Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1003 Immortal Relics

What Duan Xinghe did is impossible to make up for.

Even if he was controlled by a demon in his previous life, he could not escape the blame.

Even if everyone in the world is willing to forgive him, he himself cannot forgive himself.

Killing his father and grandfather with his own hands is an unforgivable mistake.


Yunyun looked at Duan Xinghe, her delicate body trembling.

Even if no one in the world forgives him, I believe Yunyun will forgive him.

"Brother Duan!"

The orphans on Yaoguang Peak will also forgive him.

No one knows better than them what kind of person Duan Xinghe is.

However, their trust is of no use. The once broken galaxy can no longer come back.

"Brother Zhuo, send me away from here!"

After many years, Duan Xinghe once again called Zhuo Bufan brother Zhuo.

The long-lost call made Zhuo Bufan feel more cordial.

I remember back when they were in Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers, they went through life and death together, and shared weal and woe together.

At that time, they were indeed the best brothers.

It’s just that time has passed, and some memories are just memories after all.

"I will go with you."

Yunyun grabbed Duan Xinghe's arm. She had been waiting for so many years and she didn't want to wait any longer.

However, Duan Xinghe resolutely pushed her hand away and said.

"Sorry Yunyun, I can only walk this road alone."

"When I finish walking this road, I will come back to apologize to you!"

The road that Broken Galaxy wants to take is a road of atonement.

He must walk this road alone, and no one can take his place.

"Brother Duan, don't leave!"

The orphans at Yaoguang Peak were very sad to see Duan Xinghe decide to leave.

But Duan Xinghe once again decided to ruthlessly abandon all of this.

But this time, he left a message.

"I will return."

After saying that, he turned around and left Meicheng.

With nothing, he embarked on a journey of atonement alone.

Zhuo Bufan could feel Duan Xinghe's state of mind at this moment. Without saying anything, he opened the city gate wide and allowed Duan Xinghe to leave.

"Hey, remember to come and drink my wedding wine!"

Before leaving, Zhuo Bufan also said goodbye to Duan Xinghe.

Duan Xinghe paused and answered without looking back.

"Will do."

This time, he no longer cared and flew away.

Although he had many regrets, Zhuo Bufan finally solved the matter of Broken Galaxy.

The next thing Zhuo Bufan has to do is prepare for the wedding.

Of course, before that, he had to go to Jingyuan to invite Emperor Bai, Emperor Qing, Emperor Xuan and Nian Nian back to attend the wedding.

"Father, I have something to discuss with you."

Bai Su was used by the girls of the Su Nu Sect to reminisce about the past.

Yunyun took the girls who had once shaken the light peak back to the courtyard to continue practicing.

Zhuo Bufan and Bai Zifan were left where they were, and no one greeted them for a while.

"What's up?"

"Father, do you remember what I once told you? When Lord Earth Demon kidnapped me, a Wuji Immortal Master split off."

"He told me that there is an immortal inheritance in the Luoxian Cemetery of the Banished Immortal Sect. I want to see it."

"Immortal inheritance?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, then he closed his eyes and instantly sensed the situation in the Immortal Cemetery of the Banished Immortal Sect. Finally, he opened his eyes and smiled slightly.

"So that's it, there really is a heritage!"

When Zhuo Bufan sensed the Luoxian Cemetery, he indeed discovered that there was an inherited power, and it was also an extremely familiar power.


Zhuo Bufan was slightly startled. The power he discovered turned out to be immortal power.

"Go, Zifan, your chance has come."

Zhuo Bufan smiled.

Although Bai Zifan is not his own son, he has always raised him as his own.

Such a good thing must be fulfilled by his own son.

But after hearing this, Bai Zifan raised his hands and said.

"Father, that Immortal Master Wuji said that the Immortal Immortal Heritage of Luoxian Cemetery is here, and Zifan may not be qualified enough. Father, can you come with me?"

"Should I go with you? What if the opportunity becomes mine?"

"No father, since it is a chance, then those who are destined will know it. If the father can get it, it means it is the father's chance, not the son's chance."

After Bai Zifan became a real person, his mood improved a lot.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he smiled lightly.

"Okay, then as a father, I'll let you go."

"But I guarantee your safety and leave the opportunity to you."

Zhuo Bufan is now the God of the Real World. He has obtained the greatest opportunities in the world of cultivation, and he does not need other opportunities.

Then, Zhuo Bufan extended his hand and waved.

The next second, the scenery in front of him and Bai Zifan immediately changed.

It went directly from the Su Nu Sect's martial arts training ground to a dilapidated green cemetery.

After becoming a god, Zhuo Bufan can go anywhere in the world of cultivation with a single thought.

When they arrived at the cemetery, Zhuo Bufan didn't hesitate and stretched out his hand.


Suddenly, the earth began to tremble, and the underground world hidden under the cemetery began to rise outward.

Within a moment, an ancient ruin appeared on top of the cemetery.

What attracts attention are the twelve black walls.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the black wall, he couldn't help but be shocked.

"Sands of Time!"

That's right, the black wall Zhuo Bufan saw was actually a wall made of the sand of time.

The black sand of time is the sand flowing downstream, which will speed up the flow of time.

In addition, the sand of time is also the first innate artifact, the constituent particles of the long river of time.

The long river of time has many magical powers, one of which is to record all the traces left by the years.

Time can erase everything, but it can also record everything at the same time.

Obviously, the black wall records something extraordinary.

The twelve black walls are arc-shaped, with three layers inside and three layers outside.

And in the center, there is a Tai Chi Dao map.

What shocked Zhuo Bufan was that this Tai Chi Dao map was also made of the sand of time.

The black is the black sand of time, and the white is the white sand of time.

"The one who left this Tai Chi Dao map must not be an unknown person."

"Why do I feel so familiar, what is this inexplicable sense of familiarity?"

Zhuo Bufan said, and suddenly held his forehead.

He felt that there seemed to be some different memories in the depths of his soul, which were about to be opened.

"Father, is this the inheritance?"

Bai Zifan looked at the magical ruins in front of him, and he stood up and walked towards the inside of the ruins.

However, as soon as Bai Zifan approached, he was blown away by an invisible force.


Zhuo Bufan saw this and immediately grabbed Bai Zifan back.


There was a buzz in his mind, and Zhuo Bufan felt more and more that something was about to explode from his brain.

"Don't get close casually, this thing is weird."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the arc-shaped black wall in front of him began to rotate.

The outer layer rotated clockwise, the middle layer rotated counterclockwise, and the inner layer rotated clockwise again.

The Tai Chi diagram in the middle also began to rotate slowly.

For a moment, a black and white interwoven energy shield wrapped the entire ruins.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and immediately took Bai Zifan to the sky.

Looking down from the sky, you will find that the entire ruins are like a huge Tai Chi compass, slowly rotating.

"This is, Yin Yang Pangu Formation!"


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