Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 172: Sky Spear

The border of the country of fire——

In a vast desert, there is a huge tiankeng with a regular circular shape, which is very large enough to accommodate several towns. In fact, this is a small country.

The environment in the tiankeng is incompatible with the surrounding desert, and inside is a vibrant environment with green trees and clear water, as if singing life alone. In fact, this is also the place where the raw materials for the culture fluid needed for the cloning of Dashewan and the organs of the tail beast are produced.

At the same time, it is said that the underground ruins in the center here have some kind of treasure and are called "Sanctuary" by the locals.

On this day, on the ground behind the ruins, a pair of huge purple flower buds grew, and one of the petals was full of sharp teeth, and a fairy spewed out from it.

"Huh... can't use space magic, it's good to use [Mayfly Art] to move quickly, but the smell in your'mouth' can easily attract flies, right?" Larva got up and raised his arms, sniffing, full of cannibalism Flower nectar arm.

"In terms of racial setting, we need to be pollinated by flies."

"Although we never bear fruit."

The twins said separately.

Larva looked around and said, "The coordinates are not great, right?"

"The interior of the ruins has a special texture."

"We can't infiltrate from the ground."

The twins replied.

The pair of antennae-like stamens on Larva's head trembled: "The guards are still patrolling far from here. Let's go in now."

The three goblins walked into the underground ruins. The inside was very clean, as if it were inside a huge empty can. There was a very high-tech object in the middle with the light of text shining on it.

Those with scientific and technological knowledge may think that this special-shaped touch-screen computer has seven two-thirds diameter holes on the top of the screen.

Larva came to the "touch screen computer" and whispered: "Since Flash and Kacino killed the guards of the local residents and took over the guards in Konoha Village, how many times have they fought in this place because of the so-called treasure? Woolen cloth?"

Flash: "Outsiders twice."

Hikari: "Including Konoha three times."

"Humans really like to do something stupid about these things. It's the best idea to take them secretly like this."

Larva took out some glass rods of varying lengths that the Twinkle Twins had handed over to her boss for safekeeping since the incident, and beat them, making a crisp sound of varying heights and syllables. If these rods Arranged in order of length, height, and length, it will surely become a good piano instrument.

She put the stick on the edge of the screen, then took out a book that the Twinkle Twins had grabbed and flipped over.

"The'spear of the sky' created by the ancient gods was deprived of power by the filthy people. The filthy people hated everything and tried to use that power to destroy the world. That power enveloped the entire world and pushed the world to the brink of destruction. Accidentally picked up fragments of'power', the dead turned into a person with crimson flames, and launched revenge on the filthy ones. After seven levels of fierce battle in purgatory, the person with crimson flames finally won the victory to protect the'power'. No longer taken away by other filthy people, the person with the crimson flame decomposed it into seven notes and sealed the'song'.

"This is what the former mayor of this place Desonas researched as an'archaeologist.' Desonas was once a colleague of Osnamaru and Sunflower, and he also improved on the [Reincarnation of Dirty Soil] and [Mu Dun: Reincarnation Art] After doing his best, because the killing was too obvious, the murderous demon who slaughtered thousands of people was chased and abandoned. As a result, he came to this place in search of treasure. However, he did not expect that his notoriety was enough to make him. People do not hesitate to hire "Akatsuki" to chase him to the end of the world. Otherwise, we will not be able to easily get this book that records all of his investigation results. Payne also doesn't know how to use it, obviously at that time he pulled the drawer in front of that person. You can see this when you open it."

Flash: "I don't recognize it when I see it."

Guang: "Knowledge is also scornful."

According to the order recorded in the book, Larva inserted seven sticks representing seven notes into the holes on the “touch-screen computer” one by one. The rhythm played by the sequence itself is the code. If it is wrong, the device cannot be activated again for a long time. It is a protective means to prevent repeated attempts to violently unblock. After all, the arrangement and combination of seven notes is not counted. Thousands, compared with the value of the "spear of the sky", the cost of repeating the tedious work thousands of times should not be too small.

The sequence was correct. As the sweet beats sounded one after another, the entire underground space "lived", shrouded in red light, the ground began to rise, and a small hatch in the center of the ceiling opened to see the sky.

The three goblins hurriedly walked directly under the small hatch, otherwise they would soon be crushed by the ceiling and floor.

The noise and vibration are getting louder and louder, not only the floor is rising, it seems that the entire remains are undergoing violent activities like Transformers transforming.

"The movement is so big."

"Will be noticed by outsiders."

The twins looked at the rising walls after entering the small hatch and said, as soon as possible. Larva continued to tap the "touch screen computer" screen with his finger, and followed the instructions in the book.

If you look from the outside, you will see a high tower covered with red mechanical textures rising from the ground, like a cannon barrel facing the sky, and then the lower outer wall opens, revealing the red light inner wall, and starts to rotate around. The ground began to collapse on a large scale.

"The last step, press it again, and the power of the'Sky Spear' will be activated. Call everyone." Larva smiled and said, "I thought I should do this from the beginning, without any interruption. If the factor is there, everyone can gain strength peacefully and harmoniously together."

"Yes, no one will get in the way."

Larva raised his hand and took a deep breath. The red and blue two-color **** that were extremely small, as small as stars, floated and concentrated on the top, rotated, and converged toward the center of the vortex, and gradually a huge cyanotic sphere appeared.

"How about the tail beast meatballs fused with pollen attributes."

The sphere rose along the "barrel", separated from the "spear of the sky", and then exploded.

It turned into dots and dots again but kept the cyan energy bombs like celestials scattered flowers to the surrounding surface that was on the verge of collapse due to the "crustal change".

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom..."

Just like the continuous bombardment of cluster bombs, the shaky ground collapsed one after another, forming a grand canyon that even ninjas could hardly cross. This gorge was not made by Larva, but the underground was emptied by the deformation of the "spear of the sky". What Larva did was to pierce the thin surface.

With the sky above the high tower as the center, dark clouds press on the top, lightning and thunder, as if the end of the world is coming.

This is inevitably noticeable.

(to be continued)()

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