Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1090 Self-created Kung Fu

"I brought some medicine to see you."

After opening the door, he saw Yu Ziji standing outside with a small gourd in his hand.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and did not think much about it, and quickly let Yu Ziji into the room.

After entering the room, Yu Ziji put the medicine gourd on the table beside him, and then said to Zhuo Bufan.

"You are too rash."

"It's too soon to fight, too impatient, it may attract the attention of the peak master."

Yu Ziji did not expect that Zhuo Bufan would practice the two skills of Bai Da Jing and Hun Yuan Jin so quickly.

Originally, he thought Zhuo Bufan would wait a few months before taking action. After all, according to his plan, Zhuo Bufan would need at least two to three months to practice the two skills he gave.

However, Zhuo Bufan's talent was obviously stronger than he imagined.

Zhuo Bufan only had three days from beginning to end.

After practicing, Zhuo Bufan immediately found Zhu Zhiping to practice, which caused him a headache.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly became so powerful that he would definitely attract the attention of the peak master.

When the peak master tracks him down, he will definitely be blamed.

"Don't worry, even if he finds out, I won't betray you."

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that if he betrayed Yu Ziji, Yu Ziji might not help him anymore in the future.

"It doesn't matter if you betray me, at most I will die. What's more, they don't dare to kill people. At most I will be isolated like you and live a mediocre life."

Yu Ziji was very frank.

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly after hearing this.

"By the way, what kind of skills did you give me? Why are they all passive skills?"

Zhuo Bufan complained to Yu Ziji.

He was very dissatisfied with the skills given by Yu Ziji.

Yu Ziji smiled helplessly after hearing this.

"Sorry, these are the two best exercises I can find."

"Although the cultivation methods of these two exercises are somewhat special, you need to be beaten to become stronger."

"But once you have mastered them, they are incomparable to ordinary exercises."

"And you have also discovered that these two exercises can withstand the attacks of Yuandan realm masters when they are cultivated to the peak."

Yu Ziji's words are very convincing.

Indeed, although the two exercises are very pitfalls, once they are cultivated, they have a bright future.

"For the sake of this good exercise, I won't say anything about you."

"Next, I want to practice a more advanced breathing method. Can you get it?"

"The Yuanli obtained by practicing this ninth-grade breathing method for one day is really limited."

Zhuo Bufan now has a skill to rely on. If he wants to reach the Tianyuan realm as soon as possible, then the breathing method is indispensable.

To put it bluntly, the breathing method is the root of cultivation. Only by practicing a more powerful breathing method can he become more powerful.

But Zhuo Bufan is now practicing only a ninth-grade breathing method. To be honest, this is not enough for him.

Fortunately, there is Yu Ziji!

"How about I pass my breathing method to you? I practice the fifth-grade breathing method - Tiger Roar Breathing Method!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan shook his head.

"No, your breathing method is too unique. Once it is practiced, there will be a whistling sound when breathing."

"Once I practice your breathing method, it will be equivalent to exposing you."

"If you are imprisoned by Hong Dieyi at that time, who will help me?"

Zhuo Bufan did not accept Yu Ziji's kindness, after all, he still needs more help from Yu Ziji.

But Yu Ziji has no way to get other breathing methods except his own breathing method.

After all, breathing methods, which are related to the roots of a sect, are basically in the hands of the peak master Hong Dieyi.

"What should I do? Do I need to steal it?"

Yu Ziji also knew very well that once his skills were passed on to Zhuo Bufan, he would definitely be regarded as a person who was in cahoots with Zhuo Bufan, which was equivalent to exposing himself.

However, Zhuo Bufan would not let Yu Ziji steal the technique, so he said.

"I have seen in books that breathing techniques can actually be created by oneself. I want to create my own breathing technique."

Zhuo Bufan's words surprised Yu Ziji.

"You want to create your own breathing technique?"

It was the first time he heard someone say that they wanted to create their own breathing technique. You should know that even the strong men in the Yuandan realm and even the Yuantai realm did not dare to say such words.

"Are you kidding? Creating your own breathing technique is not just talk."

"Of course I know very well, and I am not kidding. Do you think that with our abilities, we can't create our own breathing technique?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

"You are a peerless genius in the shadow world, a top power that has ascended for thousands of years. Do you think that with your abilities, you are not qualified to create your own technique?"

Zhuo Bufan's words aroused the long-lost excitement in Yu Ziji's heart.

Zhuo Bufan was not wrong. He, Yu Ziji, was a peerless genius that had not appeared in the shadow world for thousands of years. Why was his talent buried so much when he arrived in Daluotian?

Even in the film industry, he had created his own martial arts. Now that he has reached Daluotian, why should he become timid?

"Although I, Zhuo Bufan, come from a small world, I have never forgotten my original intention."

"I will create a breathing method for you to see."

Zhuo Bufan has made up his mind. He is determined to create a breathing method to let everyone see his strength.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan so confident, Yu Ziji raised his eyebrows and nodded.

"I understand. I will give you some information about the breathing method. I also expect you to create your own breathing method."

Yu Ziji was not wrong. Zhuo Bufan was definitely a person who could accomplish great things.

So his expectations for Zhuo Bufan were getting higher and higher.

Put all his treasures on Zhuo Bufan, and one day he will leave this ghost place.

"Then I'll trouble you."

Zhuo Bufan wanted to create his own skills, and he couldn't do without Yu Ziji's help.

He had no idea about creating his own skills now, and he needed to know more about the breathing method.

And Yu Ziji could help Zhuo Bufan get the information he needed.

"Then I'll leave first. If you need it, use the secret compartment to contact."

After Yu Ziji finished speaking, he said no more and turned to leave Zhuo Bufan's Qinglianju.

After Yu Ziji left, Zhuo Bufan applied the medicine he brought.

After applying the medicine, Zhuo Bufan felt much better. Although he suffered a heavy blow today, this little injury was nothing to Zhuo Bufan.

With the cooperation of the two major techniques, Zhuo Bufan recovered quickly from his injuries, and his body began to become stronger.

But there was a problem, that is, his Yuanli could not keep up.

The technique of the Hundred Beats Sutra is to transfer the Yuanli to the injured area, and then continuously strengthen it.

This is like people who often practice boxing will grow calluses on their fists.

These calluses are because the old skin is rubbed and new skin is constantly growing. This is repeated to grow calluses as thick as armor.

The secret of the Hundred Beats Sutra is actually similar to the calluses.

By continuously strengthening the injured area, the injured area will become stronger in the end.

This is the way to practice the Hundred Beats Sutra.

But now there is an important problem, that is, Zhuo Bufan does not have enough Yuanli for the repair and strengthening of the injury of the Hundred Beats Sutra.

The Yuanli he obtained through the Hunyuan Jin was almost consumed in the battle with Zhu Zhiping.

So now Zhuo Bufan's spiritual power has actually reached the bottom.

This is also why Hezuo Bufan is willing to practice a higher-level breathing method.

Breathing is the main way to obtain Yuanli.

Compared with other people, the Yuanli absorbed by Zhuo Bufan's current ninth-grade breathing method is pitifully small.

Therefore, Yuanli, obtaining more Yuanli, is Zhuo Bufan's top priority.


In the following period of time, Zhuo Bufan, with the help of Yu Ziji, began to continuously improve his understanding of breathing.

Through Zhuo Bufan's continuous understanding, he gradually understood what breathing is.

It is rumored that in the ancient times when there were demons everywhere, countless races were born in the world.

These races are divided into three, six, nine and other levels.

The first-class races are the Xu clan

The second-class races are the Feng clan and the Dragon clan

The third-class races are the Sun clan, the Moon clan, and the Star clan


And humans in that era were only a mere ninth-class race.

They were born in the beast clan of the sixth race, and belonged to the branch of the beast clan.

It can be said that the human race is actually differentiated from the beast clan.

Among these three, six, and nine-class races, the races above the third class can breathe the Yuanqi between heaven and earth freely.

The four, five, and six races can only breathe half of the energy. That is to say, every breath they take can only get half of it.

As for the seven, eight, and nine races, they are born unable to obtain energy.

They are called low-class races, because they are low-class, they cannot absorb energy between heaven and earth.

However, with the development of the times, the human race, as the ninth-class race, has become more and more competitive on this huge stage.

The higher beings finally noticed the interesting race of humans, and they found that humans are a very ambitious race.

Humans are learning some breathing methods of other races, such as observing the breathing of tigers, the breathing of trees, and the breathing of sea dragons.

Humans are not only ambitious, but also quite smart.

They didn't have fire, so they invented the method of drilling wood to make fire, and then learned a special way of breathing by observing the flames.

They learned to plant, to raise livestock, to gather into tribes, and to concentrate their beliefs into a totem symbol.

It is in this constant exploration and seeking that humans have learned various breathing methods.

However, no matter how they learn, the energy seems unwilling to be close to them.

Because humans are a ninth-class race, in the rules of this world, humans are not allowed to master the power.

Until one day, the higher creatures among the dragon race discovered the fun of humans and secretly passed on the dragon race's breathing method to humans.

As a result, this teaching was like passing the flame to humans.

Through the sparks of the stars, humans began to pass on the breathing method to more and more people.

And humans were like being suddenly activated. More and more people slowly mastered the breathing methods of other races while imitating other races.

Humans are really a very magical race.

In order to learn the breathing method, they are willing to become slaves of other races. Through getting along day and night, humans learn the breathing methods of other races one by one.

In this way, the breathing method began to spread among humans.

And humans are not a selfish race. They are willing to teach the breathing method they have learned to others.

As a result, more and more people among humans master the breathing method.

Humans also began to enjoy the blessings brought by the vitality of heaven and earth.

This is the origin of the breathing method.

Zhuo Bufan was amazed after sorting out the origin of the breathing method.

He admired the humans of the ancient times. They were obviously the lowest nine-level races, but they did not humbly succumb to their fate.

Humans are constantly learning, constantly making progress, and constantly pursuing the future.

It can be said that whether it is ambition or delusion, humans are indeed a powerful force that makes people hate.

In the Daluotian era, there were once thousands of races in the world, and now there are only a handful of races left.

And humans are already one of the most powerful races among them, and have even threatened the status of the Xu clan.

This is humans, who have risen from the ninth-level race to the first-level race now, making the Xu clan begin to fear.

"So that's how it is. The breathing method was created by humans in the ancient times by imitating the breathing methods of other races?"

"They observed the breathing of all things in the world, and then practiced it to become their own breathing method. The wisdom of the ancient humans is really amazing."

Zhuo Bufan was very surprised. The humans in the ancient times were stronger and more powerful than he imagined.

"I don't believe that the wisdom of modern people is not as good as that of the ancients."

"I can also create a breathing method."

Zhuo Bufan ignited the fire of faith.

He saw hope and the future.

Since the ancients could create a breathing method, he Zhuo Bufan could too.

"From today on, I will start observing the breathing methods of all things in the world, and I will create the most powerful breathing method."

That is, from this moment on, Zhuo Bufan began to create everything that belonged to him.


In the next six months, Zhuo Bufan only did two things.

The first thing was to find trouble.

As long as his body returned to perfect condition, Zhuo Bufan would be like itching for a fight.

The reasons he found were getting more and more weird. He would even rush up to fight with the other person just because someone looked at him more.

In half a year, he had fought with nearly fifty students from the Human Yuan Realm, and had at least 8,000 wounds on his body.

But with such constant beatings, his physique is getting stronger and stronger.

It is difficult for ordinary opponents to cause him harm. Recently, Zhuo Bufan even began to challenge those students from the Earth Yuan Realm.

While being beaten, his physique not only became stronger, but also the vitality stored in the Hun Yuan Jin increased.

Zhuo Bufan now has an unimaginable amount of vitality in his body.

Zhuo Bufan has become the public enemy in the eyes of everyone in Linzi Peak because he often picks fights.

The second thing is that after Zhuo Bufan was seriously injured, he would start to observe everywhere during the period of healing.

Now he has basically visited the entire Linzi Peak, and even dug up every inch of earthworms in the soil.

He would stare at a leaf for three days and three nights, and stare at a tree for ten days and a half months, and even raised a few toads and cockroaches in his Qinglian Residence.

He lived and ate with these creatures, and he observed all the characteristics of these creatures in detail.

Recently, Zhuo Bufan found that he seemed to have realized something from it.


On this day, Yu Ziji, as always, quietly came to Qinglianju where Zhuo Bufan was in the middle of the night.

Today he was more sneaky than usual, because he had a fifth-grade breathing method he stole from the bookstore in his arms - the Whale Swallowing Breathing Method!

Yu Ziji saw that Zhuo Bufan had been creating a breathing method for half a year, and he still had no clue.

So Yu Ziji planned to take a risk, and he finally stole this Whale Swallowing Breathing Method and prepared to give it to Zhuo Bufan.

However, just when Yu Ziji approached Qinglianju, he suddenly felt that there was a vast sea of ​​​​yuanli vortex energy surging in Qinglianju.

"Such a strong yuanli fluctuation, is there someone in his room?"

Yu Ziji frowned slightly and approached Zhuo Bufan's Qinglianju.

However, just when he approached Qinglianju, a yuanli energy wave suddenly vibrated from the house.

Yu Ziji, who was in the Earthly Realm, was blown away by this energy.

The next second, the door of Qinglianju suddenly opened.

Then a white shadow flew out from inside.

"Let's fight with me!"

The sound of breathing came from his ears, and Yu Ziji looked closely and saw that it was Zhuo Bufan who flew out.

Before Yu Ziji could react, Zhuo Bufan's moves had already attacked him.

Yu Ziji didn't think much and immediately began to prepare for a counterattack.


The two sides faced each other, and in an instant, the waves were turbulent, causing a shock wave in the lotus pond of Qinglianju...

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