Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1001: Rebuilding the Crazy Gate

After they left, Zhuo Bufan waved his hand and released Meicheng.

Then, Zhuo Bufan took Bai Su's hand and entered Meicheng.

When they entered Meicheng, the whole city cheered.

"Oh oh oh oh, victory."

"The master is invincible, the master is invincible."

"Our master is the best in the world, undefeated at the peak!"


The disciples of the Crazy Sect have learned the results of the battle.

Zhuo Bufan saved the entire cultivation world with his own strength, and he deserves to be the master of this world.

After Zhuo Bufan entered Meicheng, he immediately issued an order.

"Where are Lu Fei and Xu Huang?"

Lu Fei, the deputy master of the Crazy Sect in the cultivation world.

Xu Huang, the chief steward of the Crazy Sect in the Hell Realm.

They are all Zhuo Bufan's most trusted subordinates.

After hearing this, Lu Fei and Xu Huang led their respective men forward.

"Lu Fei, let me introduce you to the man standing next to you, Xu Huang, who is from another world."

"He is the chief steward of the Kuangmen that I founded in that world."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Lu Fei turned around and looked at Xu Huang, clasping his fists.

"Brother Xu!"

Then Zhuo Bufan introduced Xu Huang.

"Xu Huang, he is Lu Fei, my most trusted brother in Kuangmen."

When Xu Huang heard this, he quickly turned around and clasped his fists and said to Lu Fei.

"Hello, Brother Lu. I have heard the Sect Master mention you a long time ago, saying that you are his confidant. I have always hoped that one day I can become someone like you."

"You are welcome, Brother Xu. The boss is in your world, thanks to your care, I should thank you."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the two of them so politely and smiled.

"Okay, you two don't be polite to each other."

"Now this Sect Master has a task for you."

"Lu Fei and Xu Huang, listen to my orders!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Lu Fei and Xu Huang stood up again, ready for battle.

"Lu Fei, I order you to be the leader of the North Sect, and lead your disciples to the North Continent to establish the North Kuang Sect."

"Xu Huang, I order you to be the leader of the South Sect, and lead your disciples to the South Continent to establish the South Kuang Sect."

"From now on, the two of you must join hands, support each other, and jointly develop our Kuang Sect."

Zhuo Bufan has not forgotten Kuang Sect.

Although he has the final say in the entire cultivation world now, he still wants to build his own power.

Kuang Sect is his most important source of faith and divine power.

Zhuo Bufan is very clear that he will face more terrifying enemies in the future.

Ni Cangqiong, the name of this guy is enough to make him palpitate.

Zhuo Bufan today can't even beat 20% of Ni Cangqiong's power.

If one day, he really meets that guy again, Zhuo Bufan can hardly imagine what the result will be.

The God of the Cultivation World is obviously not Zhuo Bufan's end.

On the contrary, this is just his starting point.

Zhuo Bufan has found an alternative way of cultivation.

In addition to the real tree, he also has the virtual tree, as well as the "world tree" of the Yang world - the Gate of Wonders.

Since he can become the god of the real world, Zhuo Bufan believes that he can also become the god of the virtual world, or even the god of the Yang world in the future.

At that time, the struggle between the virtual world and the Yang world will naturally be resolved.

To become a world god and master the entire Qiankun world, Zhuo Bufan must break the hostile law by himself.

He must gather the power of the entire Yin-Yang Qiankun world to fight against more powerful enemies in the future.

After receiving Zhuo Bufan's order, Lu Fei and Xu Huang began to act separately.

Lu Fei took the original disciples of the Crazy Gate to the north and established the North Crazy Gate.

Xu Huang took the disciples of the Hell Crazy Gate to the south and established the South Crazy Gate.

For a time, the originally bustling Meicheng suddenly became empty.

"Susu, I'll take you to the Su Nu Sect and tell them about our wedding."

In the current Meicheng where Zhuo Bufan lives, in addition to the Kuang Sect, there is also the Su Nu Sect in the south city.

For so many years, the Su Nu Sect has been living in the south city.

Zhuo Bufan took good care of the Su Nu Sect and did not allow any Kuang Sect disciples to approach the Su Nu Sect.

Because the Su Nu Sect is the most important home for Bai Su.

Bai Su was surprised when she heard it.

"Su Nu Sect, everyone, are you still there?"

Bai Su was a little unbelievable.

Su Nu Sect is indeed a place that Bai Su cares about in her heart. Bai Su misses every disciple in it very much.

"Zifan, tell your mother, are your father and I taking good care of the aunts in the Su Nu Sect?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Bai Zifan and said.

Bai Zifan replied quickly when he heard it.

"Mother, since you disappeared, father has taken all the aunts of the Su Nu Sect to Meicheng to take care of them."

"Now the aunts are all doing well."

Bai Su was so moved that she burst into tears.

"Really? Then I want to go see them, see Lingyu, and see the elders."

Bai Su was very excited and couldn't wait to go to Nancheng.

Zhuo Bufan heard this and brought Bai Su, Zifan and Yaya to the Su Nu Sect territory in Nancheng.

"Father, did you just say that you are going to marry mother?"

Along the way, Bai Zifan realized it later and reacted, and asked quickly.

Zhuo Bufan glanced at him and smiled.

"That's right, I want to marry your mother, and I want to hold a world-class wedding for her."

"Marry, wedding?"

"Dad, okay, okay, I want to see my mother wearing the bride's clothes."

When Yaya heard this, she was so excited that she danced.

Zhuo Bufan picked her up and said.

"When the time comes, Yaya, Niannian and Zifan will be little flower girls, okay?"

"Nian Nian? Zhuo Lang, you mean..."

Bai Su looked at Zhuo Bufan, his meaning already clear between his brows.

"Well, I think there is no need to rush our wedding. We can hold it after I bring my father-in-law, mother-in-law, and Niannian back from Jingyuan."

"Are the Emperor Father and the Queen Mother really still alive?"

Bai Su couldn't believe it. She thought her parents were dead.

"She should still be alive. Nian Nian is with them now. I have to pick her up."

Since it is a wedding, no one in the family can be absent.

So Zhuo Bufan planned to go to Jingyuan first to bring Niannian and his two elders back, and then hold the wedding.

There was only one wedding, and he didn't want Bai Su to have any regrets, and neither did Zhuo Bufan himself.

"Then do you know how to get to Jingyuan?"

Bai Su asked.

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"Since I became the World God, I can basically understand the world outside the true world. I also know where Jingyuan is."

"After I finish handling the affairs of the real world, I will pick them up."

"I wonder if your wife is satisfied with this arrangement?"

Zhuo Bufan called Bai Su his wife for the first time. When Bai Su heard this, her beauty turned pale.

Then, she lowered her head slightly and nodded.

"Everything is arranged by Zhuo Lang."

Now Bai Su just wants to be a good wife who can support her husband and raise her children, and leave the rest to Zhuo Bufan.

"Father, do you want to bring Aunt Xiaomei back?"

Bai Zifan suddenly mentioned Xiaomei, which made Zhuo Bufan frown.


Bai Su doesn't seem to know Xiaomei yet, which is strange. Although she and Xiaomei have had several head-to-head confrontations, Bai Su and Xiaomei really don't know each other.

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