Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 108: Hokage 5th: Shimura 团藏!

Konoha Village, Hokage Office——


   Tuan Zang sat in the seat where Rizhan had sat twice not long ago, watching the Hokage directly under Anbe. Although Gen Anbe was almost completely wiped out by "Uchiha Tsukiku", and the rest was dissolved and incorporated by Rizen, but because of this, Danzo's takeover was a lot smoother.


"The ninja's secret lies in acting behind the scenes and giving silently in the dark. But the people behind the scenes sometimes need to be on the stage. Now, it is time for me to come forward. I hope that you will be as loyal to the village as you did to the previous generations of Naruto. Be loyal to me."


   "Yes!" xn


   "Kakashi, Tenzo, Kaze, and Toruni stay, and the others disband."


   "Yes." xn


   The others left, leaving only four people.


Danzo first said to Kakashi: "Kakashi, I think that based on your situation, it is no longer suitable for Anbu. In the final analysis, the reason why you joined Anbu in the first place is only that the fourth generation of Hokage hopes that you will try to lose it. Liberated from the grief of your companions. Kakashi, you are a role model for the village regardless of your family background or personally. From now on, you will lead the team to Shinobu and be responsible for the cultivation of Konoha's new generation of talents."


   "I see." Kakashi's expression became a little lazy.


Danzo seems to make a lot of sense. Kakashi knew from the beginning that he, as Anbu, could overcome some personal emotions to complete the necessary tasks, but from the Anbu perspective, his mentality is indeed not very good. He has seen enemies in the past. The situation where the village ninja "accidentally" killed a target that should have been captured alive.


However, Danzo had tried to win over Kakashi in the past, but Kakashi used actions to show that he was a member of the Japanese sect, and in the new Naruto candidate, he was more inclined to "Konoha Sannin (except Osaki Maru side, perhaps this The reason is that Danzo does not intend to use him by his side.


   "But," Kakashi asked, "Danzo-sama, Nalin's condition..."


   "Don't worry," Danzo said, "She is an important pillar of the village, even if it is to increase the village's deterrence, I will give her a chance to see the sun again in the future. Go down, go to the dark side to return the equipment."




   After Kakashi left, Danzo looked at the dead fisheye ninja he had "save" from the training tank.


   "A, now, your name is Tianzang."


   "Yes, if I can, I hope Danzo-sama can also call me by this name." Tianzang said.


   Danzo remembered that when he inspected the Mudun transplantation experiment, there was indeed a man named Tenzo in the roster of the experimental subjects, but it was not the person in front of him, but the failed product of the cultivation tank opposite him. Is it mourning or another reason? But as an identification code, it is not that important.


   "It's okay. Tenzo, in addition to continuing to practice wood escape and performing regular tasks, you will be given a long-term mission that lasts years and act on your own camera." Danzo gave Tianzo a scroll.


   "Yes, I'm going down to perform the task." Tianzang took the scroll and left.


   Danzo said to the last two: "You will be my escorts from now on, so you don’t have to wear masks when you go to the streets."


   The two took off their masks.


Feng and Toruni are one of the few Anbe ninjas that Danzo cultivated the "root" at the beginning. One is a ninja from the Yamanaka clan who makes good use of the [Heart Turning Technique]. The last time I fought with "Uchiha Tsuki Aoi", he was knocked back into a coma. Toluni is a kind of oil girl, and his ninjutsu is related to the tiny “bugs”—bacteria. Although he is a good hand, he wants to recover Uchiha’s eye bloodline material and the Danzo is worried about being contaminated. And let him stand by at the base, but also survived.


   "Come with me." Danzo stood up with crutches and walked outside the door.




  Kiye Village Street——


   Danzo led two guards on the bustling commercial street in the village. Danzo seldom went to the streets. He also wanted to feel that the changes in Konoha Village have really changed a bit over the years, regardless of the height of the building or the size of the village.


   Although the credit is not in him, as long as he takes over such a village, Konoha will definitely become stronger, at least he really thinks so now.


   The reason why Tuan Zang wanted to "shopping" was that he planned to "by the way" to go to various family residences to collect votes. Now he is only acting as Hokage. Whether he can become Hokage still needs to be voted. Show your face in front of the people to deepen your impression, and the image under the package is also very important. Danzo knows this very well--


   For example, the four generations of Hokage’s handsome image, the three generations of Hokage’s kind old man, the second generation of Hokage looks domineering, and the contrast of the first generation of Naruto’s strength and disdain for the world’s character but a bit funny adds to his intimacy.


   (Senjuzuma: I am not! I don’t! Don’t talk nonsense!)


   (Thousands of hands: Actually, my brother is really a second-hand.)


After    Danzo's visit, it was not very smooth. Because Danzang has been working in the dark, although he has done a lot of things, few people know...even if he is known, he will probably be cast aside. Everyone does not directly refute Danzang's face, and basically takes a wait-and-see attitude.


   Maybe I think it is more appropriate for three generations of Naruto disciples Jiraiya or Tsunade to inherit the position of Naruto. Although it seems to be a democratic election system, it is not a matter of family history and relationship? Only the first generation Naruto dominates the world, the second generation is the younger brother of the first generation, the third generation is the second generation apprentice, and the fourth generation is the third generation apprentice...Although Danzo is also the second generation apprentice, but after a generation, it will treat contemporary young people. It's unfamiliar.


   "Master Danzo, it's not very smooth." Feng said to Danzo on the way.


   "After turning from dark to light, there are a lot of relationships that need to be dealt with." Toruni added.


"The Ninja World is proud of the But only by controlling the light and dark can the village and the country be more stable and prosperous. Of course there are some difficulties in this. However, it is not without gain." Danzo Say.


   I confirmed that only Jiraiya and Tsunade can compete. Then it is stable. The two have their own psychological shadows and will never be Hokage.


   "As long as I solve the problems in Shayin Village, I will become famous and Hokage will be stable." He said.


Recently, there are important diplomatic matters negotiated with Shayin Village, because the Beiliuhu incident caused the two villages to lose their shadows. This is a major loss to Konoha. Compared to Konoha, the cradle of genius with abundant resources, the environment is only bad. Shayin Village, which can rely on a few high-end combat power, is even more troublesome. Under this circumstance, if Danzo promotes the two villages to continue their alliance and exerts pressure to increase a series of favorable terms............


  Kaze: "But, can it really be that simple? After all, Lord Three Daime didn't do it..."


   Danzo: "Do you think that the old man is a stubborn force and radical? The pressure Konoha can exert is not just military."


(to be continued)

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