This time after getting Lillia's advice, Blake easily extracted a single drop of mana from his mana pool. It hovered above his mana pool silently. But now was the hard part. Blake now had to condense the mana into a small droplet. With his eyes closed and all his concentration on that single drop of mana, he began condensing it into itself. Slowly but surely, as time passed, Blake was starting to get the water droplet to condense.

After almost six hours, Blake was still working on condensing the mana as much as possible. He was trying to get it to condense to its utmost limit. Lillia, who was watching over Blake, had her eyes closed as she peered into his body and watched the whole process. She was keeping a close eye on things in case something went wrong. But surprisingly, the mana was really condensing without issue. While it was not a quick process, it was a process that was working. But the real test was still to come. Blake still had to prove this was going to work somehow.

Almost half a day later, Blake finally opened his eyes and smiled. "Done. It's just a drop, but it is condensed as much as possible. It's like a small pebble now."

"Are you able to use it now in this state?" Lillia asked.

"I am not sure. But we can try." Blake stood up and faced the dome and pointed his finger out. A white fireball suddenly condensed to about two times the size of him and fired out as if it was some kind of ray slamming into the barrier that Lillia was just able to put up but was struggling to hold. Her eyes widened at the power of this single fireball. Blake slowly lowered his hand as the spell stopped with an excited grin. "That was only a thin strand of the mana I used from the small droplet!"

"What!?" Lillia yelled out. "How is that even possible!? To use only a thin strand of mana on what looked like a fireball!"

"I am not sure. But the spell I cast was definitely just a normal fireball, but the fundamental properties changed. It became hotter and even became a whole different kind of attack. It was similar to how our muskets work but much more powerful…. It still needs a lot of testing, but I think we have a way to grow stronger. If we used this same condensed mana to strengthen our muscles and bones, we might even grow stronger physically too. Hold on…"

Blake slowly took a strand of condensed mana from the droplet and sent it through his body, slowly dispersing it little by little into his muscles and bones as he did, he could hear a series of bangs sounding inside his head. He could feel his body growing stronger from the condensed mana as it seemed into every part of his body. It was like the first time he ate dragon meat, but hundreds of times better. "Now I understand why dragons can get so strong. Having mana infused into your muscles and bones like this all the time is really amazing."

"It worked?" Tina asked as she walked over and began feeling Blake up all over. She made sure to check his crotch a few times as well. She was just seeing if it had bulked up even more.

"Yeah, I can feel my strength growing with each strand I send through my body. I spread it out, so everything is being evenly enhanced." Blake nodded. Now that he was getting the hang of it, he was able to easily pull strands of condensed mana out of his small droplet. He continued to do so until he could no longer pull anything from the small droplet, yet the droplet still floated there. Blake scratched his head in confusion. "Lillia, take a look. What do you think? There is nothing left, but I still have the droplet floating there."

"Hmmm?" Lillia peered into Blake's mana pool and tilted her head to the side. The closer she looked, the more she felt something was off. After inspecting it for a while, she suddenly realized something. "Blake, you have runic inscriptions on the droplet, and the mana from your mana pool is slowly rising up and condensing on its own and filling the droplet back up. It's strange. It's like this was the way mana was always supposed to be used. But I have never read anything definitive about this…. Is it because you are a drakani?"

"Let me try!" Tina wanted to prove Blake's theory right, and if it could make her stronger and allow her to be able to deal with more powerful enemies when they arrived, then it would be worth it.

"Alright." Blake nodded. So far, he did not find it dangerous, so with Lillia here, it was fine for her to try.

"We will all try it." Noa and the other girls all walked over and stood next to Tina.

"Alright, but one at a time. We will do this slowly." Blake decided it would be better to test each person slowly in case one of the races is unable to do this.

Tina sat down with Lillia to her back and Blake to her front. Both of whom were carefully watching over her while the other girls sat and watched from the side. This time though, for Tina, while she was successful in getting a droplet from her mana pool quickly, the condensing of the droplet took her almost two days. But she was also able to do it. When Lillia inspected it, she found it was just like Blake's, it also had runic inscriptions on it. "I can not make out these letterings. It looks like ancient God Script but older, maybe?"

"God script?" Of course, the word god would attract Blake's attention. After all, Lllia had never mentioned them before.

"It's a race of beings from way before half of our race's time. I have only read a few things about them but they were a race of beings with powers far beyond anything we can imagine. The text I read was only a small piece, but there was a passage with a strange set of letters that said it was the god's language. Whether it is true or not is another story. After all, some texts could just be a hoax by the writers themselves."

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