Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 97: The True Story of Itachi·Chaos

He summoned a bottle full of dark red viscous liquid from the scroll, and just tried to face Shanglin's mouth——


   "Boom!" Lin directly bite the bottle together, and bite it all the way, until Lin ate the bottle full of dead blood, and then bit it on Kakashi's hand holding the bottle!




"...Woo, Kaka, West? Me, I..." Seeing that she was sucking Kakashi's blood, Lin, who had recovered, reflexively let go of her mouth, and reached out her hand to show Kakashi. Medical ninjutsu.


   Kakashi remembered Lin, who was like a ghost just now, and shrank back a few centimeters subconsciously, and these few centimeters also made Lin stiff as if she had been electrocuted.


   "Yes, I'm sorry. But, I must be treated as soon as possible, Kakashi, if my'toxic' saliva gets mixed in, it will get infected." Lin said.


"Well, I know. I'll leave it to you, Lynn, at this time to sort out what happened." Kakashi sighed to calm himself, wiped off the blood, and stretched out his bitten hand. .


   Now no one can support Lin except him. Originally, Lin's condition, at least the long-term confinement is the most gentle way of handling it.


   Suddenly, a red light beam hits from top to bottom. The two of them couldn't react, and Lin was hit on the forehead.


   "Lin!" Kakashi yelled, and he drew his sword and looked in the direction of the red light, only to see a white-haired man floating in the air, and then disappeared like a phantom.


   "Who?!" Kakashi secretly said that this is a confined space he made with soil escape, is it a person who knows space ninjutsu.


   "Kakashi...I'm okay." Lynn covered her forehead for a while and said, "I'd better treat Kakashi first."




   "Don't be stunned, stretch your hand over!"


Lin suddenly became tough, making Kakashi a hunch that the moment just now might be quite bad, but she still stretched out her hand well, the other party is out of sight, and if the other party does not take the initiative to attack, they can't deal with it. Today Konoha has been invaded one after another. What do you think of Konoha?




   It didn't take long for Itachi and Guiyu to leave Konoha Village to go to other towns, when Guiyu threw Linghu on the ground.


   "Hey, you woke up a long time ago, you can go by yourself."


   "Oh, I know." When Ling Hu was treated like this by humans, she got up and patted the dust on her body unhappily.


   "Ghost, I leave the instructions to you." Itachi said, "I need to take a break first."


Just now [Monthly Reading], [Monthly Reading], and [Amaterasu] have been sent like this, and Itachi's eyes are connected to the head and it is painful. Simple pain or chakra consumption, Itachi can endure it, but this has led to a battle with sunflowers. The internal injuries caused were also reopened. Tiredness and dizziness continued to erode Itachi's spirit. Thanks to the perseverance and endurance trained as a ninja, he was able to walk such a long way.


   Itachi, who opened the room and entered the room, fell directly on the bed after taking the medicine.


   Itachi's nerves tense, "Akatsuki" is not a friendly organization, most of them kill each other at will. Itachi's combat power is indeed useful to Akatsuki. Akatsuki doesn't care about membership. Maybe there are other purposes, otherwise Itachi would not be able to join the organization. However, Guiyu seems to be a member very close to the core. How would it be judged in this situation? Once he has fallen to such a degree, once his use value as a combat force is also lost......


   Itachi is a little bit self-deprecating, did he have such a moment of weakness? No, didn't his arrogance be knocked out as early as the night of the genocide?


   "Mr. Itachi, are you okay? I bought medicated tea nearby to relieve headaches caused by overburden. Maybe it will help you." Gui Hao said through the door.


   "...Thank you, I won't use it for now."


   "Then, what about medical ninjutsu? The little girl who came for this mission said that she can medical ninjutsu."


"No, I didn't get hurt. It's just careless. I didn't expect [Monthly Reading] to have no effect on Rin Nohara. It seems that she doesn't care about any form of pain. The vitals of her body are unknown, and it can be used to change her injuries. Fighting at will, she is a three-tailed man Zhuli, which means that there will be a mobile phone meeting, and you must pay attention next time."


   "Really, I see, Mr. Itachi take a good rest."


   After confirming safety, Itachi's nerves finally crossed and he fell into a deep sleep.


   During the time he was sleeping, the entire Ninja World was shaken...




  Kinoha Village, Hokage Office——


   "Are you true?" The third generation of Naruto Sarutobi sternly looked at Lin who was reporting the situation alone.


   "Yes, it feels like I have an impression," Lin said, "I am controlled by the man's curse. Once activated, I will act according to his orders. Although I may be able to resist, I don't know how long I can resist."


   Rizhan turned and looked at the gloomy sky outside the window, his thoughts went back to the past, and through the description, he thought it must be that person. Hei Liuhu, but a friend of his disciple, if he hadn't studied the kind of inhumane forbidden techniques that would definitely cause disputes and destroy peace, it would also be Oshemaru. Why do you have to do those things?


The three generations of Naruto have amazing talents, and they are the strongest in the middle age. His disciple Jilai is also favored by the Miaomu Mountain Toad and is qualified to practice celestial arts. Tsunade also has the pedigree of the Senju Clan Chatonra; therefore, it is difficult. Understand the thoughts of people who are born to be unable to get all of this.


  Mingming, they, at first, just wanted to try hard not to fall and keep up with the pace of the strongest.


"So, three generations of Hokage-sama, please use that technique on me." Lin asked for instructions. That refers to the curse seal that can activate her own abilities even if controlled by an opponent and fight to death. It is a curse that treats people as people. The technique of throwing a one-time bomb into the enemy's formation.


   "Is this your enlightenment?"




   "What about Kakashi? Konoha is not completely peaceful I still need his power, Lynn, do you know how much he values ​​you?"


"Three generations of Hokage-sama, I didn't plan to die." Lin said, she felt that she only needed to set the three tails to explode on the spot. Her body is already dead, even if the tail beast is removed, can it be that the dead body can be Die once?


   Rizan said: "No, the danger of that person is still uncertain. I will send a team to investigate first. Fan..."


   Before he finished speaking, he was stunned, because a three-dimensional image of a white-haired man appeared in the sky, and it was Konoha's humble call.


   "Why?" Ri Zhan frowned.


The voice of Hiryuu resounded through the sky: "I am Konoha Ninja, Hiryuu. Through [Ghost Shoot Luo], I have put the blood of the four ninja villages into my bag, and after obtaining the fifth one of the blood At that time, I will be invincible in the world and become a perfect ninja with an immortal body. I will use this power to launch the fourth Ninja World War and then dominate everything."


(to be continued)

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