Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1067: Changes of the Green Emperor

Zhuo Bufan followed the Moon God and rushed to the sealed place of the Mirror Master.

"The mirror master's sealing place is under the Paradise Island in the center of the virtual world! The entire paradise island is the mirror master's sealing place."

"Paradise Island?"

Zhuo Bufan knew about Paradise Island, he had even been to Paradise Island.

There is a mirror well in the center of Paradise Island, which is a passage connecting the virtual world and the real world.

"I didn't expect that the mirror master's sealing place would always be in the virtual world."

"To be precise, the sealed place of the Mirror Master is deep under the sea under Paradise Island."

"Back then Emperor Xuan united with the heroes from all sides to seal the Mirror Master."

"Forced the mirror owner to spit out the virtual world tree at the last moment."

"As a result, he no longer has the ability to control everything in the virtual world. The Devil's Sea under Paradise Island has instead become the burial place of the Mirror Master."

"Are you saying that the Void Realm Tree was spit out by the Mirror Master on his own initiative?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Luna nodded and replied.

"Yes, the Mirror Master was forced to use the power of the world to restart the virtual world."

"However, at the last moment, I heard that the virtual world tree betrayed the mirror owner, forcing the mirror owner to spit it out."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned slightly.

Once the World Tree is fused, can it still betray its master?

At least Zhuo Bufan currently doesn't feel any rebellious intentions in the fused World Tree.

If World Tree really has a rebellious heart, will he also betray Zhuo Bufan in the future?

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand, so he didn't ask any more questions.

I just feel that this matter is far from as simple as imagined. It is possible that the World Tree was deliberately spit out by the mirror owner.

Under the leadership of the Moon God, they quickly arrived at Paradise Island.

Paradise Island is still as prosperous as ever.

After all, it is the number one island in the world in the virtual world.

And now, the owner of Paradise Island has become the most admired little moon god in the world, Xi Gong Haoyue.

This former faceless killing god has now become a rising star in the virtual world.

He is the greatest pride of the Moon God, and he is also the person whom the Moon God cultivates throughout his life.

Paradise Island is guarded by Xi Gong Haoyue, and the Moon God is very relieved.

So they did not rush to Paradise Island, but directly entered the inland sea under Paradise Island.

The sealing place of Qing Emperor is under the inner sea.

Zhuo Bufan followed the Moon God closely to the bottom of the inland sea, and soon he discovered a large trench.

Under the deep trench, there is no bottom, and in the darkness, there is a terrible murderous intention lurking.

"The sealed place of the Mirror Master is under this bottomless trench."

"let's go!"

After the Moon God finished speaking, he continued to sneak under the trench with Zhuo Bufan.

However, just after diving less than a thousand meters, a powerful evil energy suddenly began to spurt out from under the trench.

Zhuo Bufan felt the crisis in that evil energy.

"Luna be careful."

He informed Moon God immediately.

At the same time, the fierce evil energy rushed straight towards the Moon God.


The other party was incredibly fast and appeared in front of the Moon God in an instant.

Vaguely, Zhuo Bufan seemed to see a huge black beast.

The other party turned into a ball of black smoke and entangled the Moon God.

Immediately afterwards, the shrill cry of the Moon God came from the black mist.


The opponent directly attacked the Moon God, and even suppressed the Moon God's power.

Although Moon God no longer accepts faith, he was once the supreme god and his strength is not weak.

But facing the black beast that suddenly attacked, Moon God was actually faced with a fatal threat.

"I'm here to save you!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much, he held the divine power and attacked the black beast.

The black color was a ball of ink-like energy. When Zhuo Bufan penetrated his divine power into its body, Zhuo Bufan suddenly found that his divine power had been swallowed by the black beast.

"No, this guy can swallow divine power."

Zhuo Bufan immediately pulled out and cut off his connection with the divine power.

He didn't expect that this black beast was not afraid of divine power, and not only that, it could also swallow divine power.

No wonder the Moon God is in such pain, the Moon God's divine power cannot be used at all in this black beast.

It can be said that this black beast is the natural enemy of all gods in the virtual world.

Zhuo Bufan never imagined that such a unique and ferocious beast would be hidden under the great trench of Paradise Island. It was simply unbelievable.

"If divine power is not enough, spiritual energy can do it!"

Zhuo Bufan used his hands to mediate, his left hand was wrapped with death energy, and his right hand was filled with vitality.

Immediately afterwards, he grasped the power of the reincarnation of life and death with both hands, grabbed into the black mist, and then used his reincarnation hand to tear the black mist into pieces.

He opened a crack and grabbed Luna out of it.

Although the black beast's countless tentacles were tearing at the Moon God, its decisive legs gave way in the face of Zhuo Bufan's reincarnation power.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan won the "tug of war" and rescued Luna from the critical moment.

After pulling out the Moon God, the power of life and death behind Zhuo Bufan suddenly increased explosively.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

Immediately afterwards, a series of grinding wheels of life and death appeared behind Zhuo Bufan, and then spun rapidly towards the black beheading.

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo…

One after another, the grinding wheels of life and death struck the body of the black beast, splitting it into pieces and disappearing into ashes.

But at the last moment, a streak of black smoke escaped and headed towards the bottom of the trench.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he did not catch up immediately, because the Moon God seemed to have been severely injured.

He quickly helped Luna and asked.

"Lord Luna, are you okay?"

As Zhuo Bufan spoke, he poured life force into Moon God's body.

After a while, the moon god slowly regained his energy.

"It's the Chiqi beast, the Mirror Master's Chiqi beast. It specializes in devouring divine power. It's the ferocious beast he uses to rule our world. It's the absolute nemesis of the creatures in our virtual world."

The mirror owner immediately recognized the mythical beast just now.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

He thought of the four strange beasts tamed by the owner of the mirror - the strange beast, the magical beast, the strange beast, and the strange beast.

"Were those the strange beasts just now? Are the four strange beasts of the Mirror Master still alive?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised.

He encountered a strange beast before, but he didn't expect to encounter a strange beast now.

After hearing this, Luna replied.

"The four strange beasts are specially tamed by the mirror owner with his own flesh and blood soul. Unless the mirror owner dies, they will not die."

"This strange beast can swallow divine power. It was a strange beast specially used by the Mirror Master to manage the virtual world."

"Meiqi beasts can swallow souls, spooky beasts can swallow life, and spooky beasts can swallow spiritual energy."

Zhuo Bufan frowned, feeling a little confused.

"Devouring divine power, devouring souls, devouring life, devouring spiritual energy!"

"The four strange and powerful beasts, demons and monsters, are actually so powerful. Were they specially created by the Mirror Master to deal with the whole world?"

Life, soul, divine power, aura, this is the power that all creatures in the Yin and Yang universe can survive.

The four strange beasts created by the Mirror Master turned out to be specially designed to deal with this kind of power.

"Sure enough, did this guy intend to be hostile to the entire Yin-Yang Universe from the beginning?"

Zhuo Bufan had a vague feeling that Mirror Master might be even more difficult to deal with than Ni Qiangqiong before.

Although Ni Qiangqiong is powerful, that guy is a reckless man and doesn't like to engage in crooked ways and conspiracies.

So all you need to do is fight him head-on and win.

Of course, this is mainly related to Ni Cangqiong's character. Because Ni Cangqiong is strong enough, he disdains any conspiracy, and he will not scheme against others.

But the mirror owner is different. Zhuo Bufan feels that the mirror owner has been calculating something. This kind of calculation has been vaguely felt since he entered the world of cultivation.

And now, Zhuo Bufan found that he had become the chess piece of the Mirror Master, and had been deeply involved in this conspiracy vortex, unable to extricate himself.

"Moon God, why don't you go up first? I can go the rest of the way by myself."

Zhuo Bufan was worried about Luna's condition.

But after hearing this, Moon God shook his head.

"No, I'm fine. I'll go with you! You may encounter danger next, and I should be able to help."

"The strange beast that threatened me has been severely injured by you, and it will probably never appear again."

Moon God insisted on following Zhuo Bufan, and after hearing this, Zhuo Bufan had no choice but to nod.

According to what Moon God said, we may encounter magical beasts and sprite beasts next.

One is to swallow souls, and the other is to swallow spiritual energy, both of which have a greater impact on Zhuo Bufan.

It wouldn't be such a bad thing if you have Luna's help.

"Oh well!"

"But Luna, please follow me. I feel that the road ahead is not smooth."

Zhuo Bufan must be careful. After all, he may soon face the world's largest boss, who is also Zhuo Bufan's strongest opponent, at the sealing place of the Mirror Master.

So he needs to be careful in everything and be cautious.

After the two of them continued to sneak down for several thousand meters, the trench became wider.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan saw a stone forest on the seabed. Deep in the stone forest, there was an undersea palace.

"We're here. In front of us is the sealing place of the Mirror Master."

Moon God pointed at the stone forest below and said.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked towards the stone forest below. After a quick glance, he was slightly stunned.

In the center of the stone forest, there is a huge black hole!

"It's not good. Could it be that the seal has been opened?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he immediately sneaked down quickly.

When he and Moon God just landed on the stone forest, suddenly the ground began to tremble.

Immediately afterwards, a huge bone dragon flew out from the black hole in the ground.

It was a zombie dragon creature, with only a skeleton left on its body, but it could swim freely in the air.

Bone Dragon was not afraid of anything. What shocked Zhuo Bufan was that there was a black shadow in Bone Dragon's chest.

The black shadow was the strange beast that attacked them before.

And the strange beast was not the most surprising. What surprised Zhuo Bufan the most was the man standing above the bone dragon's head.

That man, dressed in green clothes, was full of energy, with an elegant figure and graceful clothes.

He was an extremely handsome man, handsome and extremely beautiful.

"Qing Emperor!"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

The man standing on top of the bone dragon is none other than Qing Emperor!

"Is he the Qing Emperor who is as famous as the Xuan Emperor?"

The Moon God on the side asked in surprise.

"That's right, the most powerful handsome man in the legend, Qingdi!"

Zhuo Bufan said, and was about to fly towards Qingdi in the air. However, just as he was about to start, he stopped himself.

"No, Qing Emperor came here specifically to investigate the mirror owner. The mirror owner didn't find any results. How could he stay with the strange beasts under the mirror owner?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt something was wrong.

He began to release his soul, and then took a closer look.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately shuddered.

I saw Qingdi's body floating out of power that definitely didn't belong to him.

Qingdi cultivates demon power, which is a third type of power that is different from spiritual power and divine power.

However, now, there are many mixed forces floating around the Qing Emperor.

Not only that, Qing Emperor's eyes were all gray, looking at Zhuo Bufan in front of him with a dull look.

The Moon God on the side seemed to have noticed something was wrong with the Qing Emperor in front of him.

"What's going on? I feel the power of the Mirror Master in him!"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was horrified.

"Mirror Master? Qing Emperor, Mirror Master?"

"No, did the Mirror Master seize the Qing Emperor?"

Zhuo Bufan thought of this for the first time.

"Impossible, Emperor Qing is the Great Emperor of Fengtian, and his strength is only weaker than Emperor Xuan. Among the five realms, except Emperor Xuan, who has the ability to defeat him? Let alone take away his soul."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't believe that the Qing Emperor in front of him was snatched away by the Mirror Master.

The Moon God on the side quickly explained.

"It's not a body snatching, it's a kind of possession!"

"The Mirror Master has integrated his power into Qing Emperor's body, which means that Qing Emperor's body now has two souls."

"One is his own, and the other is the mirror owner's."

"Now the mirror master's soul power temporarily suppresses Qing Emperor's soul, so the mirror master gains control of this body."

"Of course, Emperor Qing did not die, but he probably suffered some setback, which caused his will to become extremely low, allowing the mirror owner's soul to take control of his body."

After Luna's explanation, Zhuo Bufan probably understood.

The mirror owner escaped from the seal and used some method to possess his soul in Qingdi's body.

The current Qing Emperor has one body and two souls. He is both the Qing Emperor and the Mirror Master.

"No, I want to save him."

Naturally, Zhuo Bufan couldn't just watch Qingdi become the Mirror Master.

In Zhuo Bufan's mind, Emperor Qing was also a respectable senior, not to mention that he was his uncle.

"Didn't you expect that you would have to compete with this mirror owner so soon?"

"In that case, let's fight! Archive!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he calmly saved the file, then turned into a beam of light and flew towards the bone dragon in the air under the sea.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan flying quickly, the "Qing Emperor" on the opposite side suddenly raised his finger, and then pointed it in the air at the flying Zhuo Bufan.

Buzz buzz!

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan felt an unrivaled energy, overwhelmingly pressing down on him.


Suddenly, the entire ocean floor, within a thousand miles radius, was shattered by a heaven-defying spiritual wave.

Zhuo Bufan's eyebrows were instantly penetrated by a beam of divine light.

That heaven-defying divine light directly penetrated Zhuo Bufan's soul.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan finally understood the absolute gap between himself and Emperor Fengtian.

Emperor Fengtian can really cover the sky with a snap of his fingers!

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