Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 170: Pu-style retreats, peach-style resurrection!

Sasuke’s reincarnation eye has the ability of the space system. He caught the moment when Urashi reappeared, and raised his hand filled with blue and white thunder to lock it there: "[Thunder Dun·Chidori Gun]!"

The Pu style that reappeared, his shoulder was cut at once.

However, the red light fishing rod and fish basket, which should have been taken away by Anna and some secretly prying eyes respectively, returned to him.

"This enchantment is also a bit annoying, withdraw." Pu Shi felt that the enchantment would take away physical and mental power. Although it was not incapable of resisting, it would affect the concentration of the battle. He grabbed a group of grass-green chakras from the fish basket, threw it down, and suddenly turned into a large number of giant rhizomes, rushing toward everyone!

Taking advantage of this gap, Pu Shi opened a dark door of time and space, jumped in and disappeared.

Anna held the long-handled sickle in both hands and danced like a razor, turning her close rhizomes into wooden blocks, but she still couldn't match its growth rate.

On the other side, Sasuke is also exhausted, although his space-time ninjutsu is easy to use, but the cooling time is a bit long, not the cool ninjutsu that can be fired like [Flying Thunder God's Art].

Sonny's voice sounded around Anna: "It's really retreat and decisive. I just made two moves, right?"

Sunny has been using [Mirror World [irrororld]] to be invisible around her. When Anna couldn’t avoid the red light hook, she helped her with a shield, and also secretly took the Pu-style red light fish basket. It looks like a good thing.

Unexpectedly, those red-light weapons seemed to be bound equipment, or something that generated abilities. In short, they recovered the fish basket stolen by Sunny and the fishing rod robbed by Anna.

On the other side, Sasuke's unwilling voice sounded: "Damn! How can I explain to Naruto in this way!" He kept digging the rhizomes that had stopped growing wildly, and then hugged the **** blogger out of it.

"Damn it, **** it! I'm not breathing anymore, I'm telling you to step back, if you don't hurry up—"

Anna said softly: "Sanny, save him."

"Yes, it's not a difficult thing anyway, let's give it to you." Sunny lifted [irrororld] and appeared.

"Who!" Sasuke warned.

"The answer is this." Sunny tucked the tips of her hair, revealing her little pointed ears.

Sasuke said: "The people of your clan also have different ideas. You are trustworthy."

"Hey, I broke the Pu-style attack twice in the battle just now, and I didn't notice that I fell. By the way, I can tell you that my healing ability is far above Alfin." Sunny said with a smile on her chest.

Sasuke thought of Urashiki's reaction, and felt a little clear in his heart, so he gently laid Bo Ren on the ground.

Sunny came to Dubo, raised her hands and opened the magic circle: "[True Resurrectn]."

The blended light green brilliance enveloped Bo Ren, and the place where Bo Ren was squeezed by the wooden Dune quickly became intact, and his chest also showed ups and downs. But there was a vision——

"It hurts!" Bo Ren sat up like a catapult, covering his right arm with his left hand. An inconspicuous diamond-shaped pattern on the right hand quickly expanded and turned into a curse-like tattoo pattern, spreading upward along the arm!

"What is this? Hey, who is this suddenly appeared, stop!" The blogger didn't know that he had basically died once, thinking that the problem on his body was caused by Sunny, and shouted.

Sasuke frowned. He didn't know the principle of the resurrection magic. At this time, it is not impossible to stop the blogger from falling down again. Just as he wants to hurry up and ask questions before responding——

Sonny stepped on Bo Ren’s shoulder and stomped him to the ground. Then Anna kicked the root of Bo Ren’s abnormal arm. Anna’s foot was like a sharp claw. This foot He cut Bo Ren's arm straight and kicked it to a few meters away.

"Zheng!" Anna pointed the scythe at Sasuke, "Don't move it, repairing the arm is nothing but a blow to her, this arm is too abnormal, it's better to throw it away."

Sure enough, the bones and granulation rapidly grew from the section of Bo Ren's arm under the continuous casting of Sanny, and finally the muscles were covered with new skin. The only drawback was that the cut sleeves of the clothes could not come back.

Anna took the sickle, Sonny let go of her foot, put her hand down, and asked, "Is it all right?"

The blogger moved his right hand: "Well... I feel nothing unusual. What was it just now?"

Sasuke said solemnly: "Bo Ren, the mark on your right hand was left to you when he defeated the big-tube peach style."

"Ah, it looks like this, it seems to be a more dangerous thing." Bo Ren looked at the weird arm that was pulled out, and now that arm has been restored to its original shape, but he still made the Bo Ren feel that it was not himself, trying Embezzle your own things.

Sunny said: "In return for saving the blogger, can you share more information?"

It turns out that in the future, there will actually be three big barrel trees coming to this planet to replant the sacred tree and seize the chakras of the planet. They are peach, gold, and pu.

Jin Shi and Tao Shi were killed before Pu Shi decided to come to this time and space to capture the tail of the chakra characteristics of Bo Ren, his attack was quite similar to Tao Shi. With great restraint, Naruto gave him a lot of strength and gave him the final blow.

However, at the moment when Tao Shi was killed by the final blow, Tao Shi stopped time and said something inexplicable to the Bo Ren, to the effect that the Bo Ren's blood has an inescapable destiny and so on, and he will leave it to the Bo Ren in the moment before it disappears. Under the diamond-shaped mark. Sasuke knew it because his reincarnation eyes could see through time and space, but he could only see through, and couldn't stop Taoshi's behavior.

Sonny rolled her eyes, and the corner of her mouth twitched, and she happily said, "Isn't it interesting? There happens to be a one-armed corpse here. Let's see what that mark does."

With that, Sunny picked up the blogger’s broken arm. He understood that this arm was no longer considered the blogger’s sex. If it is, the arm should fly back to the blogger instead of the blogger while continuing to treat the blogger. Regeneration is right. Although the regenerating arm made Sunny spend a little extra p, it could satisfy her curiosity.

"Yes, this is part of collecting information, although I don't know if this information will be useful in the future." Sunny persuaded herself like this, pressing her arm on Danzo's body and launching the sixth-level organ transplant magic to connect it. , It doesn't matter whether you reject or reject it, the body shape is not symmetrical, it's just a test.

"[True Resurrectn]."

As Danzo's body became angry, the diamond-shaped imprint was activated again, turning into a tattoo, climbing up the body along his arms, and continued to spread, reaching his face, body, and half of his body.

Then, horns grew on his head! The facial features have also changed, becoming younger and whiter, even the hair that was still black is white!

"He is peach-style?! Stop!" Bo Ren suddenly shouted.

(to be continued)()

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