Pain filled cries came out of Sei's mouth as she held tightly to Blake.  Her face was buried in his chest as tears fell from her eyes. After taking the mana cleansing herbs and with the assistance of Blake's mana, Sei was easily able to begin her second evolution. But seeing her in so much pain broke Blake's heart. He was doing everything he could to numb the pain as much as possible but it was not enough. Even Lillia had her brow furrowed as she watched what was happening.

"The condensed mana is the cause of her pain. The runic markings on the droplet have been glowing since this process started, and strands of condensed mana have been pulled and dispersed out over her body, but the biggest thing that I can see is that the mana pool itself, which normally is what is dispersed through the body is actually being used to replenish the droplet. Her pain will continue until it cycles through her droplet…. And empties her mana pool once more to give her a kind of rebirth."  Lillia had a decent grasp of what was going on, but she never thought it would be like this. It seemed evolution before you condensed all of your mana was a bad idea! She felt horrible now because her sister was dealing with this pain.

"Then can you melt the condensed mana and allow her to evolve in a weaker state?" Blake did not want Sei to suffer any more than she already had.

"I…. I can not…. If I were to melt her droplet now, it might cause everything to fail, and she might end up turning into a monster instead or, worse, dying. Blake, I am sorry I did not think this through enough when I suggested all of this." Lillia rubbed Sei's back and wished she could do something for the cat girl, but there was nothing she could do.

"Nyaa!!!!!" Sei cried out as she clung harder onto Blake. He was her only solace. She knew he was doing everything in his power to help her. She just wished the pain would go away.

Blake rocked Sei back and forth. He had tried everything to reduce her pain, but no matter what he did, the pain seemed to pierce through it and cause her to cry out. "Lillia, is there anything I can do for her?"

"Maybe…." Lillia took a deep breath before saying. "Drink some of her blood so she will be turned on, and then gently tease her pussy. It should help keep her mind off the pain."

Blake had thought of this too, but he wasn't sure. But now, with Lillia's okay, he did just that. He pushed Cei's sweat soaked hair out of the way and sank his teeth into her neck. A gasp escaped her lips as she began feeling a whole new sensation welling up inside her. Then she felt her shorts being slipped off and a hand going between her legs. "Nya~!"

Lillia watched as Blake teased Sei with a soft smile. She could tell Sei was starting to get worked up. With the two extremes, it should allow her to overcome the pain she was having to endure. Days passed, and the bed was now drenched in not just sweat but Sei's juices from all the times she had had orgasms. But now she was peacefully sleeping in Blake's arms. Her breathing was steady, and it did not seem like she was in pain any longer.

"She evolved. What's more, due to the fact that she had to keep condensing her mana pool, the evolution process forced her to form a condensed mana core that is filled with condensed mana. It completely replaced her mana pool." Lillia let out a long sigh of relief as she leaned down and kissed the top of Sei's head. "Blake, I am sorry."

"No need to be sorry. We both did not know. If we did know, then we would not have forced this upon her, but now we know it is best for everyone to condense all their mana. If it is already condensed, the process will be much quicker. Most of her pain stemmed from the time it took to condense mana as well. Otherwise, her evolution would have been quicker." Blake rubbed Lillia's head before taking the sleeping Sei's top off and lifting her up. "Let's get her bathed. Then we can bring her back to the room."

"Okay." Lillia helped Blake bathe Sei and then brought her back to the bedroom, where she slept for almost a week.

When she woke up, she felt confused as to what was going on. She only remembered being in Blake's embrace and had no idea how she got to this place. "You're awake!" Sara called out as she looked at Sei, who was looking around. "I will tell Sister Lillia and Blake."

"Nya?" Sei blinked a few times before stretching. She then kicked the covers off and checked her tail. Once she saw it was fine, she laid back down and stuck her feet into the air, stretching her legs.

"Sei, you are awake. How do you feel?" Blake asked.

"Nya!" Sei jumped up and dived into Blake's embrace. She snuggled her nose into his chest and hugged him tightly. "Nya, feel nya!"

"It seems she is fine."  Lillia giggled as she walked in, seeing Sei back to normal. "We can now pass this method down to everyone, but we need to make sure they all know not to evolve until they have condensed every strand of mana they have,"

"Yeah, while it is not life threatening it might cause someone to fail their evolution, as you said. Everyone needs to use the evolution chambers for this from now on as well." After thinking for a moment, a thought came to mind. "Lillia, can you check on Little White for me? She still hasn't woken up after all this time. I can't see past the fog either."

"Hmmm?" Lillia peered into Blake's body and looked at the space that Little White was in. her lips curled up into a smile as she saw something very interesting. "Don't worry. She will come out soon. Maybe another year or two. It seems that spirit animals are very different. Their evolutions can do some amazing things."

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