Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 257: Eyes of Reincarnation VS Bone Veins

Kaguya-kun Maro has been in a state of dying due to a terminal illness-like serious illness.

Although he can think, he can't work for his allegiance, making him feel more painful than death. The reason why he didn't take the initiative to give up his life was because his loyalty to his master prevented him from doing so. Once he steps out of the hospital bed, he will die soon. Even so, he will bloom with the last glory of his life and be loyal to his master. He has been waiting for that moment to come.

But, wondering if it was a dream, he found himself floating in a chaotic space.

A young woman dressed in a white robe, white hair, white skin, white eyes, and white all over, floated in front of him.

He felt that the person in front of him had something to do with him, and wanted to speak, but couldn't.

The woman touched him, and looked at him like a physical examination, with a hint of disappointment on her face: "It turns out that, although it is very thin, there is indeed a trace of Xiaohuiye's inheritance, returning to the ancestors. Forget it, humans, Let me give you the meaning of life."


Junmaro woke up, sat up from the experimental platform, and looked around blankly. Just now, what is it?

The ailing body seemed to be no problem.

Zhang Luo's Sunflower, Alfin, and An Qi in this experiment saw this scene through the monitor and immediately communicated.

Alfin: "The energy of the red light fish basket is all injected, there is no rejection reaction, and my eyes can see Otsuki's soul entering Junmaro's body. Is it a success?"

An Qi: "Hee hee hop, if my perception is okay... but I didn't see the diamond-shaped mark of ‘tool’. Could it be in the body?"

Sunflower: "Then, continue to advance the experiment?"

Alfin: "Isn't this taken for granted?"

Sunflower: "But in the end, Junmaru Chakra runs out, the undead's negative energy runs out, and the big tube tree doesn't come out, what should I do?"

Alfin: "... Then, doesn't it happen that Otsuki completely lost the opportunity to maintain the half-dead parasitic state, and did they really die together?"

Sunflower: "...That's what I said. According to Amado, the host who was parasitized by Otsuki was forced to run out of Chakra and was clinically dead, so that the parasitic Otsuki had to use the'weapon' to resurrect. But what if the "tool" is immature or not ready yet?"

Alfin: "Didn't Sonny use the resurrection magic to speed up the process? I will observe the situation in Junmaro's body, and I will notify you when the time is right, otherwise Junmaro will be resurrected. The next question is : Sister Kwai, go to coax Jun Maru and let him exhaust Chakra and negative energy life."

Sunflower: "No, it won't work, Alfin, go and fight her. Otherwise, he will be too pitiful."

Alfin froze for a moment, then nodded: "I know, I'll go."

An Qi exclaimed dissatisfiedly: " hesitate a little bit. You are obviously better than the sunflower, why!"

Alfin: "It's true that it can stimulate people's explosiveness and potential more than empty-handed combat, right? Don't you want Anqi?"

An Qi: "I don't want to!"


Junmaro didn't hear anything outside the window while he was ill in bed.

For Junmaro, there was nothing but bleakness in this world. He was claustrophobic because of his outstanding strength as a child. Later, his clan attacked the Wuyin Village and needed combat power and was released. As a result, he was the only one left alive after the defeat.

Unable to find the faith to live, he met Osamaru and Sunflower.

At the beginning, Dashe Maru only used him as a backup container for "Rebirth of the Dead", and it was only a backup. There was basically no possibility of using it. Sunflower was only slightly interested in the blood inheritance that can freely grow bones and is harder than steel. Limits, only to find that this complete physical power does not fit with the fairy as a spiritual life body, even if the forbidden technique is used to seize it, it is not easy to use, so I gave up.

Therefore, Junmaro is only used as a prop to fight on the battlefield when necessary.

Even if it exists as a prop, Kaguya-kun Maro has long been awakened. He knows everything, knows everything, and still has no hesitation, because after losing his living value, he has been given value again.

However, because of his illness, even this value was deprived in the end, and he could only rely on medical equipment and drugs to maintain a front line of life. Once he left these, he would die soon. At this time, he was awakened, in the end............

Sunflower came into his eyes, raised his hand to signal him not to say anything in a hurry, and then spoke to him about some of the things in these years, including the situation of Dashemaru.

"Is that right, Oshimaru-sama, he already—" Junmaro learned that Oshimaru was dead, dying under the limits of the body and blood he had dreamed of, and he didn't know what to say.

Sunflower touched Jun Maro's head: "I know that your life will not be long, so this is your last task."

"Mission!" Junmaro is strong, no matter what the task, he will try to complete it even if his life is drained.

"The things that Uncle Snake dreams of most are the round eyes, reincarnation eyes, and immortal body. The one who possesses all of these is also the murderer who killed the soul of Dashemaru. It's here, the'enemy' is coming, and it is outside. Jun. Maro, you go and kill him. I don't allow you to die, do everything possible to survive, even if you still have a trace of strength, a trace of chakra, give me back alive, I will wait." Sunflower faintly said.

"Understood." Junmaro stood up and strode out.

Outside the stronghold, it was a quiet wilderness, which had never been discovered by a ninja from another country in ten years, but the silence was broken at this time.

Junmaro's palms, knees, hands and feet all had bone spurs, and he rushed towards Alfin, who was covered in purple and black brilliance.

"[Dance of Willow]!"

Alfin has already turned on [Suzano Nohu], and a pair of purple-black chakra swords are gathered in the hands of huge purple-black bones, and a pair of reincarnation eyes are staring at Junmaru like a willow swaying.

"Seeing really clearly, the feeling of a pair of reincarnation eyes is really good."

"Boom boom boom boom!" After several rounds of collision, the Chakra Sword pushed away all the bone spurs that pierced him, chopped off a few, and finally sent Junmaru flying out with the last sword.

If he hadn't had enough bones before being hit, he had subconsciously made a layer of bone armor under his skin, and he would have been unable to get up. But now he stands up with his tenacious will and the negative energy life of the undead. Junmaro doesn't know what happened to his body, but it doesn't matter. Dashemaru and Sunflower have done a lot of experiments on his body, and he uses the life he has survived. They are all loyal.

Pulling out the "bone sword" from the bones in his body, he rushed over again.

"[Tsubaki Dance]!"

Alfin's pupils swayed right and left following the dance-like movement: "It's beautiful, but it's really going to kill me. It's difficult to deal with! I'm not enough."

Alfin was worried that [Suzao Nenghu] would accidentally crush the opponent when he hit it head-on, and jumped back to avoid entering the combo range of the storm.

What she has to do is to squeeze Junmaro's chakra and negative energy life, not to kill him. Although he knows that Junmaro's awareness is meaningless, this is the hidden mission in the defeat mission. It is not rare in this world. Even if Junmaro doesn't know the details, he should be aware of it. Let him complete the hiding given by sunflower. Task it.

(to be continued)

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