Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 193: Farewell to the future

Otsuki's journey through this era to the incident that endangered the strength of the Kyuubi people seemed to have come to an end.

Of course, Konoha Ninja didn't find anything, but there were a lot of traces of the battle, and the news that the white duo was crusted by the mercenary group in the ninja soon came to an end. Without much information, the truth became clear until the Datongmu clan officially appeared on this planet a long time later, but that was something to be said.

At the end of the night on the day of the event, among those related to Sasuke, only Sunflower, who moved relatively freely, went to see them off as Sasuke's righteous sister.

She first said to Shigaraki Jin: "I'm not polite to accept your little toys."

"It's just a toy?" Jin, as a scientific ninja researcher, was stunned by the fact that those things that were hurriedly brought but that should have good military value were evaluated as toys.

"It's a toy. In principle, it's nothing special." Sunflower said. Those things and technology brought back from the moon world with Kraunpis are really nothing. They are about the same level of technology as the Dashewan of this era. .

Some kind of gloves and boots that can be used to stick to the wall, and paper that can be big and small is a bit fun.

In fact, I got even better things. I only got it after Sunflower's mental magic was shot. It's hard to tell.

The blogger that Sunflower didn't intend to talk to had something to say: "Squad leader, I know you are doing scientific research, but being a ninja depends on collaboration and perseverance? If you do too much, you will slack in your practice."

Jin: "I understand the mood of Bo Renjun, but you have to know that the game consoles and computers you usually play are the culmination of science."

Bo Ren: "I don't know this, but it's very uncomfortable."

Sunflower pulled Sasuke away from the blogger, and whispered: "Did that guy have a psychological shadow some time because of props?"

"Basically, it's like this. The exam won the battle by cheating with a scientific ninja, and almost expelled the ninja." Sasuke took a glimpse of the blogger.

"Puff~" Sunflower covered her mouth and laughed, and said happily, "What's the matter with the future? My real family sincerely believes that it can only be my fault that my lack of means leads to failure. Do you still care about the means to fight? In one step, you are not allowed to use anything, from ninjas, ninjutsu, to ninjutsu, and blood succession limits. Don’t use anything. For ninja exams, go wrestling with bare hands."

Sasuke said: "The times are different. With the advancement of science and technology, the children of the future will be much happier than they are now. The fighting methods are also varied, but after all, the test is to test the true level of the ninja rather than the way to obtain foreign objects."

"Sorry, my stupid brother." Sunflower said to Sasuke.

"Sister Aoi has anything to apologize for? The real sister Aoi was killed by Uchiha with the soil, right? You came in for your own purpose, but you have worked hard for our family. If it weren't for you, Konoha would also There is no such prosperous today and tomorrow. At least, development will be a step slower." Sasuke said.

"Thank you. I heard that my achievements in this world have been wiped out, and I was still a little bit shocked. Some people remember it. It's just, hehe. Maybe you don't know Sasuke. You should have had a better life. Many opportunities to make choices for yourself." Sunflower touched his mouth, and a pair of coral-colored kaleidoscopes looked at Sasuke's Chakra color and said with a smile.

"Sister Aoi, I only got here after I knew everything and made a choice. I have no regrets." Sasuke said lightly.

"Is it~"

When Sunflower saw Sasuke Chakra's unique color, he remembered Uchiha Shisui.

"Lastly ask, can you tell me your means to travel through time?"

"We don't understand it deeply either. Basically, it was done by the big Tsumupo-style means, but there is no way to give it to you."

"Really." Sunflower also has a past that he wants to change, but thinking of his own past, he has no confidence to let the possible butterfly effect go in the direction he wants. Thinking that it has nothing to do with him, he no longer asks.

Sasuke asked at this moment: "By the way, Sumire has proposed a conjecture to me. Although I didn't intend to say it, I would like to ask, during my battle with Urashiki, did you dig out the peach-style reincarnation eye? , And then secretly transplanted it to An Qi?"

"Huh?" Sunflower twitched. This is really the case, but what about it?


Whirlpool Angel's House——

"Snee!" An Qi, who was lying on the bed with Erlang's legs swaying, rubbed her nose and secretly said, "Why do you sneeze? I have merged the whirlpool blood and reincarnation eyes with my fairy body. Will you catch a cold?"

She opened a pair of eyes that were completely invisible, with only blood red and concentric circles surrounding the pupils. She looked at the ceiling in the dark for a long while, and lowered her eyes: "Sure enough... it's a good thing to be clear in the dark, but the color is very light. Ah, forget it, no compatriots will care whether the colors I see are bright or not."

Gradually fall back into a shallow sleep.


"Really, that's good." Sasuke knew the sunflower expression. In the history of Konoha Village, An Qi Uzumaki suddenly opened the legendary reincarnation eye shortly after the sixth generation of Hokage came to power, or the blood red reincarnation eye.

For this reason, Konoha’s high-level leaders also busy themselves, tracing the history of the whirlpool family and whether it is related to the six bloodlines. In the end, because everything is a legend, there is no way to verify it. .

In other words, the history shown in the original time and space of Sasuke and his party is already the product of their influence, so maybe you don't have to worry about the butterfly effect so much.

Sunflower was awkwardly asked by Sasuke's question. She didn't know what Sasuke thought, and said, "This is a boring, Sasuke. As expected, I don't like you."

"Ah, it will be indefinite." Sasuke also thinks that too much interference in different time and space is not good.

After Sasuke left with the children, Sunflower started the magic of communication——

[Alfin, why don't you come to say goodbye yourself? 】

[Looking into Sasuke's eyes, I knew that I would be successful in that matter. It was not something worthy of Sasuke. This cooperation only has the value of mutual use. Isn't it, Sister Kwai? 】

Since Sasuke is using one of Uchiha Madara’s eyes, which means that one of his eyes must have been gouged out, who is the most favorite to collect these eyes now?

Regardless of whether the guess is correct, Alfin at least knows that he has always had this plan.

【Eh? Is that right? 】

[... Sister Kwai, please cheer me up. 】

(to be continued)

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