Walking on the forest path, Zhuo Bufan was thinking about how to return to the Jieying Gate next.

With Zhuo Bufan's current strength, it is definitely impossible to fight back alone, that would be tantamount to sending himself to death.

But for the sake of that batch of Chaos Crystals, Zhuo Bufan must go back. He needs those Chaos Crystals to be able to practice next.

Zhuo Bufan has found the next method of practice, which is to practice the Chaos Pure Yuan outside the Daluotian world.

Of course, it is not easy to practice Chaos Pure Yuan, after all, Chaos Pure Yuan itself is not easy to come by.

Chaos Pure Yuan originated from the chaos, outside the world wall of Daluotian.

After all, Daluotian was also born from chaos.

And to enter the outside of the world wall, you must reach the realm of Shengyuan.

But the realm of Shengyuan is also one of the cultivation systems of Daluotian.

Therefore, with Zhuo Bufan's current ability, it is impossible to enter the Chaos Void alone.

He can only rely on the power of others to help him collect Chaos Pure Yuan from the Chaos Void.

And now, the Jieying Gate has these Chaos Pure Yuan waiting for him to absorb, how can he not be excited.

However, with Zhuo Bufan's ability alone, it is impossible to return to the Jieying Gate. He can't even get up to the mountain gate of the Jieying Gate.

The mountain gate of the Jieying Gate is above the sky, and it is impossible to fly up unless you are in the Tianyuan Realm.

"I need some help!"

Zhuo Bufan soon realized that he could not accomplish anything in Daluotian by relying on his own strength alone.

"There is no way, I can only find that guy."

After thinking about it, Zhuo Bufan could only think of one person, that is, Ni Cangqiong, who is both his enemy and friend.

In this world, perhaps only Ni Cangqiong's power can help him.

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to ask Ni Cangqiong for help in his heart.

It's just that this year's experience in the Jieying Gate made him know that it is difficult to move forward in this world without power.

When Zhuo Bufan was in the Yin and Yang world, as a world god, he was rampant and went wherever he wanted.

But now, he was forced to reload the game.

So, Zhuo Bufan's mentality has calmed down now, just like when he first came to the world of cultivation, he was also confused.

Now he is not desperate, and Ni Cang Qiong is his most correct choice.

"But, how can I find this guy?"

Zhuo Bufan wants to find Ni Cang Qiong, but Daluotian is much larger than he imagined.

He wants to find Ni Cang Qiong, but he may not be able to find him in his lifetime.

"Anyway, we must find this guy first."

"As a rebellious god, Ni Cang Qiong must have many believers. Maybe I can start from this aspect."

Zhuo Bufan thought about it and put the search for Ni Cang Qiong first.

Soon, he walked out of the forest path and came to a wide road.

This is a flat crystal road, and there are many Yuanli cars driven by Yuanli crystals on the road.

The technology of Daluotian is very advanced, even surpassing the earth in Zhuo Bufan's memory.

Zhuo Bufan had already discovered this when he was at the Jieying Gate.

There are many sci-fi things in the Jieying Gate.

For example, the never-extinguished Yuanli lights, the Yuanli robots that specialize in training, the Yuanli sports cars, and the Yuanli spaceships.

The technological development of this world is all based on Yuanli.

It can be said that in this world, Yuanli is omnipotent.

Yuanli can create everything, even create a new world.

Zhuo Bufan got on an unmanned Yuanli rail car, and he took a look at the destination of the ride - Jiangmi City!

"I seem to have seen in the book that Jiangmi City is one of the top ten super cities in Jingguo. Am I still in Jingguo now!"

Daluotian is too big, which makes Zhuo Bufan a little distressed.

His Jingguo is just one of the three thousand big countries in the Wahuang Territory.

And there are 820 cities in Jingguo.

You can imagine how huge the entire Daluotian is.

Jingguo alone is comparable to the Yin-Yang world controlled by Zhuo Bufan.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is like looking for a needle in a haystack to find the Ni Cangqiong that Zhuo Bufan wants to find in this huge Daluotian.

"The world is too big, I am too small, there is no end to learning, and there is no limit to practice."

After Zhuo Bufan sighed, he stopped talking and sat quietly on the Yuanli rail car, heading towards Jiangmi City.

After nearly three hours, Zhuo Bufan finally heard the prompt from the Yuanli rail car.

"You are about to enter Jiangmi City, please be ready to get off."

"Jiangmi City: named after the legendary female general Jiang Mi, it is the place where Jiang Mi ascended under the guidance of the Queen Wa. The protective formation arranged by Jiang Mi is still preserved."

"Jiangmi City is also a good place for tourism and entertainment, and there is also the most famous dish in the country, Jiangmi roast goose..."

When it was almost time to reach Jiangmi City, some travel guides sounded on the car.

This gave Zhuo Bufan an illusion that he had come to the earth of modern society.

But this is indeed Daluotian.

The world of Daluotian is extremely technologically advanced.

It has long entered a more magical era of martial arts technology.

So it is not surprising that Zhuo Bufan feels like he has returned to Earth here.

Maybe the Earth world is just one of the small worlds of Daluotian.

After all, when Zhuo Bufan was in the Yin and Yang world, he once saw the image of the earth in a flash.

"There should be something like the Internet in this world! Using this, we should be able to find the whereabouts of Nishen."

Zhuo Bufan was thinking that since Daluotian's technology is so advanced, something like the Internet should also exist.

When he came to Yinmen Linzi Peak before, he did learn about many black technologies in this world.

There is something called the "Soul Yuan Realm" in this world, which is very similar to the Internet he was referring to.

This "Soul Yuan Realm" is actually like an Internet in the spiritual world.

This is a bit like the Yunmeng Realm that Zhuo Bufan saw when he was in the Yin and Yang World.

Yunmengjie also concentrates the souls of all people into one world.

It's just that the scope of Yunmeng Realm is limited, and Yunmeng Realm is more like a game world.

Da Luotian's "Soul Yuan Realm" is more like an information exchange world.

People store the information they know in the "Soul Yuan Realm", and then put this information in this "Soul Yuan World" for communication and transmission.

If he's lucky, Zhuo Bufan might be able to find Ni Cangqiong in the "Soul Yuan Realm".

"Let's settle down in Jiangmic City first. Don't rush into this matter."

Zhuo Bufan gave himself one year to return to Jie Yinmen.

In other words, he has one year to find Ni Qiong.

Soon, the Yuanli rail car entered a vast ocean and began to travel on the sea level.

In the middle of the sea, there is a huge land, or a super city.

Obviously, that super big city is Jiang Mi City where Zhuo Bufan is going.

The Yuanli rail car speeded above the sea and soon entered the city port.

After Zhuo Bufan got off the car, the Yuanli rail car continued to pass through the city, heading towards the next big city.

After Zhuo Bufan walked out of the station, he looked up and saw a familiar yet unfamiliar magical city.

This place is different from the high-rise halls that Zhuo Bufan saw in the world of cultivation. It is more like the science fiction city on earth that Zhuo Bufan learned about.

There are many high-rise buildings, flying cars and horses, sky lofts, and aircraft everywhere.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Zhuo Bufan would have thought he had entered the world of science fiction.

But now, he is indeed in Daluotian, a world full of magic and magic.

While walking on the road, there were even Yuanli robots handing out leaflets, constantly chasing Zhuo Bufan to hand out leaflets.

Zhuo Bufan was a little confused. It was indeed the Great Luotian that stood above all living beings. The essence of all the worlds was gathered here.

"If this is the case, then it won't be long before I can find Ni Qiong."

Zhuo Bufan was suddenly full of confidence because he saw a world with very advanced technology.

Since technology is so advanced, information must also be very advanced. It is not difficult to find Ni Cang Qiong.

"Sir, the latest dishes are here again. You are welcome to come to our restaurant to try them! We have ginger roasted goose, cod fillet, volcano stuffed shrimp..."

Zhuo Bufan was walking on the road when suddenly a beautiful woman in a long skirt came up and entangled him.

Zhuo Bufan took a closer look and found that she was a Yuanli robot.

This world calls robots puppets.

And this kind of Yuanli puppet can help humans do many things, such as handing out leaflets.

Facing this familiar scene, Zhuo Bufan waved towards him and said.

"No, I have something else to do!"

But that female puppet seemed to be glued to Zhuo Bufan, following him all the time, and she couldn't get rid of her no matter how hard she got rid of her.

"Sir, Nana senses that you are hungry and need to eat. Hao has come out with the latest dishes. You are welcome to come to our store to try them."

This female puppet can sense Zhuo Bufan's state through Yuanli, and Zhuo Bufan is indeed a little hungry.

"But I don't have money, so don't pester me."

"I came to this city to find someone. If you can help me find him, I will accept your flyer."

Zhuo Bufan looked at this cute female puppet and said.

After hearing this, the female puppet immediately replied.

"Nana understands, may I ask who the young master is looking for?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned slightly.

He originally wanted to get rid of this annoying guy like a fly, but he didn't expect that the other party actually agreed to his request.

"Can you really help me find it?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up, and he felt that he might be able to find Ni Cangqiong through these puppets.

"You can connect to the Soul Realm, right?"

Zhuo Bufan asked quickly.

The other party nodded quickly.

"It can be connected. If the young master wants to find someone, Nana can help find him in the Soul Realm."

Zhuo Bufan heard this and said.

"I want to find Ni Shen Ni Cang Qiong, can you help me find him?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, that Nana closed her eyes silently. It was obvious that she was already connecting to the "Soul Yuan Realm" and looking for information about Ni Cang Qiong.

Soon, she opened her eyes again and said.

"Ni Shen: formerly known as Ni Cangqiong, male, a peerless power in the Saint Yuan Realm, from the Holy World. He once practiced under Panhuang and was the 18th direct disciple of Panhuang. Later he rebelled against his master and formed his own sect, becoming Niishen. god."

"Ni Shen has made countless enemies in his life, and he has never failed. Some of them are world-shaking powerful ones. However, Ni Shen is unscrupulous and not weaker than others."

"However, Ni Shen is elusive and has no fixed abode. Few people know where he is."

"The last time he appeared was three years ago, in the Blood Sea City of Qu State in the Fuhuang Territory. Nishen fought with the great Saint of the Holy Yuan Realm, Tiandao Dasheng, and killed Tiandao Dasheng with one move. He fled far away and no one knew where he was."


Nana told Zhuo Bufan some reliable information about Ni Cangqiong, but she did not help Zhuo Bufan find Ni Cangqiong.

The last time Ni Cangqiong appeared in front of the world was the battle with Tiandao Dasheng three years ago.

In that battle, Ni Cangqiong, as always, defeated his opponent.

After beheading Tiandao Dasheng, he left and wandered around the world.

"Didn't this guy say that he would come to pick me up in person when I arrived in Daluotian?"

"Why can't I even see a shadow of him now?"

Zhuo Bufan complained.

At the beginning, Ni Cangqiong vowed to Zhuo Bufan that he would come to greet him as soon as Zhuo Bufan arrived in Daluotian.

Now, there is no trace of him.

"Your name is Nana, right? Can you help me post a missing person notice in the 'Soul Realm'?"

"As long as you help me post it, I will borrow your flyer."

Zhuo Bufan began to coax the little puppet girl in front of him.

After hearing this, Nana nodded in response.

"Whatever news you want to post, Nana will definitely help."

"The existence of our Yuanli puppets is to facilitate and help humans. Nana is willing to help."

These Yuanli puppets have been instilled with the order to serve humans forever since they were created.

So if humans need anything, they will definitely do their best to help.

"Well, then, you can help me post a message in the 'Soul Realm'."

"Just say that the defeated general Ni Cangqiong, I am Zhuo Dasheng, I see this letter, come here to pay my respects!"

Zhuo Bufan said bluntly.

After hearing this, the puppet Nana was surprised.

"Are you sure you want to post it like this? This Nishen seems to be very powerful in your human world."

Nana is not a human, but a puppet created by humans.

Although she has no self-thoughts, she can also analyze.

Through analysis, she knows how powerful Ni Cang Qiong is.

Zhuo Bufan's words are undoubtedly a provocation to the other party.

Once the other party comes to kill, I'm afraid his life will be in danger.

So Nana is also for Zhuo Bufan's good.

But Zhuo Bufan still said: "Just post it like this, I'm just saying the facts, he is indeed defeated by me."

"Okay, Nana will help you post this missing person notice."

Nana closed her eyes, and after a while, she opened her eyes again.

"Okay, sir, Nana has posted the message for you. Can you accept my flyer now?"

"Give it to me!"

Zhuo Bufan took the flyer from Nana's hand.

With just this small flyer, Zhuo Bufan released a heavy news.

This news, like a heavy bomb, soon exploded in the "Soul Yuan Realm"!

Soon, the name of Zhuo Dasheng will resound throughout Daluotian.


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