Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1077 The Descendant of the God

The mirror master sealed Emperor Xuan and others in the crystal and made them all his collections.

No matter how Emperor Xuan and others destroyed the crystal, it was useless.

For the current mirror master, they are all ants.

"Asshole, what do you want to do?"

Emperor Xuan looked at the mirror master who looked like Zhuo Bufan, and he was already furious.

Thinking of how proud Emperor Xuan Jiang Taixuan was in his life.

Now, he can only be trapped in this small crystal and can't move.

Facing the mirror master, they failed completely.

The mastermind who had planned for hundreds of thousands of years finally succeeded at this moment.

"Humans are a strange creature, full of all kinds of selfish desires and boring emotions, so it's worth collecting!"

"This is why I won't kill you."

"As for what I'm going to do, you'll know next."

After the mirror master finished speaking, he suddenly opened his right hand.

A treasure mirror appeared in his hand.

"Is this, the mountain and sea mirror?"

Emperor Xuan recognized the innate artifact in front of him at a glance.

The mirror master did not answer him, but crushed the mountain and sea mirror in his hand into ashes.

The innate artifact mountain and sea mirror was crushed into ashes by the mirror master.

After crushing, a green light flew out from the mountain and sea mirror.

The light fell on the ground, and then a towering tree grew wildly, and then grew towards the top of the sky.

Soon, the towering tree directly penetrated the sky.

Then, the mirror master flew towards the canopy in the center of the tree.

When she landed on the canopy, she saw an altar in front of her.

Zhuo Bufan had seen this altar before.

In the center of the altar, there is a Tai Chi pattern. Zhuo Bufan doesn't know what the altar is used for.

But now it looks like the mirror master is going to activate this altar.

"What are you going to do?"

When Emperor Xuan saw the mirror master coming to the center of the altar, a feeling of uneasiness enveloped his heart.

Emperor Xuan could feel that what the mirror master was going to do next was very dangerous.

After hearing this, the Mirror Master responded.

"I just said that I want to transform this world into a world where our virtual lives can survive."

"This world is the origin world of Daluotian. Virtual lives can only gain eternal life here."

"This altar is naturally used to communicate with Daluotian."

"When I open it, the virtual lives of Daluotian will completely descend into this world."

"At that time, this world will be ours."

It turned out that the reason why the Mirror Master had been planning Yin Yang Qian Kun was to make this place a world where virtual lives can survive.

From the Mirror Master, we can understand that Yin Yang Qian Kun is the origin world of Daluotian.

The original power here can help their virtual lives gain eternal life.

Although Emperor Xuan didn't know what this meant.

But he knew very well that once thousands of virtual lives descended from Daluotian, this world would really be over.

Even a virtual life like the Mirror Master made their entire Yin Yang Qian Kun helpless.

If all virtual lives descended, they would be powerless to save the world.

This world will be completely destroyed.

"What the hell are you doing, brat?"

"Can't you be reborn? Reborn quickly!"

The Emperor Xuan finally had no choice.

He could only call out to Zhuo Bufan, hoping that Zhuo Bufan could use the save door to read the file back to the past and change everything.

However, after hearing this, the Mirror Master smiled.

"Don't count on him, his consciousness has been completely taken away by me."

"The Gate of Rebirth is indeed a very good artifact. Fortunately, I knew this news in advance, otherwise everything would be in vain."

The Mirror Master had taken over the body of the Green Emperor, so he had a certain understanding of the Gate of Rebirth.

Knowing that Zhuo Bufan could be reborn after death, he would stop Zhuo Bufan's death as soon as he took over Zhuo Bufan's body.

That is to say, Zhuo Bufan is not really dead now. His soul power is still there, but it is controlled by the power of the Mirror Master.

Although Zhuo Bufan is not dead, he cannot change everything in front of him.

For him, the current situation is useless even if he reads the file again.

The trap set by the Mirror Master in the virtual world is because Zhuo Bufan cannot stop the Mirror Master from resurrecting no matter how many times he reloads the game.

Unless Zhuo Bufan gives up the fusion of the virtual world tree and peacefully becomes the world god of his other four worlds.

"It's over, it's all over now. Is there no one who can stop this?"

Qingdi and the others can only look blankly at the world that is about to change drastically.

The power possessed by the Mirror Master is something they cannot resist.

The emperor who once could seal the sky can now only be trapped in the crystal like an ant.

This world ends here!

"Open, the gate of the sky!"

The Mirror Master walked to the altar, and then waved his sleeves, and the altar started.

The altar began to rotate slowly.

Soon, a black and white light burst out from the altar.

The light rushed to the sky and then pierced through the clouds.

In order to make this advent ceremony appear quiet.

The Mirror Master wiped out all the lives in the entire Yang world.

Only a few collections of Emperor Xuan and others were left.

It can be said that this ceremony is absolutely impossible to be disturbed.

No one can interrupt it.

So, in the holy light, the power from Daluotian began to slowly descend.

"It's coming, it's coming!"

"My people, you are here!"

The mirror master could feel that there was a powerful force descending from the sky.

The power from Daluotian finally descended on this pure land.

"It's over, this world is completely over."

Emperor Xuan wailed and sighed helplessly.

With the advent of the virtual life of Daluotian, Yangjie will never be able to return to the past.

Zhuo Bufan, the last hope, fell into a permanent sleep.


With a loud noise, a black shadow fell from the sky and appeared out of nowhere.

"Welcome, my people."

The mirror master looked particularly affectionate when he saw the black shadow in the light.

Just when the mirror master was about to step forward to greet his kind.

Suddenly, a hand stretched out from the black light.

Yes, it was a white jade-like human hand.

That hand grabbed the mirror master's head and crushed it on the spot.


From that hand, amazing energy burst out.

The terrifying energy was released at that moment, blasting the entire tree of the gods.

The area within a radius of thousands of miles exploded instantly, and turned into ashes.

The sudden battle was obviously unexpected even by the mirror master himself.

The mirror master looked at the guy who grabbed his head with a dark face, and his two black eyeballs flashed with the light of destruction.

The light of destruction bombarded the opponent's palm and directly repelled his palm.

"Who are you?"

The mirror master looked at his opponent angrily.

At this time, a peerless god walked out of the black light.

He wore black armor, a black cloak, and long black hair, and looked at the mirror master in front of him with a cold look.

Then, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, with a hint of evil smile.

"Boy, have you forgotten me so quickly?"

Bai Su, who was sealed in the crystal, couldn't help but widen her eyes when she saw the figure.

The man who suddenly appeared in front of her was actually——

"Demon, against the sky?"


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