Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1034 Ending the War

"Husband, what are you doing with this?"

Zhuo Bufan handed over the management of the cultivation world to Bai Su, which surprised Bai Su.

She didn't actually need this power.

But Zhuo Bufan insisted on giving it to her.

"Xuan Su is right. My next task is to integrate the world trees of the major worlds."

"So next, I may leave the cultivation world for a while."

"Of course, I'm not really leaving. After all, the cultivation world is with me. I can come back anytime I want."

"What I mean is that next I will go to various worlds, integrate the world trees, complete the unification of the entire Yin and Yang universe, and eliminate the hostile laws of Yin and Yang universe."

"During my absence, you will help me take care of the cultivation world."

"And Xuan Su, if I'm not here, you have to support Bai Su, and you can't go back to the Yin world. You can only go back after I kill the Yin Emperor, do you understand?"

Zhuo Bufan had just gotten married, but he didn't have time to be affectionate.

Ni Cangqiong, Yin Emperor, and the Mirror Master of the Void World.

These existences made Zhuo Bufan feel like a thorn in his back, and he was restless.

He must rule the entire Yin-Yang Universe as soon as possible and become the master of this world of Yin-Yang Universe.

So, he still has to do what he should do.

After hearing this, Bai Su nodded and agreed.

"I understand. If you want to do it, do it boldly! I will manage the world of cultivation for you."

"Well, I feel relieved with your words."

"After I leave, you will completely hide the boundary of the world of cultivation. Then let the ancient clans of Jingyuan return to the world of cultivation to live again. It's time to give Master and his wife a vacation."

Zhuo Bufan decided to hide the world of cultivation and no longer go to war with the Yin Realm.

Emperor Xuan and Baidi have guarded Jingyuan for hundreds of thousands of years, and they have completed their mission. It's time to take a good rest.

As for the ancient clans of Jingyuan, Zhuo Bufan will let them return to the world of cultivation to continue their lives.

Of course, the reappearance of the ancient clans in the world of cultivation will inevitably cause many unnecessary misunderstandings and troubles.

So Zhuo Bufan wants to hand over the management rights of the world of cultivation to Bai Su and let Bai Su manage the world of cultivation.

He went to the underworld to find a way to seize the other half of the world power from the Yin Emperor.

"Husband, are you going to the underworld next?"

Xuan Su asked.

"Yes, since you have given me half of the world power, then you might as well take this opportunity to take back the other half of the power."

"As long as I become the world god of the underworld, you can go back and continue to be your queen of the underworld."

Zhuo Bufan did want to go to the underworld next.

But Xuan Su was a little worried.

"Husband, in your previous life, you suffered a great loss on this underworld tree."

Xuan Su reminded.

Feng Jun in his previous life was pitted by the underworld tree and almost died directly.

But Zhuo Bufan said after hearing it.

"Get up where you fall."

"In the previous life, I left a save door specifically for me, presumably to deal with the underworld tree."

"Don't worry, this time, I'm sure."

Zhuo Bufan was very confident.

After all, he now has half of the world power of the underworld.

He is also a big step closer to success.

"In that case, my husband, after you enter the underworld, take this to the Demon Sea and find the Dragon God of the Dragon Clan to help you act in the underworld."

Xuan Su said, taking off a Star Tears necklace from her neck and giving it to Zhuo Bufan.

This is Xuan Su's token. As long as her confidants see it, they will naturally listen to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan put away the Star Tears, and then embraced Bai Su and Xuan Su at the same time.

"When I'm not around, you must get along well, understand?"

"Su Su, go and inform the Father Emperor and the Mother Emperor first, that I have something to say to them."

"Xuan Su, stay, I have something to tell you."

After hearing this, Bai Su understood Zhuo Bufan's thoughts, so she got up and left the room, leaving Xuan Su and Zhuo Bufan alone.

After Bai Su left, Zhuo Bufan said this.

"Xuan Su, although we are married, my children may not accept you yet."

"After all, the existence of the hostile law makes it impossible for them to accept you at this time."

"So you must not be upset because of this, understand? Wait until I agree to Yin Yang Qian Kun and lift the hostile law, then you can get along well with the children."

Zhuo Bufan's purpose of leaving Xuan Su behind is to explain this matter.

Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su have three children.

Among them, Yaya has no hostility towards Xuan Su, and Yaya is a very magical child.

And Nian Nian herself is not affected by the hostile law, so she actually has no hatred towards Xuan Su, but she is a little resentful of Xuan Su for taking her away.

The only one who is affected by the hostile law is Zifan.

After seeing Xuan Su, Zifan has a deep sense of hatred.

In addition, Zifan loves her mother Bai Su the most, and thinks that Zhuo Bufan's going to Xuan Su is a betrayal of her mother.

So Bai Zifan, this stinky boy, has not been willing to talk to Zhuo Bufan until now.

Of course, Bai Su can solve Bai Zifan's problem.

No matter what, Zhuo Bufan hopes that his harem will be harmonious.

He and Xuansu don't have their own children, so he hopes Xuansu can get along well with the children.

And Xuansu also understood Zhuo Bufan's deep meaning and quickly said.

"Husband, please rest assured. I will definitely get along well with the children and my sister."

"In fact, I found that Yaya likes me very much. She seems to be unable to play with Nian Nian and Zifan, but is very close to me."

"Really! This child is a little lonely. She has been alone in the Yang Realm looking for me for tens of thousands of years. The child I owe the most is her. If I am not around, you should take good care of her for me."

Although Yaya is the child of Bai Su and Zhuo Bufan in their previous lives, this girl does not stick to Bai Su, but to Xuan Su.

Perhaps this girl can feel Xuan Su's inner loneliness.

She looks silly, but Yaya is actually more sensitive than anyone else, and sees things more clearly than anyone else.

Zhuo Bufan is relieved that Xuan Su has Yaya to accompany him.


After Xuan Su changed Zhuo Bufan's clothes, they came to the hall.

And Bai Su had already found the three emperors, waiting for Zhuo Bufan to explain the matter.

"Boy, you are newly married, why don't you spend time with your two brides? Why did you ask us to come?"

The Green Emperor laughed at the side.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"That's right, Master, Master's Wife and Master's Uncle. I asked you to come today first to thank you for your contributions to the Real World over the years."

"If it weren't for you guarding the border of the Real World and Jingyuan, the Cultivation World might have ceased to exist. You've worked hard."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he bowed deeply to the Emperor Xuan and the others.

"Boy, this is what we should do."

"The Cultivation World is not only your world, but also our world."

The Emperor Xuan and the others already knew that Zhuo Bufan was the world god of the Cultivation World.

So Zhuo Bufan had a high voice among them.

"That's right, I decided to hide the Cultivation World and end the war with the Yin World."

"End the war?"

When Zhuo Bufan said to end the war, the three emperors were all stunned.

Ending the war, this has been their wish for many years!


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