A few days passed, and Blake came to a roadblock on getting Infinity to talk on her own. He now understood just how hard something like this was and why Lillia chose a slime to be the golem. He sat in his lab and pondered many ways of going about it, but still, nothing came to mind. Even with a direct description and drawing from Doctor Stanley, he was still stuck. Blake spun around in his chair for a while before deciding to work on something else.

"I wonder if there is a way to use the mana in the body and to make a person stronger. I know that by raising and filling my mana pool to the max I can then evolve again but what if we did things in a different manner to really make the most out of the mana." Blake began writing a few ideas down on a piece of paper. He thought about the way they were using mana as of now and how the things that required mana to run could easily take it out of the air to be used. This was when an idea came to mind.

"What if we tried to use mana as the old Chinese novels did with spiritual qi? Although it won't be just like in the stories or anything like that, it might just raise our power. After all, at this point and time, we are basically doing the same thing. The process is physically the same. But it is always the same process. Cast spells to take in more mana. The more you cast, the more your mana pool will expand." Blake leaned back in his chair and pursed his lips. He wondered if he could make it work. Because if he really could make this work, then he might be able to become ten times or hundreds of times stronger before ever evolving! He knew he would still need to evolve, but if he could figure out a way to not only quicken his evolution process but also become more powerful than those at the same evolution, the entirety of Destiny City could become able to fight dragonic in a short time!

He just did not know if this was possible or not. While he could grow strong enough to fight an orc king using his bloody transformation, he still felt weak for even needing to use his biggest trump card. And after seeing how the people are currently living in the city, Blake could not just let his people suffer if they came under attack by an even more powerful race.

"Blake, what you doing?" Mina asked as she slowly floated down and landed on Blake's head. She leaned out and pulled on his eyebrows to get his attention.

"I am trying to figure out if there is a way to use mana to make ourselves even stronger without evolution. You see, in some of the fantasy stories of the old world before the apocalypse, there was a genre called eastern fantasy that had a thing called cultivation. They used what was called spiritual qi in the air to make themselves stronger by taking this spiritual qi in. But to grow stronger after a few realms or, in our case, evolutions, they would condense the spiritual qi into a core that would allow for more outbursts of power.

"So I am thinking, what if we did the same with mana? Right now, our condensed mana weapons output damage far beyond what you or I can do naturally. Even a musket can easily kill any of us. So I am wondering. If we used our mana pools and began condensing part of it to form an island within our mana pools, then we might be able to slowly continue to condense the mana pool until it turns into a core which we would still need to keep condensing with mana. And with the mana now condensed, when used, wouldn't that mean any spell we cast will become just as powerful or even more powerful than any high level spell?" Blake kept getting more and more ideas. But the process would need to be slow. So that you can slowly use the condensed mana and continue to condense it until the entire mana pool is then condensed.

Mina laid on Blake's forehead and tapped his nose as she fell into thought. She felt like Blake was on to something, but to actually condense the mana inside, you might even end up doing harm rather than good. "We should speak to the others about this and get everyone's input, especially Sister Lillia."

"You are right. If we work together, we might come up with a method of making us stronger than ever before, and each evolution will make us even stronger as well." Blake nodded and sat up while holding his hand out to catch the falling fair. He held her up to his lips and kissed her before placing her on his head. "Let's call a meeting."

"Roger!" Mina held on to his horns and let Blake carry her away.

Inside one of the meeting rooms, Blake sat there with his wives all surrounding him. He wanted everyone's input and experiences with mana so far so he could try to figure this out or if it is even possible. After a quick explanation, everyone fell into deep thought.

"So, Blake, let me know if I got this right. You basically want to condense mana like the weapons?" Tina asked. She was still trying to figure this all out.

"Basically. It would be like starting off with a small portion and then slowly condensing the entire mana pool. If my theory is right, it will still fill up as normal as you can only hold so much mana in your body before you are to evolve, but the process would allow us to condense that mana and then have strong magic spells to go with it." Blake explained.

"But if condensed mana is being used, wouldn't it use more mana?" Josline asked. She knew how the weapons worked, and they used the condensed mana to fire the beam made of mana. If used on a spell, it would be much more mana consumption than a normal spell.

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