Hundreds of thousands of orcs were slowly moving forward. As they passed, they pushed down the trees and plants leaving a path of destruction in their wake. Blake figured there were close to one million against his seven thousand or so army. He chuckled. If they really won this without issue, how much morale would his people have? How proud would they be of each other? A smile crept on his lips as he vanished from the skies.


The next morning early hours, just before the sun was rising. A group of fairies and pixies were split into six units. Three units flew in opposite directions. Mina and Regia appointed three commanders for each unit. These commanders would report back to Mina and Regia, so they could, in turn, make a proper report to the front lines. Using the new mana powered receivers, they can send voice over long distances like a cell phone to matching receivers. The best part is that the smaller the device, the less mana it needed to be used, so the ones the fairies and pixies were using were very small and compact.

"Unit one, how is it?" Mina asked. She was trying to get vision on the orcs.

"Commander Mina, we have confirmation. Orcs are about a mile out and will be here in a few minutes. Shall we wait for a large group to pass before executing our plans?" The pixie unit one leader asked.

"Yes, wait for about ten lines to pass, then begin. This way, you can all attack at once. Then retreat right away, do not linger." Mina replied.

"Roger!" The pixie unit one leader answered. This male pixie licked his lips and watched as the orcs got closer and closer. He couldn't wait to have some fun!

The front lines of the orcs were steadily marching. The ground shook with each step they took. They were marching in uniform in straight rows. The same way they have always fought battles. No matter how many years passed, most wars were fought in this manner.

On the back line, a large palanquin was being carried by four war elephants. Inside was a huge orc with a large bone crown on his head. In front of him was a table full of meat, and next to him were four females from different races. Each with a dead look on their face as they hugged the fat orc. "Heh… I can't wait to taste some fresh pussy. I haven't had a fresh girl in a long time. These ones are nothing but dead dolls now that only grunt when I fuck them. They don't even show any fear or resistance anymore, which is no fun!"

The orc king complained to himself as he bit into what looked like a roasted orc leg. In fact, because their journey had been taking so long and the food supplies were low, he had started eating his own men without a care which had stricken fear into his huge army.

Right now, he could only picture his army destroying this puny place that had dared defy him and even sent his own man to threaten him. He could not stand for this. He was the current king of the orcs! He was not someone people could look down on! He would not even bow to the likes of the dragonic!

Luckily these past few years, their numbers have grown quickly due to finding many new age humans and other races to use as breeders. New orcs had been born every other day allowing their numbers to reach their current height just like the old days when they were once one of the top clans!

"Humph, I can smell it now, fresh pussy!" The orc king snorted before grabbing one of the new age human girls who had not a single strip of clothing on and slipping her on his dick. The girl was like a dead fish as the orc king bounced her up and down like a toy. She could only grunt as her body reacted on its own. But her eyes and her limbs never moved an inch. She just stared straight ahead. She had long given up, no hope, no will. She just allowed what was happening to happen….

When he was done with her and loaded her up, her stomach stuck out from so much fluid as she was tossed aside like a dirty rag laying on the floor. It didn't take long for her womb to start creating a new orc. The excess fluid was pushed out, and her stomach rapidly grew as if she was already nine months pregnant. This was how quickly an orc grew in the womb. As for the girl, this was not her first time. She had already given birth to multiple orcs. She knew in a day's time, she would be giving birth to another orc. She also knew there was a high chance she would be used by that same orc later on and give birth to that orc's baby as well.

The life of a breeder in the orc clan was not something any girl would want, but because of being beaten and forced to give birth so many times, they had long lost the will to care about anything. Even the thoughts of killing themselves were nowhere to be seen anymore. It was a life of no will of their own.


Back on the orc army's flanks, Mina joined unit three as they began their attacks. "Hahahahah! You fucking Orcs die for this little fairy!"

All the pixies and fairies turned to look at Mina, whose eyes seemed to have gone crazy, and pulled a damn mana rocket launcher out of nowhere and began firing it like mad man. This was a custom made rocket launcher she had asked Thardra for. It was her favorite weapon because it could be easily handled and could fire huge mana rockets at things! She loved explosions!

"Hmmm? Why are you all moving away from me!?" Mina looked around and noticed everyone was distancing themselves from her!

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