--An) 1 more on the way!--

"This is true we can just dig up an area around us to create a massive floating continent actually." Blake nodded at this idea. It would ensure the safety of his citizens, and only those who could fly would be able to reach it, but the barriers and defenses would be enough to keep them away. "Thardra, talk with the elves and other dwarves and see how long such a thing would take to do. But what about energy? Something will need to be used to keep it floating."

"That is where those blue rocks you found come in. They are a power source that I have found just recently can be used in runic inscriptions, and the power output is much higher than taking mana out of the air." Thardra's words made Blake realize that that ore field was actually a treasure trove!

"So we need to set up a teleport point to that place and also keep those damn worms from harming those who might be down there mining," Blake remembered those magma worms that had appeared in the desert and really didn't want to deal with them.

"We will figure out something. Setting up a teleport point might not be that easy. I heard the orc king escaped using a transfer crystal, is this true?" Thardra asked.

"Yes, when Blake went to finish him off he crushed a black crystal and was sucked into a void. Those things are so rare now that I was shocked to see he even had one." Lillia replied.

"Why are they so rare? Are they not just an inscription of a magic circle that teleports a person to a random point?" Blake asked.

"No, they are much harder to create than you think. First off, the crystal itself needs to be created and infused with space magic. But it has to have a method of activating it when it is destroyed to create the magic circle that will then send you to another place. Did you notice the vortex that appeared? It is part of the inscription and helps with sending a person someplace safe, far, far away. You can not just use a teleportation magic circle and inscribe it onto an object and expect it to work as it should, as you might teleport into a wall someplace. People have tried to recreate the transfer crystal with many different objects, but nothing was successful one hundred percent of the time.

"You can make a fake one if you try, but the odds of you ending up stuck in a wall or tree someplace is about sixty forty. This is why most of the time, space mages only teleport to a place they have been or know the exact location of. And most teleports will have a linking magic circle as its target point and also acts as a transfer point. All because they are one hundred percent. But if you had a transfer crystal, you could be anywhere and crush it, and it will send you off someplace random without issue." Lillia could only sigh and wish that her ancient library had such books on those things. But sadly, she never got her hands on any.

"Well, we will figure something out. We just got a ton of orcs who will need work to live. We will offer them a high wage so they can  live easily in their new environment." Blake was kind of glad those blue rocks were useful. They could not also expand the workforce and give the new orcs jobs so they could buy the things they needed in their daily life. Of course, hopes were already given out to them so they could get necessities, but finding a job at this point besides construction would be hard.

"I will set something up tomorrow," Tina said. She was in charge of a lot of that paperwork stuff. She was very good at it.

"Then I will leave it to you. Anyway, we went down the wrong road. We are supposed to be celebrating!"  Blake bought another round of ale, and everyone began joking around again.

It was times like this that Blake was happy things had turned out the way they had. Compared to his past life, this was millions of times better. That night Blake had all wives and concubines join in for a free for all.

When he woke the next day, he inspected his golem army, who had really done an excellent job on the battlefield. Their abilities to learn how to do things have been quite amazing. To have his field test go soo smoothly, Blake was very happy. He fixed those who were dented and sent them off to train some more.

He only kept infinity behind as she was his first golem and was working hard on teaching her many different things as well. Besides normal combat stuff. "Should I redo the head?" Blake scratched his chin. He was thinking of adding a more robust head with a hinged jaw. He had been contemplating it for a while because he wondered if he could get his golems to speak. If he could, it would be easier to know if they understand certain things without having to check manually.

"Well, there is no harm in trying…." Blake went to work, and using a stack of metal he had lying in one corner of the room, he began working on a hinged jaw and a few other features like eyes that moved and many more things. '

Blake once again was stuck in his lab where the girls would come say hi, and the wives would come spend some alone time with him in the newly created bedroom off to the side. He actually never thought that golem magic would lead to him building a half robot half golem. He also found this made things much easier than needing to sit there and program lines and lines of code as well. Everything could be made much more simple unless you were trying to do something like make one talk.

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