Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1040: Subjugating the Sun God

Zhuo Bufan mastered the Chaos God Bell and began to show his power.

The Chaos Black Hole created by the Chaos God Bell can devour all energy, including the light of the Sun God.

Almost all of the Sun God's moves and skills were absorbed by the Chaos Bell.

"Awesome, Old Zhong, you are so powerful!"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked.

He didn't expect that the Chaos Bell would suddenly become so powerful.

Before this, Zhuo Bufan had only used it as a defensive weapon.

After all, the most important ability of the Chaos Bell is the Gate of Crossing Realms. Apart from this, Zhuo Bufan didn't know what other powers the Chaos Bell had.

However, in addition to being the Gate of Crossing Realms of various worlds, the most powerful ability of the Chaos Bell is the Chaos Qi.

Chaos Qi is the power to create the world and the most primitive power.

This power is very powerful and difficult to master.

Under the devouring of this power, the Sun God of the Yin Realm felt that his soul was about to be sucked away.


Seeing that his energy was being devoured again and again, the Sun God suddenly shouted fiercely.

Then, golden light shone all around him, and he suddenly turned into a round sun.

Nearly infinite energy began to illuminate the world.

Unimaginable temperature was burning the sky.

It crashed directly into the Chaos Bell.


Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan suddenly shouted.

The next second, the Chaos Bell spit out a chaos circle, and dozens of small black holes were rotating around the chaos circle.

The round of Haori passed through the chaos circle and was instantly bound.

Then, the Sun God was trapped and couldn't get out.

He knew that the light on his body was getting dimmer and dimmer, and finally turned into a human form again.

However, the chaos circle of the Chaos Bell was still tightly wrapped around him, trapping him tightly.

"Okay, Ri Shen, if you keep fighting, only people will suffer."

"And today, I am not here to fight you."

"Although I don't know what your relationship with Xuan Su is, I must tell you solemnly that Xuan Su is my wife now. If you dare to have improper thoughts about her again, I will definitely not be polite to you."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to threaten the other party, after all, he came to win the help of Ri Shen.

However, Ri Shen's thoughts about Xuan Su made him have to be wary of the other party.

Xuan Su is his own, and he doesn't allow anyone to think about her.

So even if he is an enemy of Ri Shen, Zhuo Bufan doesn't care.

And Ri Shen, who was trapped by Zhuo Bufan, struggled for a while and found that it didn't work, so he gave up struggling.

"Okay, I admit your strength."

"You are right, if you continue to fight, only people will suffer."

"Come to the temple! I basically know your intentions."

Ri Shen said, and suddenly disappeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

It turned out that the one who had been fighting with him was just a clone of the Sun God.

The real Sun God would be earth-shattering at any time, so how could he be trapped by Zhuo Bufan?

After all, he is also the Supreme God of the Underworld.

The strength of the Sun God is almost comparable to that of the White Emperor.

At present, Zhuo Bufan believes that he is not the opponent of his master's wife, the White Emperor.

So in this battle, it cannot be said that Zhuo Bufan defeated the Sun God, but only that he defeated the clone of the Sun God.

Of course, from beginning to end, Zhuo Bufan hardly used the world power of the Underworld.

Otherwise, he could tamper with the rules and punish the Sun God as a world god.

Seeing the clone of the Sun God disappear, Zhuo Bufan also took back the Chaos Bell.

Then, he flew towards the Sun Island in front of him.

Soon, he found the Sun Temple he was looking for in the center of the Sun Island.

The Sun Temple is located in a piece of crystal with dazzling golden light.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Sun Temple in front of him, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and then flew down.

As soon as he landed, a group of beautiful maids came to greet him.

What surprised Zhuo Bufan was that these maids looked like one person, Xuan Su.

"This guy!"

Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth slightly.

He didn't expect that the Sun God was obsessed with Xuan Su.

This was really like the infatuation of the Qing Emperor for the Bai Emperor.

Legend has it that after the Qing Emperor lost the Bai Emperor, he began to indulge in flowers.

He specifically looked for beautiful women who looked like the Bai Emperor, and then planted them everywhere.

This Sun God obviously had the infatuation of the Qing Emperor.

But for Zhuo Bufan, this was not infatuation, it was perversion.

He entered the temple with a little anger.

As soon as he stepped into the temple, he saw a person sitting on the main hall of the temple.

Zhuo Bufan looked closely and found that this person was the Sun God in a golden outfit.

There was a sun crown behind him, which looked so sacred.

After seeing Zhuo Bufan, the Sun God suddenly spoke.

"Half a year ago, I met Xuan Su for the last time."

"She told me that she was going to marry the lover she was looking for. She said that she would never come back after this trip."

"She also told me that if one day a man with her world power came to find me, let me help that man and fulfill one of his wishes."

"This was her last wish for me."

"Back then, she saved me. I promised her that I could unconditionally fulfill her three wishes."

"The first wish was for me to join her camp. The second wish was for me not to love her. The third wish was for me to help you."

"Hahaha, so now I want to see which man is so virtuous and capable that he can get Xuansu's favor."

Through the self-talk of the Sun God, Zhuo Bufan learned.

It turned out that Xuansu had arranged everything half a year ago.

Xuansu had expected this day, so she asked the Sun God to promise her to help Zhuo Bufan unconditionally.


When Zhuo Bufan thought of this, his heart was warm.

Isn't Xuansu's feelings for him a kind of infatuation?

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan has not let her down in this life.

"Then will you keep your promise to Xuansu's third wish?"

Zhuo Bufan said, looking at the Sun God in front of him.

After hearing this, the Sun God looked cold and said.

"Tell me, what do you want, I will agree to it unconditionally. Even if it is, fulfill the original promise!"

The Sun God is the Sun God, he did not break his original promise.

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly when he saw this.

It seems that Xuansu did not make a mistake. The Sun God is indeed a trustworthy companion.

"Well, I want you to help me kill the Yin Emperor! Can you do it?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't beat around the bush and directly stated his conditions.

When the Sun God heard it, he was stunned at first.

Then he laughed.

"Hahahaha, no problem! I promise you."

The Sun God's answer did not disappoint Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing it, Zhuo Bufan smiled lightly.

"Wait for my news! I still need to gather other people."

After saying that, Zhuo Bufan did not stay for long and turned around and left the Sun God Temple.

In this way, after the Yin Beast Clan and the Qianyu Clan, Zhuo Bufan got another powerful helper, the Sun God!


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