--AN) Super late today! 3 more on the way!---

"Damnit!" Blake landed on the bed inside the medical bay with a sour face. He had been down in the dungeon once more, but this time by himself. He wanted to grow stronger, so he was now testing his abilities to solo a dungeon.

"What floor did you get to this time?" Dr. Stanley asked as he looked Blake over.

"Only the first floor and two steps inside!" Blake looked very upset. He had only just entered the door before being instantly killed. "What the hell was  Lillia thinking of putting such a powerful monster on the first floor!?"

"This was the same dungeon as before?" Dr. Stanley did not see how Blake could die upon entering the first floor of a dungeon he had been in before.

"No. It's a new fire lands dungeon.  It's one of the harder dungeons. While I should start off on an easier dungeon, I just can't do it. I need to grow stronger faster, and only by getting my ass kicked will I be able to do so. But I really wanted to move a bit more before being stabbed in the head by that strange monster!"  Blake did not expect a charred looking monster with long sharp claws to come out of the shadows and attack him as soon as he walked inside. He had literally only taken two steps in before dying.

"Why not work on other skills before taking the dungeon on?  You might have an array of spells to work with, but what about more defensive skills? I heard you can make golems. Why not use this to your advantage? Have you ever tried making a metal golem?" Dr. Stanley only wanted to try to give Blake some advice, but when he saw Blake's expression, he felt like maybe this helped more than he had ever thought.

"A metal golem… Heh… if I could make a metal golem there would be a lot that I would not need to worry about!" Blake smiled as he stood up. "Doc, thanks for the words. You just helped me clear my mind."

With this, Blake took off and left the underground base, and flew up into the sky. He then looked around and found the direction he wanted, and flew off. Down below, Bret and Rin watched Blake fly away in confusion. "Where is he going?"

"No idea, but knowing him, it is for a good reason." Bret sighed as he munched on his lunch. "Rin, your food gets better and better."

"You know what would be even better?" Rin asked as she wiped Bret's mouth. "If you find a girl, we both like to help me out, and for when you are not around."

"Ah…" Bret frowned slightly. Since he got back, Rin had been complaining a lot about being left by her lonesome. Thinking of this, he nodded his head. "What if I try to woo a fox girl?"

Rin thought for a moment and nodded her head. "Alright. You better do your job properly." Rin had taken a habit of brushing Yui's tail, so having a sister who was a fox girl was perfect!

While Bret was given a hard task, Blake flew over to the old world city that was closest to Destiny City. The broken skyscrapers were overrun by nature as he looked down at the monsters roaming about. But his goal was not monsters but the metal that was just sitting here rotting. There were many cars and steel beams he could easily make good use of here.

Blake hovered over a large skyscraper that once stood high in the sky but was not toppled over and waved his hand. A loud rumbling sound could be heard from under him as metal began to fly up into the sky above his head and condense together. No matter what kind of metal it was, it ripped away from the overgrowth and flew up to the ball of metal that was forming high in the sky.

Blake looked up at the mass of metal that was starting to look like a miniature planet before feeling it was enough for what he was trying to do. He then waved his hand again and cleared out a huge area before settling the ball of metal on the ground. "Now then!" Blake slowly landed on the ground. He planned to try to do a few things. Since he had a special way of doing magic that could imprint his thoughts into the magic circle as he cast spells, he wanted to see if he could alter Lillia's golem creation spell.

He was unsure if a billions of years old magic spell could be altered or not, but he was willing to give it a try. Blake sat in the middle of the area he cleared out, which was an old city street, and looked at the pile of metal.  He first created a golem from the ground around him and looked at it. "It's human shaped but brittle." Blake easily gripped the arm, and bits and pieces of it began to break off.

While they could take a beating, they were easily destroyed, too, if they were attacked by a more powerful monster. Blake made quite a few different ones trying to alter the properties using magic first, but they all came out the same. Still brittle and easily destroyed.

"Then let's try with metal…." Waving his hand, he caused a metal beam to fly over to him and land on the ground in front of him. He then placed his hand on it and began going through the process of making a golem, but this time he did not try to form it from a source directly under his palm as he did not want to touch the ground but just the metal beam itself. He planned to use the entire thing in the creation of the spell.

The metal beam began to shake and vibrate crazily as he concentrated on his own thoughts, trying to imprint his idea into the magic circle. The metal beam under his hand began to crunch together, forming a solid ball. But when he tried to form it into a human shape, the whole spell broke apart. "Hmmm? Is this why Lillia never makes them out of one single object?"

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