Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 997: Breaking and Standing

Two world-destroying stars collided, and the world roared.

Within a thousand miles, all life was gone in an instant, and everything turned to ashes.

The miscellaneous soldiers of the demonic sect were almost destroyed in this blow.

No matter whether it was a small demon or a big demon, they could not survive under this destructive energy.

It can be said that for the people of the real world, this scene was the end of the world.

The whole world exploded, and it was not until three days later that it was calmed by heavy rain.

After the heavy rain, it was another three days.

The originally lush green land turned into a desert.

On the desert, two resolute bodies stood firm.

These two bodies were Zhuo Bufan and Ni Cangqiong.

Under such devastating destruction, the two of them did not turn to ashes.

However, they were not unscathed.

Half of Zhuo Bufan's body was blown off, and his soul suffered unimaginable damage, almost dying.

Several times he saw the save space and prepared to load the save.

However, Zhuo Bufan had been gritting his teeth and persisting, refusing to reload the game.

Because he believed that he would definitely kill the demon this time.

But in fact, the demon was still alive and well.

However, most of the demon's body was also destroyed.

Black turbid liquid kept dripping from his body.

The two stood on the desert, struggling to support their shaky bodies.

This battle was really too terrible.

This was definitely the strongest, craziest and most satisfying battle that Zhuo Bufan had ever experienced.

After this battle, Zhuo Bufan would become a god in the real world.

However, he now had to face a more difficult problem.

That was the demon in front of him, who was not dead.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

The demon went against the sky and coughed again and again.

Every time he coughed, he would spit out a pool of black blood.

"Blood, it's actually blood!"

"The third divine body is my strongest physique, stronger than the first two bodies combined."

"I didn't expect that I would still be beaten so miserably?"

"I, Ni Cangqiong, was actually made so embarrassed by a small scum in this small world."

"It's really annoying!"

Ni Cangqiong kept looking at the black water flowing all over his body.

"No, I must kill you, I must!"

Ni Cangqiong gritted his teeth and looked at Zhuo Bufan. He didn't dare to underestimate Zhuo Bufan anymore.

"It seems that this body can't be kept. But before the destruction, I must kill you."

"Otherwise, you will have endless troubles."

Ni Cangqiong looked at Zhuo Bufan, he could feel that Zhuo Bufan would definitely become his confidant in the future.

So before that, he must kill Zhuo Bufan.

"Put another 50% of the power on this body, and you must be killed."

After Ni Cangqiong finished speaking, a black divine rush suddenly rushed out of him, connecting the sky and the earth.


The next second, endless energy descended from the sky and began to pour into Ni Cangqiong's body.

Xiao Wucheng, that is, 5% of the power, plus his original 10% of the power.

That is to say, now Ni Cangqiong has descended 15% of the power on the broken body in front of him.

"Kill you, I must kill you."

"Although after this battle, the cause and effect of this seat left in this world will completely disappear. But killing you is worth it!"

For the first time, Ni Cangqiong showed infinite murderous aura.

He descended 5% of the power, completely ignoring whether this body could bear it.

Under the descending power, Ni Cangqiong's body began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

His originally crippled body began to slowly repair.

A team of huge flesh wings actually grew behind him.

A piece of scales also grew on his forehead.

The whole person, like a new life, became more sleek and smooth.

The body was smooth and there was not a single hair on the head, completely abandoning all unnecessary existence.

When he opened his eyes again, a pair of golden eyes opened.

A golden light flashed, and the space behind Zhuo Bufan began to explode directly.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz!

At that moment, the world began to shake, gravity increased thousands of times, and the air began to sink.


Ni Cangqiong slowly exhaled, and a strong wind came whistling, blowing Zhuo Bufan's broken body directly away.

"Awesome! I didn't expect that I could still withstand the power of my little 50%. If I had known this, why would I be so embarrassed."

After 5% of the power descended, Ni Cangqiong found that his body could withstand it and would not be destroyed immediately.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan encountered an unprecedented crisis.

"This time, I'm afraid I can only reload the game."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the perverted demon in front of him, and his face showed an extremely ugly look.

He didn't expect that the demon was much stronger than he imagined.

This is no longer an ordinary power, but a power beyond imagination.

Zhuo Bufan believed that even if his senior brother Jiang Taiyi came, he might not be able to defeat the guy in front of him.

"But how should I reload the game? I am afraid that this enemy in front of me cannot be eliminated no matter how many times I reload the game."

"Unless I can kill him before he resurrects."

Zhuo Bufan fell into deep thought again.

The demon is too strong, and he can never solve it by reloading the game.

Unless he loads the file before the demon is resurrected, the demon will never be resurrected.

However, if you want to read the archive before the demon is resurrected, there is only one archive, which is the mass grave at the beginning.

"Does it mean that I can only choose to load the mass grave?"

"Let everything start from scratch, start everything from scratch?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't even imagine the consequences of doing so.

Let everything be as it is, will the future still develop according to the trajectory he planned?

"No, we can't just let this happen. I still have a lot of things to do!"

"I can't die. I can't lose this battle."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't imagine how difficult it would be to start from scratch.

Facing the demon who had completely evolved to another level, Zhuo Bufan raised his frail body.

"Even if it's my last breath, I will fight until the end."

"I have never been so eager to win. Only you are the only guy I must defeat personally."

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan thought of his sister Linglong dying in his arms.

He wants to fight, and he wants to fight until the last moment.

He wanted to repay Linglong with his own hands and kill the abominable Ni Qiong in front of him.

"Your name is Ni Cang Qiong, right? Then I, Zhuo Bufan, will defy your Ni Cang Qiong."


Zhuo Bufan shouted loudly and rushed towards Ni Qiong.

And Ni Qiong was flying in the air, looking at Zhuo Bufan who was running towards him.

At that moment, he smiled.

"The ants shake the tree, you bastard, I approve of you!"

Ni Qingqiong said and stretched out his hand towards Zhuo Bufan.

Black light balls condensed one after another in the palm of his hand.

The next second, black light balls shot out towards Zhuo Bufan.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

For a time, the entire land was devastated once again.

A hundred miles in radius was once again disintegrated.

The endless waves of dust shook the sky, and Ni Qingqiong's face showed pride.

"This world is finally peaceful without the noise of miscellaneous things."

Ni Qiangqiong closed his eyes and looked up to the sky, feeling the long-lost tranquility between heaven and earth.

However, in the next moment, his eyes widened suddenly and he looked down in the direction of Zhuo Bufan.

"Impossible, you're not dead yet?"

Ni Qingqiong waved his big hand and swept away the endless waves of dust below.

On the ground, Zhuo Bufan was sitting cross-legged, his whole body enveloped by a mighty force.

Immediately, a spiritual light rose from the sky above his head and poured into the sky.

"This guy got promoted?"

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