Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 197: New Ninja Test

The fairies have spent more than two years in Naruto World without knowing it. During this period of time, the things that Kraunpith was most afraid of did not happen. However, before the same big tube appeared again, Crown Pith did not intend to let the fairies go home.

Seeing the fairies who had been bathed in the brilliance of the "Sky Spear" directly forced a wave of levels to rise, ordinary cultivation was almost meaningless to them. At this moment, another major incident occurred in Konoha Village.

Naruto Office——

"What do you think of the Nakanin examination opinions put forward by Sagakura Village? Hokage-sama." Nara Shika, who is still the Konoha think tank who assists Naruto, asked Kakashi sitting behind his desk.

"Since Shayin Village is willing to take the initiative, then we have no objection to say." Kakashi said.

According to Jilaiya's intelligence, Akatsuki is about to start catching the tail beast.

Just in the last Zhongnin exam, Gaara ran away because of the strength of a man, and Danzo wanted to strike at Shayin Village again. Even if the runaway was suppressed and did not bring any loss to the village of Konoha, Danzo still directly counted the Zhongnin exam as a "serious accident" instead of counting.

Therefore, Kakashi intends to use the plan and open the village to "lead wolves into the room" under the guise of the two villages to jointly organize the "Central Ninja Examination". The written test will be in the village of Konoha, and the second round of survival examinations that require venues will be in the desert of Shayin Village. conduct. Gaara is willing to take the initiative to stand up and go fishing, the new five-generation Fengying Gaara. It couldn't be better for Konoha.

Nara Kashiro: "Since Naruto-san has no objections, should I send invitations to other countries?"

Kakashi knew it, and nodded in recognition of Lu Shiro's proposal: "That's it, you can test the reaction of various countries."

After taking office as Hokage, Kakashi did not compromise with other countries, and he did his best to deal with the aftermath of Danzo. After that, Konoha Village did not forcefully expand, but he did not lose anything. Basically in the Cold War, I took this opportunity to test the attitudes of various countries towards Konoha by the way.

However, the attitude of other big countries is really not good, and they have all closed their doors. But there are many small country ninjas who come to Konoha Village with various purposes.


Because of the decision of Kakashi and others this time, the fairies who were forbidden to go home by Kraun Pess were thrown into the water in the village of Konoha to use as the big tube bait.

"What?! Why do we have to take the Zhongnin exam!" Iglia crumpled the exam list that the red beans gave her a few times into a folding fan and waved vigorously in protest.

"I'm not interested in this. Zhongren chose to be able to play the role of captain independently in the future. If you don't get the iron rice bowl of the school teacher or the administrative department, the income is not as good as the diligent order." Mary Protest together because of income issues.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Adzuki reluctantly said, "This time our examinee is less able to say how to pass than Shayin Village where we became a younger brother! Yakumo has already been carried away, and you guys should go too!" After that, he picked up a NPC with one hand. Walk towards the registration point of the examination room step by step.

"I said, it doesn't matter if you don't get taller, can you gain more muscles?" Adzuki bean felt that the weight in one hand was less than 40 kilograms, and began to complain.

"We are not specializing in physical skills." x2

"Forget it, I usually let you treat me to eat. I will treat you to the meal during the test." Hongdou suddenly let go.

"Oh, did the sun come out from the west?"

"Is there anything prank in the meal?"

"It is absolutely guaranteed that there are all kinds of authentic big fish, big meat and seafood." Hongdou said.

This is true, because the Ninja test has the purpose of fishing. Putting the test room (battlefield) in the Desert of the Wind Kingdom can minimize the loss of towns, but Kinabamura can be stationed in a large number of Ninja fighting power to go abroad. ? The best solution is to get as many candidates as possible who are led by Shinobu.

On the other street, An Qi had just taken the order from Hotaru. Since it was fishing, Ren Zhuli, who was used as the bait, had to play. Their class was originally used as the final weapon to train. Even if they were looking for the safety of the village and the weapon themselves, they had the right to know some secrets.

An Qi, who knew that he would be monitored all the time next time, said to Hotaru angrily: "Haunty, why are you so happy?"

"Of course." Hotaru looked happy but was actually a little uneasy. "Maybe the enemy organization that killed my grandfather will appear, right? Maybe it's time for me to take revenge. I have learned my grandpa's technique. I can definitely... Revenge."

"Everyone, hurry up to line up!" Lin ran over, pulled the two of them and ran towards the examination room.

During this period, there were many other Shinobu people in the village.

The most eye-catching thing is undoubtedly a certain muscular man wearing sunglasses who set up a stage in the middle of a commercial street square and started a concert.

Lin pulled the two of them and ran on the street. They just passed by here. There was a huge crowd. In theory, the villagers should be more likely to be xenophobic, but this muscular man with a mouthful of RAP is quite popular. The rap works with his beautiful muscular body. Caused waves of cheers from everyone.

It happened to be a square, and there were no buildings around to be a springboard, and the three had to repeatedly push the crowd away.

"Eh?" An Qi looked at the stage in astonishment.

Hotaru: "Huh? An Qi wants to watch the concert? Although I... don't understand this strange singing method..."

Lin: "But you can't wait in line, is An Qi going to leave a shadow clone?"

An Qi: "No, it's not that kind of thing, hee hee, hee hee hee, hee hee to me." He muttered and laughed while clutching his stomach.

Through Nine Tails, An Qi noticed that the Rabbi of the Eight Tails was actually on the stage. In the last Ninja War, she gave her father Hafeng Mizumon a bit of a loss in the battle, and teleported to him with her signature ninjutsu at Mizuno. The counterattack immediately behind him almost stabbed where she and Naruto could not be born.

Unexpectedly, Yao and Kyuubi quarreled there.

The reason is that Yao noticed that the nine tails (Chakra) sealed in An Qi's "belly" were obviously divided into two parts of different sizes, worrying about the safety of the nine tails. In short, it is--

Yao: "Hey, Kyuubi, is it okay if your body is split in half?"

Kyuubi: "You control it."

Yao: "I'm concerned about your safety you can communicate with your host Hebi, maybe I can help you."

Kyuubi: "I thought everyone was the same as you. Only you would wag your tail to your cage like a pet!"

Yatsuo: "Don't be silly. You have some Chakras outside the seal. That means you can control Ren Zhuli's body at any time. I think your relationship with her should be good, right?"

Kyuubi: "Not a bad ghost!"

Yao: "It's definitely not bad."

Kyuubi: "Absolutely wrong!"

Yao: "Not bad."

Kyuubi: "Wrong!"

Yao: "Not bad."


(to be continued)

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