--AN) 2 more on the way! Don't for get to vote!---


The trees in the distance finally fell down. Bret raised a flare gun into the air and fired. This was the signal for the big guns. "Everyone into the trenches!"

The new huge magic guns that were basically turrets were mounted on three of the outposts. A whirling sound filled the air as the mana in the air began to be sucked into a special vent that was condensing it to be used for firing a beam. It took an entire forty seconds to charge up, but once it was ready….


A loud ear piercing sound filled the air as all three weapons were fired. The beams on these things were wide and shot out of the weapons as a long wide rectangle made of light. They shot through the air toward the oncoming orcs, who had no idea what was going on. But when they realized the light flying towards them was bad, they disintegrated into nothing, leaving only their feet behind.

"What the hell was that!?" An orc leader yelled out as he looked at the line of feet that stood in place after beams of light swept past him. He turned and looked in horror at the path cut right through their formation. Tens of thousands of orcs died. You could even tell the curvature of the world as the beam flew straight, cutting further and further up on the orcs' bodies.

"Get back into formation and push on! They can't use such a weapon all the time! Remember, you kill one, you can eat it!" The orc leader yelled out. He was also very hungry! His words seemed to work as the dullness in the orcs' eyes showed a bit of light as they roared out and began charging forward like a pack of starving wolves!

Back at the trenches, Bret raised his head out of the trench and yelled out: "Fire!"

Thousands of heads popped up and propped themselves on their small little windows that could be used to fire from and still have some cover. The trenches rose up like a staircase, so each trench could easily fire at the same time!

Beams of light streaked through the air and into the charging orcs, who were in a blind rage of starvation. They only cared about two things, killing and eating. But because of this, they were also dropping quickly.

"Ten!" Noa yelled out.

"Haha, I got twelve!" Tina, who was next to her, smirked, making Noa frown as she raised her bow up and yelled: "Arrow rain!"

"You are not the only one! Bullet hell!" Tina's shout was as if the two were going to tit for tat against each other. Which they were but those who did not know this was quite stunned at their actions.

Mina had two rocket launchers out and was firing them while at the same time casting magic, making things explode. In truth, if anyone had a high kill count, it would be Mina. Mona and Moha were standing there with serious expressions on their faces as they fired their weapons. They were still not the best as the new muskets, so they were only using single shots trying to make each one count.

The orcs at this time were all confused as they had never dealt with such weapons before. Not only were they being hit with magic attacks but these strange rays of light. The orc leaders had to gather together and decide what to do. "Let's move the mages to the front lines. The front line will collapse if this continues. Not to mention those strange weapons from earlier."

"I agree. Let's send out the mages."  Another orc leader nodded his head. All of them nodded together before one of them suddenly shouted out: "Mages forward!"

A group of orcs, around ten thousand strong, suddenly walked forward and raised their hands into the air as the front line continued to rush forward. Magic circles covered the skies before massive fireballs began to rain down onto the ground.

On Blake's side, he saw the massive assault of magic and raised his hand. "Barriers up!" While they already had barriers up to cover the trenches, Blake had Bret form a barrier squad who would add double protection in case of massive attacks like the one that was coming in. One hundred fairies came forward and began casting huge barriers over the trenches. The sounds of the orcs' fireballs smashing into the barriers rang throughout the air as explosion after explosion went off.

Onz raised his hand to his mean and yelled out: "Fire at will!" He had waited until now to start the attack on his side since he had to wait for the orcs to get a bit closer. They were not as adapted to the new weapons just yet, so they needed the enemy to be closer distance.

"Keep firing!" Blake yelled out. The heavy hitters had not stepped forward yet. Blake, Clance, Faana, and Olinia were all standing in the air, looking down at the battlefield. Each one of them could easily destroy most of these orcs, but they were just giving the others time to get an understanding of what war actually was. Only Noa was messing around with her bow so she would not be bored.

Mike was directing people to fire while everyone else was doing their utmost to hit as many orcs as they could. "Shit! We got a breach on the east flank!" Mike yelled out.

Blake heard this and looked over to see a mass of starved orcs rushing toward the first trench. He frowned because it seemed like they had decided to move through the forest! "Faana, go take care of those orcs do not let anyone on our side die."

But the breaches kept happening due to the numbers. They had too few people. The traps they set up only trapped and killed a couple of thousand orcs.  Bret was starting to get nervous because if things kept going as they were, they would really be wiped out!

"Noa! Switch to magic! All defensive squads block the orcs with earth walls. Try to funnel them in! Do everything you can to break up their numbers and take these fucking bastards down!"

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