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Chapter 1105: Merciless Saint

The Merciless Saint, one of the twelve saints under the Emperor Wa.

Just by hearing the title, we know that this Merciless Saint is as cold as ice, ruthless and hateful.

But those who know the Merciless Saint know that she was a very gentle woman a thousand years ago.

At that time, she had just been selected by the Emperor Wa and became one of the Emperor Wa's direct disciples.

Because she had never practiced before, the Merciless Saint's cultivation was very weak at the beginning.

In order to grow up as soon as possible, the Merciless Saint often went in and out of some desperate situations to find opportunities.

And it was at this time that the Merciless Saint met someone.

This person is Ni Cangqiong, who is now asking for forgiveness on the mountain.

The first meeting between the two started with a hero saving a beauty.

At that time, the Merciless Saint was being chased in a desperate situation, but the person chasing her happened to be Ni Cangqiong's prey.

At the last moment, Ni Cangqiong arrived first and killed that person.

The heartless hero saving the beauty made the Merciless Saint decide to follow Ni Cangqiong.

However, Ni Cangqiong always regarded her as a burden.

At that time, the ruthless saint was timid, cowardly, and simple, so in Ni Cangqiong's eyes, she was a fool.

The only thing that Ni Cangqiong praised was probably her cooking skills.

In order to follow Ni Cangqiong in cultivation, the ruthless saint changed her cooking skills every day.

It was precisely because of this that Ni Cangqiong brought this cook with him.

The two of them practiced together for nearly a hundred years, and they went through life and death several times.

The cultivation of the ruthless saint also began to improve continuously during this period.

After all, she was the saint chosen by the Queen of Wa, so her talent was naturally self-evident.

Even if she got the scraps that Ni Cangqiong didn't want every time she took an adventure, she also got a lot of improvement through these resources.

In the process of getting along, the ruthless saint, who was equivalent to the role of a fan girl, gradually developed feelings for Ni Cangqiong.

However, Ni Cangqiong was a cultivation maniac who only knew how to practice.

He was either fighting or on the way to fight every day.

So he didn't have the kind of love between man and woman for the Merciless Saint, maybe at most he just had some attachment.

After all, they had been together for a hundred years, and Ni Cangqiong had gotten used to having the Merciless Saint in his life.

He didn't realize that the Merciless Saint had fallen in love with him.

Until a life-and-death battle, the Merciless Saint put on armor for Ni Cangqiong, and before leaving, the Merciless Saint said to him.

When he returned triumphantly, she had something to say to him.

In that battle, Ni Cangqiong returned to the Merciless Saint with almost half his life left.

And the Merciless Saint also confessed to him after he came back, hugging him covered in blood.

She told Ni Cangqiong that she fell in love with him.

From the first time they met, she couldn't help falling in love with Ni Cangqiong.

That confession can be said to be very sad.

However, what people didn't expect was that Ni Cangqiong refused.

He stared at the Merciless Saint blankly with an expression of "I treat you as a brother, but you want to sleep with me".

In the end, he rejected her cruelly.

The Merciless Saint obviously didn't expect to be rejected.

Because of this rejection, she was too embarrassed to see Ni Cangqiong again, and she also felt resentment towards Ni Cangqiong.

In a rage, the Merciless Saint returned to Mazu Mountain where the Queen Wa was.

This was also the first time the two had separated after a hundred years of being together.

After the separation, Ni Cangqiong was inspired by that battle and prepared to retreat to the Saint Yuan Realm.

So in the face of the Merciless Saint's confession, he had no response except rejection.

During this period, the Merciless Saint met another man.

That was Qi Tian, ​​the disciple of the Emperor Fu, who was later killed by Ni Cangqiong.

Qi Tian had been deeply attracted to the Merciless Saint when he first saw her, who had just entered the sect, at a Yaochi event held by the Queen Wa a long time ago.

He had been secretly paying attention to the Merciless Saint, and had seen with his own eyes that the Merciless Saint followed Ni Cangqiong like a little follower, pitifully.

When he learned that the Merciless Saint's confession was rejected by Ni Cangqiong, Qi Tian was so happy.

He knew his chance had come, so he began to deliberately create opportunities one after another to get close to the Merciless Saint.

However, the Merciless Saint had never had any feelings for him.

After all, she had given all her feelings to Ni Cangqiong.

Even if Ni Cangqiong did not accept her, she would never give her feelings to anyone else.

After failure after failure, Qi Tian finally knew that he would never be able to get the Merciless Saint.

However, since he could not get her heart, he wanted to get her body by despicable means.

So, he set up a plan and asked the Merciless Saint out in the name of Ni Cangqiong.

Then he used some unorthodox methods to turn himself into the appearance of Ni Cangqiong.

Not only did his appearance become that of Ni Cangqiong, but his aura also became that of Ni Cangqiong.

Because he had been secretly observing Ni Cangqiong for many years, he even imitated Ni Cangqiong's personality and habits completely.

He knew that only by becoming Ni Cangqiong could he get the Merciless Saint.

Sure enough, the Merciless Saint was fooled into the appointment.

She thought Ni Cangqiong had come out of seclusion.

The "Ni Cang Qiong" told her that he had figured it out during his retreat, that he loved her, and he was used to living with her.

Qi Tian pretended to be "Ni Cang Qiong" and used sweet words to deceive the Merciless Saint.

Until the end, the Merciless Saint completely fell, and even devoted herself to the man she loved the most.

Qi Tian, ​​whose heart had long been twisted, succeeded. He turned into the appearance of Ni Cang Qiong and got the body of the Merciless Saint.

And the Merciless Saint didn't know she was deceived from beginning to end.

It was not until later that the Merciless Saint met Ni Cang Qiong's senior brother Zi Yang and asked Zi Yang about Ni Cang Qiong's situation that she knew that Ni Cang Qiong had not come out of retreat yet.

At that time, the Merciless Saint already knew that she had been deceived.

After discovering the truth, the Merciless Saint had no face to live in this world.

She committed suicide out of shame, and it was the senior brother Zi Yang who rescued her in the end.

After understanding the situation, the senior brother did not make it public, but sent the Merciless Saint back to Mazu Mountain and to the seat of the Queen of Wa.

The Queen of Wa asked the Merciless Saint to stay in Mazu Mountain for meditation, and gave her a new title, Merciless.

The Merciless Saint was born from that moment.

After receiving the advice from the Queen Mother, the Merciless Saint finally became indifferent and even forgot her feelings for Ni Cangqiong.

She changed from a naive girl to a cold-blooded and ruthless Merciless Saint.

At this time, Ni Cangqiong came out of retreat.

As soon as he came out of retreat, he rushed to Mazu Mountain to meet the Merciless Saint.

But he encountered many obstacles, so that even the Queen Mother intervened in the end.

With the Queen Mother around, Ni Cangqiong naturally did not want to mess around, so he had to sit at the foot of Mazu Mountain and wait for the Merciless Saint.

This wait lasted for ten years, but the Merciless Saint did not come out to meet him in the end.

Until the end, Ni Cangqiong could not bear it anymore and went crazy again, threatening that if she did not come out again, he would kill her on Mazu Mountain.

Of course, he could only talk fast, and was beaten half to death by the Queen Mother in the end, and almost died in Mazu Mountain.

At the last moment, the Merciless Saint still came out.

But this time they met, they were completely different.

In her eyes, Ni Cangqiong could no longer see the innocence, purity and beauty of the past. He only saw emptiness, ruthlessness and indifference.

Ni Cangqiong did not say the last word. He knew that the woman in front of him was no longer his cute little follower.

He left Mazu Mountain and was devastated.

It was not until later that he learned about the changes that happened to the ruthless saint from his senior brother Zi Yang.

Ni Cangqiong, who knew everything, was furious.

He found Qi Tian who was out for training, and then in front of Qi Tian’s other two junior brothers, he cut Qi Tian into eight pieces and swallowed him into his stomach, making him never reincarnate.

So far, Ni Cangqiong began to be hunted down by the people of Futian Mountain and was driven out of the mountain gate by his master.

He became a rebel who everyone could kill, and a rat crossing the street that everyone shouted and beat.

For thousands of years afterwards, Ni Cangqiong lived in the days of being hunted down every day.

But unexpectedly, Ni Cangqiong fought to support the war, and his strength continued to improve.

Moreover, his senior brothers and sisters were nominally assisting the people of Futian Mountain to capture the traitor.

In fact, they have been secretly protecting their little junior brother.

So Ni Cangqiong is still alive and kicking.

And he himself confessed to the incident that year, but he never regretted it.

Even if he admitted his mistakes now, he only admitted his mistakes to his father, and he did not plead guilty.

He still thinks that Qi Tian should be killed.

Of course, he can't tell the reason why Qi Tian should be killed, because he wants to protect that girl.

If the truth of that year is told, then that girl will be ruined by him.

Ni Cangqiong is not a blockhead, he just realized it later.

In fact, he is used to being with Wuqing Saint.

So much so that this habit has become dependence, and even a kind of liking, a kind of love.


This is the story between Ni Cangqiong and Wuqing Saint.

Ni Cangqiong is willing to be an enemy of the world for this woman.

But he knows that he and Wuqing Saint can never go back to the past.

Even if they meet now, they are like strangers.

He can no longer see the innocence and beauty in those ruthless and empty eyes.

In fact, when Ni Cangqiong killed Qi Tian, ​​he also killed his own stupidity.

He regretted it, but he knew that it was irreversible.

However, when Ni Cangqiong saw Wuqing Saint coming again, he panicked.

He began to be afraid in his heart. He was afraid that Wuqing Saint would tell the original matter. He was afraid that Wuqing Saint would accept all the criticisms in the world.

So Ni Cangqiong cursed Wuqing Saint -

"Get out, you don't have to care about my business."

"So what if I killed Qi Tian, ​​the bastard? I cut him into eight pieces and eat him alive."

"So Fu Huang, if you want to punish me, throw your anger on me! I, Ni Cangqiong, will resist!"

Ni Cangqiong scolded Wuqing Saint.

He wanted to drive Wuqing away, but at this moment, Wuqing could no longer sit on the sidelines.

In fact, Wuqing still kept the purest feelings for Ni Cangqiong in the deepest part of her heart.

It's just that the feelings were hidden so deeply that she didn't even notice them.

She thought she had become indifferent to the various aspects of life and that she had completely forgotten Ni Cangqiong.

So in the past thousand years, even though Ni Cangqiong was being hunted down by people all over the world, she never helped him.

Because she has decided to completely cut off the relationship with Ni Qiong.

She thought that she had reached the state of being ruthless and unintentional, and she had completely forgotten about Ni Cang Qiong.

However, her deepest self had other ideas.

After following Ni Cangqiong for so many years, she had long believed that it was impossible for Ni Cangqiong to be chased to death by these people.

So in her heart, she didn't have to worry about Ni Qiongqiong's safety at all.

However, two months ago, when she learned that Ni Qianqiong was going to plead guilty, she panicked.

Because this is not the Ni Cang Qiong she knows at all.

The Ni Qiong she knew was absolutely impossible to admit his mistake.

He is such a proud man, he even regards pride as more important than his own life.

How could such a person admit his mistake?

So Qingqing was anxious at this moment, because this was not the Ni Qingqiong she knew.

Something must have happened to Ni Qianqiong, so he did this.

Originally, Qingqing just wanted to observe secretly what was going on.

But two months later, Qingqing discovered that things were not as simple as she thought.

In the past two months, Ni Qiangqiong had suffered a lot of humiliation.

His anti-god divinity has long since collapsed.

Since he is an anti-god, how can he be so humiliated?

So his godhead disappeared. Not only that, Wuqing also found that Ni Qianqiong's cultivation had also declined.

From the peak of Saint Yuan Realm, he fell to the Great Vehicle of Saint Yuan Realm.

It is ruthlessly speculated that Ni Cangqiong's decline in cultivation is due to the humiliation he suffered here, which resulted in the absence of his godhead.

So she had to stand up and stop all this. She couldn't just watch Ni Qianqiong destroy herself.

However, Ni Qiangqiong did not appreciate it.

For the ruthless help, he just thought it was nosy.

"Who wants you, a silly Baitian, to help me?"

"Elder brother, why don't you come out quickly and take this fool away?"

Ni Qiong shouted towards the sky.

Suddenly, a purple light fell from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a man in purple appeared from the sky and landed next to Qing Qing.

"Miss Meng, please leave with me first! Junior brother's matter is not as simple as you think."

Of course, Ziyang couldn't let Wu Wu's appearance affect his junior brother's path to atonement.

Ni Qiong’s desire to atone his sins has nothing to do with ruthlessness.

He just wanted to return to the sect.

But watching Ni Qingqiong suffer such humiliation, Wuqing looked heartbroken.

"No, if he continues like this, he will destroy himself."

Wu Qingqiong knew that Ni Qiangqiong was going against his true intentions by doing this.

In response, Ziyang had no choice but to take her away by force.

I saw Ziyang reaching out towards Meng Qingqing, and a ray of purple cloud fell on her body.

"I'm sorry, Miss Meng, the junior brother's matter is really not as simple as you think."

"This matter not only involves you, but also involves the three deities."

"So now even if you tell the original truth, you can't help him."

"He must finish this road."

"Then I will walk with him, just like I followed him back then."

Meng Qingqing broke Zi Yang's barrier with a flick of his finger.

Ziyang was shocked.

"At the peak of Saint Yuan, you have reached such a state?"

Before Ziyang could finish marveling, Meng Qingqing jumped up and landed on Futian Mountain Road.

Then he carried the mountain of sin for Ni Cangqiong.

"I don't know what you are carrying, but I know that you are not alone on this road to redemption."

After Meng Qingqing finished speaking, he bit his lower lip and carried Ni Qiong's weight forward.

Ni Qingqiong looked at Meng Wuqing's back with a smile on his face.

The follower who followed him and couldn't get rid of him back then has now stood in front of him, shouldering his sins and completing his redemption.

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