Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1094 The Secret of the Gate of Reception

The battle finally entered a fierce stage.

Zhuo Bufan relied on his suction and rebuke palms to deal with the three Earth Yuan Realm masters.

It was also because of Zhuo Bufan's sucking and rebuking palms that the three Earth Yuan Realm masters in front of them felt pressured.

The most important thing is that these three people have no cooperation and only want to take credit for defeating Zhuo Bufan.

Not only can the three of them not cooperate with each other, but they also hinder each other.

It's like running in a tight alley.

Although Zhuo Bufan ran slowly, he was the only one in his passage.

Although the other three ran fast, because the passage was narrow and crowded with each other, their strength suppressed each other.

Zhuo Bufan also noticed the opponent's brainless and backbone-less fighting style.

So he started breaking them down one by one.

Among the three, the most powerful one is Nan He, who has cultivated great vertical and horizontal strength.

Nan He's vertical and horizontal strength is extremely domineering, both vertical and horizontal, unrivaled.

"Great Zonghengjin!"

I saw that Nanhe's hands were horizontal and his legs were vertical. He moved vertically and horizontally, flying towards Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan reached out with his left hand towards Bai Yu who was aside.

"Suck palm!"

I saw the black whirlpool in his palm choosing clothes crazily and sucking the white feather directly in.

At the moment when Nan He's powerful force was about to hit, Zhuo Bufan sucked Bai Yu in and held him in front of him.


Nan He slapped Bai Yu hard with his palm.

Naturally, Bai Yu couldn't sit still and wait for death.

Seeing Nan He's palm strike, the energy in his hand surged out, blasting towards Nan He.

For a moment, the two of them clashed with each other with their palms, and their energy surged so powerfully that they were blasted away.


Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan used his backhand to slap away Bai Yu who was closest to him.

Bai Yu accidentally rushed towards Nan He in front of him.

"Ba Fist!"

They had just repelled Bai Yu and Nan He when Xu Ba's sneak attack suddenly came from behind.

Xu Ba's shocking punch hit Zhuo Bufan directly on the head.

"not good!"

Zhuo Bufan saw that the situation was not good, but the opponent's attack was so fierce that he simply couldn't avoid it.

Helpless, Zhuo Bufan had no choice but to bear Xu Ba's punch.

Hundreds of Classics, Hunyuan Jin.

Zhuo Bufan used his two special skills to withstand the opponent's powerful blow.

Xu Ba's dominating fist was indeed extremely powerful.

This punch hit Zhuo Bufan's body, and Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt that his body was about to be torn to pieces.

His internal organs were about to explode.

Fortunately, the two major beating skills he practiced had already made him rough-skinned and thick-bodied.

At least 70% of the power of this punch was removed, and at least 10% of the remaining 70% was absorbed by Hunyuan Jin's technique.

Only 60% of the power was left to hit Zhuo Bufan, causing Zhuo Bufan to be severely injured.


Zhuo Bufan was about to fly out, but he turned around and struck Xu Ba with a palm.

This palm directly pushed Xu Ba to the wall.

Bang bang bang!

Almost instantly, everyone in the four directions was hurt.

This ending left Shangguan Ziyi and Hongdieyi present stunned.

They never expected that Zhuo Bufan, with his cultivation in the Human Yuan Realm, would be able to survive the joint efforts of the three Earth Yuan Realm powerhouses.

Judging from the current situation, both sides were evenly matched. Although Zhuo Bufan suffered some injuries, he was not seriously injured.

The energy contained in his body is very abundant, and he can still fight for three hundred rounds.

"Come again!"

As expected, Zhuo Bufan became more courageous as he fought.

He stood up from the ground, then opened his hands left and right, one hand facing Bai Yu and Nan He, and the other hand facing Xu Ba.

"Come here."

Zhuo Bufan sucked his palm again, and the black vortex in his palm spun wildly.

The powerful suction force was like a whale swallowing the sea, sucking the three of them towards Zhuo Bufan.


Seeing the three people flying towards him, Zhuo Bufan once again sucked his palm and turned it into a rebuke. The three people who flew over once again flew out upside down.

Bang bang bang!

The three masters of the Earth Element Realm were unable to resist in Zhuo Bufan's hands.

Shangguan Ziyi and Hongdieyi, who were watching the battle outside, were already stunned.

"Auntie, what's going on with this guy?"

Hong Dieyi even looked horrified.

Shangguan Ziyi frowned.

"I have told you before that this boy is extraordinary!"

"He is really a very rare genius. If he can enter the Yuan Fei Realm, he will definitely be able to cultivate the most top-notch world in the future."

When Shangguan Ziyi looked at Zhuo Bufan again, her eyes turned red. His eyes were full of desire.

"Suck palm!"


"Suck palm!"


Zhuo Bufan began to frantically educate the three masters in front of him.

He repeatedly used sucking palms and repelling palms, constantly torturing and destroying the three people.

In the end, the three of them were tortured to death by Zhuo Bufan until they knelt down and surrendered.

"No fight, no fight!"

The three Earth Yuan Realm experts had to beg Zhuo Bufan for mercy in the end.

Seeing the three people begging for mercy, a smile finally appeared on Zhuo Bufan's stern face.

Then, he knelt on one knee.

In fact, his Yuan Power has been exhausted.

He had accumulated a whole year of energy, and he used it all at this stop.

He had to use up all this energy, otherwise he wouldn't be able to defeat these three people.

Sucking and repelling palms actually consume a lot of energy.

But now it seems that the result is good.

Zhuo Bufan successfully defeated the three of them, which meant that he could leave this ghost place.

Zhuo Bufan had a feeling that the longer he stayed at the reception door, the more something was wrong with him.

He just wants to leave this hellish place, and now it seems that this hellish place can't tolerate him.

"Snap, snap, snap!"

Someone's clapping sound came to his ears. Zhuo Bufan turned around and saw that it was Shangguan Ziyi, the master of the reception hall.

Shangguan Ziyi clapped her hands and expressed great appreciation for Zhuo Bufan.

"Very good, very good! I really saw you right. You are really a talent!"

Shangguan Ziyi actually didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan could really defeat three Earth Yuan realm masters.

It can only be said that Zhuo Bufan's talent is different from ordinary people, which surprised her a little.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan is far more powerful than that.

If she were to know that Zhuo Bufan had created a first-class breathing method, Shangguan Ziyi would definitely be frightened to death.

"Master Ziyi, can I leave here now?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Shangguan Ziyi who was walking towards him and said.

After hearing this, Shangguan Ziyi smiled slightly, then nodded.

"Of course, I will send you off personally now."

When Zhuo Bufan heard that Shangguan Ziyi was going to see him off in person, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"Very good."

Zhuo Bufan's efforts were not in vain, and he also believed that Shangguan Ziyi would keep his word.

"Auntie, do you really want to let him go? He is only in the Human Yuan realm, is that okay?"

Hongdieyi was obviously unwilling.

But as soon as she finished speaking, Shangguan Ziyi suddenly turned back and shouted angrily.

"When do I need you to take command of my work?"

As soon as he finished speaking, huge Yuan Power pressed on Hong Dieyi's body.

Hongdieyi knelt on the ground on the spot and suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood.


Zhuo Bufan frowned inexplicably when he saw Hongdieyi vomiting blood.

"Troublesome, get out!"

Shangguan Ziyi's domineering attitude even shocked Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that Shangguan Ziyi would defend himself in this way.

"Let's go, Mr. Zhuo."

After Shangguan Ziyi arranged the red butterfly clothes, she said to Zhuo Bufan.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to follow Shangguan Ziyi and leave, he saw Hongdieyi slowly shaking her head towards him.

And at that moment, Zhuo Bufan discovered that Hong Dieyi was looking at him with eyes full of reluctance and sadness.

"What's going on? This woman!"

Zhuo Bufan felt somewhat inexplicable in his heart.

According to common sense, Hong Dieyi should hate him to the core, how could she show such reluctance in her eyes.

"Does this woman really still have plans for me?"

Zhuo Bufan believed that Hongdieyi was obsessed with him and wanted him to be her face and her male favorite.

"Wait a minute, I have to take someone else away."

Zhuo Bufan has not forgotten Yu Zhiji, of course he will take Yu Zhiji with him.

After Shangguan Ziyi heard this, he looked back at Zhuo Bufan and said with narrowed eyes.

"Tell me, who do you want to take away?"

“Caviar season!”

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Ziyi looked at Hongdieyi and said.

"Bring the people."

However, Hongdieyi hesitated after hearing this.

"Auntie, I locked that Caviar Season in the dungeon!"

"Imprisoned in a dungeon?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"What do you mean? Why do you put him in the dungeon?"

After hearing this, Hongdieyi replied.

"He stole a fifth-grade breathing method from my library and damaged it. Now that I have imprisoned him in the dungeon, it is impossible for him to leave with you."

It turns out that Yu Zhiji's theft of the book has been discovered by Hong Dieyi.

After Zhuo Bufan found out, he felt a little guilty.

Yao Ji was imprisoned because he stole books for himself.

"No, I must take him away! Master Ziyi, don't forget the bet between us."

Zhuo Bufan now wants to take away Yu Zhiji by force.

If it weren't for Caviar Season, he would have chosen to load up and leave.

So Zhuo Bufan has done so much, it can be said that it is all for Caviar Season.

However, now Yu Zhiji has been arrested by Hongdie Yi, which makes Zhuo Bufan a little embarrassed, so he can only ask Shangguan Ziyi to help.

Shangguan Ziyi looked at Hongdieyi coldly, then looked at Zhuo Bufan, and then looked at Hongdieyi.

"Bring the people!"

Hongdie Yi heard this and said quickly.

"Auntie, he can't leave with you, he has ruined one of our breathing techniques. I am planning to imprison him for a hundred and eighty years!"

Hongdieyi also thought about imprisoning Yuroji for a hundred years.

Zhuo Bufan naturally wouldn't let this happen.

"I must take him away today."

Zhuo Bufan once again put pressure on Shangguan Ziyi.

Shangguan Ziyi finally roared towards Hongdieyi.

"Hongdieyi, you are becoming more and more arbitrary now. I think you, the peak master of Linzi Peak, are almost done."

Upon hearing this, Hongdie Yi quickly knelt down.

"Die Yi doesn't dare."

"Then I ask you to let him go, will you let him go or not?"

Facing the pressure from Shangguan Ziyi, Hongdieyi finally had no choice but to compromise.

Later, Hongdieyi had someone take Yuro Ji to the training ground.

When Zhuo Bufan saw Caviar Ji, he excitedly stepped forward and gave him a bear hug.

"Okay, we can get out of here."

Zhuo Bufan promised Yu Zhiji that he would definitely take him away.

After hearing this, Yu Zhiji still couldn't believe it.

"Can you really leave?"

"Of course, and it was the master who sent us away personally."

Zhuo Bufan said weakly.

In fact, he is now depleted of Yuanli and has no strength left.

Fortunately, he could barely support himself with the help of Yu Zhiji's body.

"well enough!"

"Well, okay, it's okay."

"Master, let's go!"

Then, Zhuo Bufan looked at Shangguan Ziyi.

Upon seeing this, Shangguan Ziyi nodded slightly.

"Let me go!"

Afterwards, Shangguan Ziyi led the way, leading Zhuo Bufan and Yu Ziji out of the training ground gate.

When they walked out, everyone in Linzi Peak gathered around them.

No one expected that Zhuo Bufan would leave the Jie Yin Sect with his cultivation in the Human Yuan realm.

He will become the first person under the Tianyuan realm to leave the Jie Yin Sect since its establishment.

Arriving at the edge of the cliff of Linzi Peak, Shangguan Ziyi looked back at Zhuo Bufan and Yu Ziji.

"Are you ready?"

Shangguan Ziyi asked.

The two of them were a little excited at this moment, and Zhuo Bufan had been looking forward to it for a long time.

"That's it."

Zhuo Bufan said.

Afterwards, Shangguan Ziyi waved towards the two of them.

The next second, the three of them disappeared from the cliff of Linzi Peak.

Seeing them disappear, Hongdie Yi walked out slowly and shook her head helplessly.

"Hey, what two idiots!"

Hong Dieyi's tone was filled with regret.

Blah blah blah!

Hearing the sound of falling waterfalls, Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes and found that they were no longer on the Zi Peak.

There is a thin waterfall and a deep pool around.

The environment is beautiful and very quiet.

"What is this place?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

However, at this moment, Shangguan Ziyi, who suddenly turned his back to them, turned around and pointed.

A golden rope tied Zhuo Bufan up.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment. He tried to break free, but found that he couldn't move at all.

"Master Ziyi, what do you mean?"

Shangguan Ziyi suddenly attacked Zhuo Bufan and tied him up. Not to mention Yu Zhiji, even Zhuo Bufan himself was a little confused.

But soon, Caviar Ji realized something was wrong.

"There's something weird, and we were fooled."

After Yu Zhiji finished speaking, he suddenly attacked Shangguan Ziyi.

However, how could his mere Earth Yuan Realm cultivation be the match for a strong Yuan Fei Realm person.

Shangguan Ziyi raised his hand and waved towards Yu Zi Ji. Yu Zi Ji's body exploded on the spot, exploding into pieces and turning into a blood mist.

“Caviar season!”

Zhuo Bufan was shocked. He didn't expect that Yu Ziji would die like this, and was destroyed by Shangguan Ziyi's raising of his hand.

"Damn it, Shangguan Ziyi, what on earth are you going to do?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

He had no idea what the woman in front of him was doing.

However, Shangguan Ziyi had no explanation at all.

She raised her hand slightly, and Zhuo Bufan floated up.

Then she took Zhuo Bufan, who was floating in the air, to the deep pool.

Then she moved her Dharma fingers towards the pool, and a vortex slowly formed in the pool.

Immediately afterwards, a passage appeared in the whirlpool.

Under the water pool, there is a cave.

Shangguan Ziyi didn't say much, raised her hand and jumped down with Zhuo Bufan.

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