Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 151: 2 Pillar still defected

Sasuke felt somewhat strange about Uchiha's extermination.

For Sasuke’s question, Danzo explained this way——

Yuekui is Dashewan's assistant. In order to destroy the family, Yuekui secretly stole a lot of forbidden techniques through the research of Dashewan. Only such a relationship. It was precisely because Yuekui used a forbidden technique that night that the research on Dashewan was exposed. In fact, many researches on Dashewan are beneficial to the village, but the third generation does not allow it. I am also very sorry about this. "Danzo's explanation is quite reasonable, and Sasuke can't say anything for a while.

Even if Sasuke asks something more, Danzo can finally use the three generations of Hokage in power to gag him that has nothing to do with him. Anyway, there is no proof.

At the end, Sasuke said: "Enough, what you said during the day is to hope that I will gain strength, then give it to me."

Have you figured it out? Sasuke. "Danzo smiled, stood up and turned serious, "No matter what the purpose of Oshemaru's study of forbidden art, even if he does have some connection with Konoha Village, he is obviously the village's betrayer, if you go If you find him, you will become a betrayal. Moreover, if the balance in Oshemaru's heart tilted to that side--in any case, Yuekui was once Oshemaru's assistant. "

It doesn't matter, staying in the village won't let me kill that person. And if Oshemaru still leans toward that person," Sasuke also smiled, "Naruto-sama, you won't tell me these things. If he had news or intelligence about that person, it would be even more desirable. "

Well, tonight you will leave for the Border Tower, and I will arrange the rest. After Danzo finished speaking, he sat down again and went to work.

Wait, you haven't told me what your purpose is. "Sasuke said with an inch.

Believe it or not," Danzo said, "have you met Zhuli from the village. Although I am disciplining her, you have seen her strength and style. Such wanton use of the power of the nine tails may lead to the danger of running away. I don’t want the bombs in the village to explode at any time. The original Uchiha clan’s power reaches its limit. You can control the tail beast, but as you can see, the rest of your clan has lost ambition. Although I considered relying on the sunshine of Naruto, who is a member of the same clan, to control it, but-you know? Need backup means. "

Humph. "Sasuke expressed disdain, Naruto is indeed sunny enough, but if this continues, isn't Naruto............

Sasuke was about to leave, but Danzo said without looking up: "Before you leave, don't meet with your classmates and family again. I don't need to say more about the reason."

Of course, Sasuke understands that on the one hand, his determination may be shaken, although he is not worried about this, but other clues may get in the way.

However, it is impossible to go far and not prepare well, at least you have to prepare for the A-level mission, and it is necessary to go home.

Where to go? "Alphan asked, leaning against the door, holding his chest.

Sasuke, who was ready to pack, suppressed his mood, and walked past Alfin without changing his face, only saying one word: "Special mission."

Watch me speak. "Alfin turned around and said.

No way, Sasuke turned his head and stared at Alfin’s eyes and said, “I said, it’s a mission. I can’t do the ninja’s sister and leave me alone. Thank you for taking care of me over the years. If you are in the mission, I will Take care of yourself."

Alphan was silent for a while, closed his eyes, and turned back to the room: "Go well. Be calm when you do anything, Sasuke. Don't be impulsive, don't fail because of impulse, and I have to pay you for the long time. Bill."

Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief and was a little confused. He always felt that his sister had seen something. She let herself go like this, making him feel like her sister was relieved after she had thrown off a certain burden. This was just right, so he didn't have to. What nostalgia for here.

He came to the entrance of Konoha Village, knocked out the hapless guard at the entrance of the village, and just walked a few meters out of the village——

Sasuke, where are you going to leave the village so late? "Kakashi stood more than ten meters outside the village entrance, seemingly yawning to talk to him, but Sasuke could still see that Kakashi was in a state of war.

Kakashi has been alive and has suffered enough blows, and his spirit has become like salted fish.

He really didn't want to believe that the village he and his father loved and dedicated would do something like that, but the death of his father and his mother made him emotionally want to believe that it was true. Because it was the people in the village who killed his father, and it was Uchiha's people who controlled Kyuubi and killed the master.

However, Kakashi is no longer the child of the year. Although he was agonized for a long time because of the shocking news of Sunflower, he felt that he could not find an excuse to escape the present when he looked at the increasingly prosperous village and the children. After being a salted fish for two days, he continued to play as Shangren, but in terms of village politics, he really could only salted fish.

Looking at Sasuke's appearance now, shouldn't it be the possibility of Uchiha's annihilation of the truth............

Sasuke said: "Teacher I am very grateful for your teaching and care for me, but my goal cannot be achieved in the village."

Fortunately, Kakashi secretly said that Sasuke didn't know, that the "truth", whether it was true or not, was really out of sight from the perspective of the village.

Kakashi suddenly shook one of his hands, and Sasuke was surprised to immediately open the writing wheel, only to realize that he was already firmly bound.

So fast! Kakashi, what are you doing! "

Otherwise, you can run away. I can't watch my lovely disciple go astray. "Kakashi said, "Sasuke, I live longer than you. I have seen a lot of avengers like you, and they have nothing to end. For revenge, even the things that instinct guarded are lost. Even if you take revenge, stay. There is nothing but emptiness. Think about it, don't you still have family and companions. "

Fortunately, Sasuke listened and gritted his teeth even more: "Stop using this tone! Didn't you stand in front of that person and let her take my people away! You have the ability to let me kill all your family and teammates? , Come and tell me these to try again!"

Kakashi's tone became more lazy: "Ah, you can do this, but...these people are already dead." Even Lin who came back was an active corpse, correct. .

Sasuke was speechless for a while.

Kakashi continued: "I can only be sure, you and I are very unlucky people, but don't we still have companions?"

Sasuke lowered his head to ponder for a few seconds, then raised his head and said, "Perhaps so, but..."

According to Danzo, Naruto must go further and further away from him in the future. Hinata's thoughts about Naruto are only invisible to Naruto's stunner. Regardless of his heart or strength, don't he want to leave him? It would be better to cut all this early and let him concentrate on revenge.

to be continued)()

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