to deal with various situations as much as possible before the inevitable battle of the ninja world." Star added.

Clown Pace's head also jumped, she

^0^Remember in one second【】

I’ve heard it afterwards, so I’m not surprised, but that kind of thing is really a bit...success is good, it just feels like a low probability event, but there are so many capable compatriots who should--

"Pith, although you don't need to participate in the, you will definitely be prepared for the direct crossing method, and the final finishing touch will be left to you." Star turned back.

"Huh?" Kraun Pith pointed to herself blankly.

"Yes, only you will not be beaten to death by the power of the sacred tree?"

The fairies have seen the food and power of the remains of the sacred tree, which is indeed dangerous.

"... Then you will call me again." Think about the reasonable Kraun Pess not continuing to refute. Anyway, starting from the time Kakashi killed Lin a little later, it might take nearly twenty years. , And some are time.

"I also have a problem." Suzuhu raised his hand and asked, "The power of Suzusen and I are far from that of the ninja, but they are also the power of the Naruto world. I feel that the ninja basics I learned this month are not as good as our original fighting style. Strong, what's the point of doing this kind of practice?"

"Yes, that's what you need to do next." Star raised the water balloon in her other hand and injected the magic of spinning...

(to be continued)

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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