Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1113 War Puppet Master

Zhuo Bufan followed Zhou Peng into Kuimen.

He was a little concerned about the special situation that just happened and took it to heart.

Being hit hard out of nowhere is definitely not an accident.

But what the reason was, he didn't know for a while.

But he didn't want to experience the pain of thousands of arrows piercing his heart again.

"is that OK?"

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's absent-minded look, Zhou Peng asked quickly.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan shook his head and said.

"It's okay, let's go!"

"Well, you and I will go and register first. When the registration is over, Kuimen will arrange your exam."

Next, Zhuo Bufan followed Zhou Peng to the registration location to sign up.

After the registration ended, Zhuo Bufan was quickly scheduled for the written test.

The content of the written test is very simple, mainly covering some basic puppet knowledge.

Zhuo Bufan answered the questions easily and completed the exam.

After the written test, the teacher in charge reviewed Zhuo Bufan's test paper and finally nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad, I passed the written test!"

Zhuo Bufan passed the written examination easily.

When he walked out of the examination room, Zhou Peng seemed to have expected this result, so he said to Zhuo Bufan.

"You should have passed the written test, right? Do you have the certificate?"

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he took out a liberal arts certificate he had just obtained.

Zhou Peng took a look and then said.

"Yes, I knew you were fine, so I've signed you up for the martial arts test. Now let's go to the Kui Arena."

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, he took Zhuo Bufan to Kui Arena.

Kui Arena is a place dedicated to martial arts assessments.

Zhou Peng is very familiar with Team Kuimen, and he also knows many teachers.

After bringing Zhuo Bufan to Kui Arena, they found the two teachers who were responsible for giving them martial arts evaluations.

"Zhou Peng, I didn't expect that you would finally decide to take the martial arts exam. With your talent, this is the best choice."

Not only Zhuo Bufan, it turned out that Zhou Peng himself also signed up for the martial arts examination.

Zhuo Bufan didn't feel too surprised after hearing this.

After all, Zhou Peng has upgraded Nana to the fourth energy level. Now Nana, like Zhuo Zhuo, is a battle puppet.

"Teacher Fu, have you made arrangements for our opponent?"

Zhou Peng didn't say much. This guy didn't talk much.

The white-haired teacher Fu nodded after hearing this.

"It's been arranged, but the other party is not a good person!"

After Fu Zhendong finished speaking, he pointed to the pit-shaped battle arena below.

I saw another huge giant puppet in the center of the Kui Arena.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Then the Rakshasa Four!"

Unexpectedly, the opponents arranged by Kuimen turned out to be the four Rakshasa who were enemies of each other.

The opponents of Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng were the old man and the charming man.

"Hehehehe, Zhou Peng, I heard that you signed up for the martial arts exam. Kuimen couldn't arrange an opponent for a while, so he invited us to have some fun with you two."

The old man looked at Zhou Peng with a mouth full of yellow teeth and a proud smile.

"It's indeed them."

Zhou Peng seemed to have already guessed the other party's identity, but he smiled happily.

"You're welcome. I want to take revenge for what happened back then."

Zhou Peng guessed that Kuimen would arrange an opponent for him in the Rakshasa group.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan also shook his head and said.

"It's true that we are enemies on a narrow road. In this case, let's have fun with them."

"Excellence, let's go!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he descended from the sky with Excellence.


The two appeared in the center of Kui Arena.

"Teacher Fu, the martial arts evaluation will be left to you."

Zhou Peng then took Nana into the center of Kui Arena.

"Hey, the martial arts competition has begun. The two teachers above will rate us based on our performance. So no matter we win or lose, we must go all out, do you understand?"

Zhou Peng looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

This martial arts competition is not about winning or losing.

Many times, teachers will also serve as companions to train these candidates.

The teacher will give a comprehensive evaluation and grade based on the candidate's combat situation.

Generally speaking, it is not difficult to obtain the qualification certificate of a combat master, but it is not easy to advance.

Seeing the tense situation in the center of Kui Arena, a horn sound came from outside the arena.


"here we go!"

As the horn sound spread, Zhou Peng rushed out with Nana immediately.

"I'll deal with that Feng Lao Mo, you go deal with that man. Go all out!"

Zhou Peng simply assigned the task, and his target was the giant puppet.

Zhuo Bufan's target is that charming man.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked at the other charming man, and then turned his head to look at Zhuo Zhuo beside him.

"Excellence, kill him!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Zhuo Zhuo beside him rushed out, like an unsheathed sword, with astonishing speed.

The outstanding core of the puppet is the exquisite ten-aperture heart made by Zhuo Bufan.

The Ten Apertured Exquisite Hearts are also called Sacred Hearts. There are only twelve recorded ones in this world.

The Sacred Heart has the most powerful arithmetic and creative aspects.

As for the outstanding body, Zhou Peng spent a full hundred years collecting all kinds of rare materials in the world to create a combat puppet.

Its bones are Dao bone mithril, made from the bones of a Dao Yuan realm saint, the Great Sage Bai Tian.

The three broken swords behind it are the divine swords used by the legendary sword god Duan Fei, the Heaven-Eating Sword, the God-killing Sword, and the World-Destroying Sword!

So don't think that Zhuo Zhuo is just a battle puppet at the fourth energy level. Its strength has already surpassed the fourth energy level.

And the outstanding opponent is that Yaksha-like puppet.

That Yaksha is a fifth energy level battle puppet.

It is specially made for fighting.


The two puppets collided together in a flash of lightning, and for a moment, sparks flew out.

I saw the Yaksha puppet holding two indestructible scimitars in his hands, slashing towards Zhuo Zhuo.

Zhuo Zhuo, on the other hand, took the opponent's fierce blow with one hand.

When the two sides were in a stalemate, the Yaksha suddenly opened his mouth.

"Excellent, be careful!"

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he immediately remembered the powerful ray that had been sprayed from the mouth of this yaksha ghost before.

So with a thought, he gave instructions to Zhuo Zhibo.

Zhuo Zhuo immediately struck the yaksha ghost's chin from bottom to top with his backhand.


The Yaksha ghost's mouth exploded instantly, and was shattered to pieces.

This scene made the manipulator of the Yaksha Ghost frown tightly.

"How is it possible? The other party is just a level 4 puppet, while my Yaksha is already level 5."

"What is this body made of?"

While the other party was confused, he immediately gave instructions to Yasha.

"Yaksha, hide!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Yaksha ghost disappeared in front of Zhuo Zhuo.

In this head-on collision, it was obvious that Zhuang Yuan had won a complete victory. Zhuang Yuan's body was definitely not something that ordinary puppets could compete with.

So Yasha began to hide, looking for the right opportunity to prepare to launch a surprise attack on Zhuo Zhuo.

At this time, the two teachers in the stands began to grade extraordinary and outstanding performances.

"Puppet ability rating: 9"

“Puppet Skills Rating: 8”

"Puppet Power Rating: 8"

"This puppet is not simple, and the puppet master who created it is even more difficult."

"Who is this young man brought by Zhou Peng?"

"Why do I feel like this puppet was made by Zhou Peng?"

The grading teachers discovered some problems.

However, even if the puppet body is Zhou Peng's masterpiece, the core of the puppet cannot be made by him.

If he did it, then it would be impossible for Zhuo Bufan to control the puppet.

"Look, the battle on Zhou Peng's side has also begun."

"This guy is a genius puppet master in our realm of Emperor Wa."

"Yes, many of his theories have now become textbook-level theoretical knowledge."

"With his ability, being a teacher in Kuimen is a waste. It's a pity that he never studies combat puppets."

"I didn't expect that this time, he would bring a battle puppet to participate in the martial arts test. Let's wait and see!"

Although Zhou Peng is young, he has achieved high achievements in the field of puppet master.

Many of his research successes have now become an important asset in the puppet world.

Of course, everyone has his own ambitions. Although Zhou Peng is rich in knowledge, he has never been obsessed with studying combat puppets.

So this makes his status in the puppet world not as high as imagined.

After all, puppets were created to fight in the first place.

So these teachers wondered if Zhou Peng had figured it out and decided to become a combat master.

On the other side, the battle between Nana and the giant puppet begins.

Unlike Zhuo Bufan, Zhou Peng chose to fight alongside Nana.

Of course, the reason why Zhuo Bufan did not participate in the battle was because his cultivation was too weak.

In this battle, the most correct choice is to protect yourself.

And Zhou Peng is a cultivator in the Tianyuan realm, so he can help Nana in this battle.

Moreover, Zhou Peng didn't trust Nana to fight alone. It was already very uncomfortable for him to have Nana as a fighting puppet.

If possible, he would rather fight in Nana's place.

And Zhou Peng's opponent was the old man.

He also rides on the giant puppet and becomes one with the puppet.

"Little darling, crush them for me!"

As soon as Feng Laomo finished speaking, the giant puppet at his feet let out a loud roar towards Nana and Zhou Peng below.


Its roar was like thunder, and there were countless electric currents, intertwined into a huge power grid, and then it rushed towards Nana and Zhou Peng.

The thunder and lightning net blocked all escape routes for Nana and Zhou Peng.

Seeing this, Zhou Peng used the Tiangang Yuan Power in his hand, and then slapped it towards the ground.


As soon as the palm fell, the ground suddenly trembled.

Immediately afterwards, waves of dust rose up, and the entire Kui Arena was filled with yellow sand.

"what happened?"

In the stands, two teachers suddenly jumped up and flew over the Kui Arena.

Immediately afterwards, they simultaneously opened their clairvoyant eyes and began to see through the changes that occurred on the battlefield.


"Zhou Peng plans to launch an attack from underground?"

"It's very thoughtful. Although the giant puppet is very powerful in strength and defense, it is extremely weak in action."

"Its territory is unstable. Now it depends on how Zhou Peng's puppet will destroy the opponent's defense."


As soon as the voice fell, there was a sudden roar in the entire Kuidou Arena.

Then the ground in the center of the Kuidou Arena began to collapse, and then a huge pit dozens of meters deep collapsed.

The giant puppet fell directly from the ground to the bottom of the pit.

"Nana, attack the head!"

At this moment, Zhou Peng issued an order to Nana.

Then Nana flew up from the ground, and then blasted the head of the giant puppet like a cannonball.


As Nana attacked, the giant puppet opened its mouth and roared with thunder and lightning again.

"Instant step!"

Zhou Peng issued an order again.

Then Nana disappeared in front of the giant puppet.

The next second, she suddenly appeared behind the giant puppet's head, and then kicked the old man heavily.


Feng Laomo obviously didn't expect that Zhou Peng's target was him.

Nana's kick was extremely sudden, with a powerful explosive force of the fourth energy level.

The power of this kick was enough to raze a high tower to the ground.

So after kicking the old man, he kicked him out.

On this side, Zhou Peng suddenly flew out from under the ground, and then punched the old man in the stomach head-on.

Zhou Peng checked the information of the Rakshasa Group, and this old man was a friend of Feng Lao Mo.

Although he was a sixth-level combat puppet master, his own cultivation was very weak, only at the Tianyuan realm.

Therefore, facing the joint attack of Zhou Peng and Nana, the old man was completely unprepared and was hit by Zhou Peng's heavy punch, hitting the wall and sinking into the wall.


"It actually has the ability to teleport. Zhou Peng's combat puppet is quite powerful."

"As expected of Zhou Peng, it seems that he has investigated the opponent's information in advance and knows that the opponent's puppet master's cultivation is not high."

"When fighting with a puppet master, the first target is naturally the puppet master. As long as the puppet master is defeated, the puppet will naturally lose its combat power."

"However, the cultivation of a general puppet master is unpredictable, so you can't attack rashly before you know the opponent's strength."

"Very good, very good, Zhou Peng's performance deserves the title of a sixth-level combat puppet master."


Zhou Peng's battle is over, and it is quite beautiful.

Although Feng Lao Mo's puppet is powerful, he was still careless when facing the joint efforts of Zhou Peng and Nana.

He never thought that Zhou Peng's combat puppet actually has the ability to teleport.

You must know that teleportation is a very advanced curse, and it is difficult to integrate it into the core of the puppet.

But Zhou Peng was able to integrate it into his puppet, and it became the key blow to determine the outcome.

"Pengpeng, are you okay?"

Nana ran to Zhou Peng as soon as her toes touched the ground.

In fact, Zhou Peng had just been injured to save her.

"It's okay, I don't know if that guy has done it."

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, he looked up at the battle on the other side.

On this side, because of the sudden invisibility of the Yaksha ghost, Zhuo Bufan was actually in a stalemate.

In order to protect Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Yue had to retreat and guard him.

It can be seen that the other party decided to attack Zhuo Bufan.

"Brother, be careful, that guy is coming."

Zhuo Yue felt the breath of the Yaksha ghost.

Zhuo Bufan said after hearing this.

"Xiao Yue, don't protect me, fight according to your own ideas!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to control Zhuo Yue.

Because to him, Zhuo Yue was not a simple puppet.

He had his own ideas and his own thoughts.

So Zhuo Bufan let Zhuo Yue fight on his own.

After listening to Zhuo Yue, he nodded silently.

Then he took a step forward and slowly closed his eyes.

For a moment, the wind was light and the clouds were clear, and Zhuoyue felt the invisible Yaksha.

Suddenly, Zhuoyue moved.

He disappeared instantly and activated the teleportation that Nana used before.

Then he punched the air fiercely.

It looked like he hit the air, but the next second, a head slowly appeared in Zhuoyue's hand.

That head was the Yaksha ghost who was preparing to launch a surprise attack in secret.

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