Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1126: Arrangements from the previous life

In front of him, the familiar blue planet was quietly suspended in front of Zhuo Bufan.


Incredible, indescribable.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan didn't know what tone to use to describe his excitement.

Having lived on Earth for nearly twenty years, Zhuo Bufan was too familiar with this world.

He was very familiar with its appearance, its land and ocean distribution.

"That's right, this is the Earth. How is it possible? How is this possible?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't believe his eyes at all.

He thought that after he crossed over, he had nothing to do with the Earth.

But how should he explain the planet that appeared in front of him?

"Is it my illusion? Is it still Pan Huang's test?"

Zhuo Bufan thought that he was still in the process of crossing the catastrophe. He looked at the huge blue planet in front of him, staring blankly and falling into deep thought.

“As early as one million years ago, Luo Tian discovered a star in the starry sky. He used this star as the prototype of his world and created a world without Yuanli and Lingli.”

“In the second generation, Ji Xuanhao used Luo Tian’s world as the prototype and integrated it into his Haotian Divine Realm, creating such a quiet and ordinary small world full of vitality.”

“He let his reincarnation body reincarnate into his own world. Then he waited for the opportunity to be reborn and involved in the rebirth.”

“This world was also sealed in the Tribulation Mountain under the joint efforts of our three emperors, and was concealed from the Heavenly Dao for 280,000 years.”

“In other words, this world called Earth is a new world created by the fusion of the worlds of Luo Tian and Ji Xuanhao.”

“This world will be the prototype of the world after Daluotian.”

“It is also the goal that our three emperors are fighting for.”

On Mazu Mountain, Wahuang looked at the Earth in the Xuan Mirror and said.

It turns out that the birth of the Earth is inextricably linked to Luo Tian and Ji Xuanhao.

In a sense, the Earth was created by Luo Tian and Ji Xuanhao.

When Luo Tian ascended to this world, he split his body and soul into two.

The soul became a virtual body, and the body became a human.

Then, Luo Tian discovered that Daluotian, as the highest main world, controlled all the world's power.

No matter how the practitioners in Daluotian practiced, they could not escape the punishment of the power of Daluotian.

When Luo Tian discovered this problem, he immediately chose another way of practice. He created a world without Yuanli.

He found a planet in the starry sky, which is now the earth.

He used the earth as the prototype of his world and created a world that was not affected by Yuanli.

But before his world was completed, he was hunted down by the heavenly way and had to escape into reincarnation.

After escaping into reincarnation, he did not forget his mission.

He let his reincarnation body, that is, Ji Xuanhao, continue to complete the creation of this world.

After inheriting Luo Tian's world, Ji Xuanhao further improved the world.

Then he created the current earth.

The current earth is completely devoid of Yuanqi and spiritual energy. It belongs to the perfect world of two generations.

In fact, Daluotian is not as beautiful as imagined.

The Heavenly Dao behind Daluotian has self-awareness. It is terrible for a world to have self-awareness.

Because it only needs one thought to destroy all the lives in the world in an instant.

It is for this reason that this world has undergone two great changes.

Every drastic change caused countless lives in the world to be destroyed.

The Heavenly Dao calls this kind of destruction Jinghua.

Every purification will destroy 90% of the three thousand big worlds and one hundred thousand small worlds.

And when the last purification was halfway through, fortunately the Three Emperors appeared in time to save this crisis of destroying the world.

The Heavenly Dao finally got the punishment it deserved and had to be bound by the Three Emperors.

However, the Three Emperors will die after all.

They cannot be immortal like the Heavenly Dao.

Once they die, the Heavenly Dao will certainly launch another great purification.

This purification will be the destruction of the whole world.

These peaceful and beautiful things in front of us will disappear in an instant.

The whole world will bear the wrath of Daluotian.

Therefore, the Three Emperors must bring eternal peace to their descendants before they die.

They must create a brand new world for all the creatures in the world.

This world cannot be affected by the power of Daluo Tiandao, and can completely protect itself in the face of the purification power launched by Daluo Tian.

And the earth is their only hope.


Zhuo Bufan has no idea about the earth.

He just stared blankly at the blue planet in front of him.

When he got closer, he could feel the breath of life on the planet.

He walked around it carefully and found the country, city and street where he had lived.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was full of emotion, the previous voice came again in his mind.

"You are finally here!"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"Who are you? Why is the earth here?"

Zhuo Bufan asked, he wanted to find out if there was any conspiracy behind this.

"I am you, my reincarnation, you are finally here."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he immediately raised his eyebrows and a light bulb went off in his head.

"You are, Ji Xuanhao?"

"I am Ji Xuanhao!"

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that the person communicating with him was actually his past life self.

This feeling is magical, because after all, they are actually the same person.

"This is the Haotian Divine Realm. I created a world without Yuanli and spiritual energy with Luotian's Luotian Divine Realm as the origin."

"This world is not affected by the Daluo Tiandao and is the last pure land of life."

When Zhuo Bufan heard Ji Xuanhao's words, he was shocked.

"Did you and Luotian create the earth?"

This overturned Zhuo Bufan's cognition. He did not understand the meaning of Ji Xuanhao's words at all.

Why did Ji Xuanhao create this Haotian Divine Realm?

Why was he born on earth?

Why is the earth here again?

Zhuo Bufan had too many doubts that he wanted someone to help him answer.

At this time, Ji Xuanhao's voice came again.

"Before I decided to enter the reincarnation, I perfected Luo Tian's world. I must prepare for my reincarnation."

"In order to deceive the pursuit of the Heavenly Dao, I landed my reincarnation body in the world I created."

"This world is the last pure land, a world that the Great Luo Heavenly Dao cannot reach."

"When the time is right, my reincarnation body will descend again to the forbidden world. The forbidden world is the world where Luo Tian was born, and it is sealed by Luo Tian. It is the place that the Great Luo Heavenly Dao is least likely to notice."

"My reincarnation body will continue to grow in this forbidden world until one day, it will come back again."

"I will arrange everything in the forbidden world. In order to let my reincarnation body grow up safely, I have used up all my life's energy to create the Gate of Rebirth."

"The reincarnation body with the power of rebirth will have a strong self-protection power. But you must be careful not to use the Gate of Rebirth in Daluotian, otherwise it will be easily detected by Daluo Tiandao."

"When the time comes, my reincarnation body will ascend from the forbidden world to Daluotian. He will find the Haotian God Realm I left in the Tribulation Mountain, and finally the Pure Land. The Haotian God Realm is not a complete form. It is just the prototype of the Pure Land world."

"The future goal of my reincarnation body is to This Haotian Divine Realm is constantly expanding. Until it becomes a new world that can completely replace the Daluotian world. "

"Of course, before that, my reincarnation body cannot cultivate the vitality of this world. Because once the vitality of this world is cultivated, the new world created will still be affected by the Daluotian Dao."

"In order to solve this problem, I made all my cultivation into a mantle and passed it on to my reincarnation body."

"In addition, there is the ultimate reincarnation breathing method left by Luo Tian in the first life! This method can directly breathe the primordial vitality outside the Daluotian world! At the same time, Luo Tian also left behind the Creation of the World, which can Integrate the absorbed Hongmeng Yuanqi into the Haotian God Realm, so that the Haotian God Realm can continuously improve itself, evolve itself, reach perfection, and become the ultimate perfect world. "

"I want to warn my reincarnation body that before the Haotian God Realm reaches the ultimate perfect world, never reveal your identity and be discovered by the virtual Luo Tian."

"When you can jump out of the void, go to find the end of time. The Lord of Time will let our three generations of reincarnation bodies merge. At that time, the ultimate battle will also begin."


The voice of talking to himself stopped, and Zhuo Bufan's thoughts returned from the earth to the palace.

"So that's it, so all this was arranged by my previous life?"

"It turns out that the earth was created by me!"

"When I can jump out of the void, I will go to the end of time and find the Lord of Time! Then our three generations of reincarnation bodies will merge. "

"But, does time have an end?"

Just when Zhuo Bufan was meditating.

Suddenly, the blue planet in front of him turned into a blue light and penetrated into his brow.

When Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes, he could see the blue planet spinning quietly in the chaos.

Not only that, Zhuo Bufan also found that his breathing naturally turned into the ultimate reincarnation breathing method mentioned by Ji Xuanhao.

Every time he inhaled, a primordial energy from the sky entered his body.

At the same time, the energy was integrated into the earth through his other technique, the Creation of the World.

The earth began to evolve!

The Creation of the World can transform the original primordial energy into a pure energy to strengthen and upgrade the earth.

To make the earth the next perfect world.

Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes silently. He didn't need to do anything now, and felt the drastic changes in himself.

The inheritance has begun. Ji Xuanhao made his lifelong cultivation into a mantle, waiting for one day to pass it on to Zhuo Bufan.

With the inheritance of Ji Xuanhao's mantle, Zhuo Bufan's cultivation began to soar.

The cultivation level of the human Yuan realm directly reached the earth Yuan realm, and then reached the heaven Yuan realm.

Then, he continued to work hard and reached the Yuandan realm, the Yuantai realm, and finally reached the amazing Yuanshen realm.

Zhuo Bufan's cultivation level reached the Yuanshen realm, which means that the earth is not a perfect world now, but only has a simple prototype of rules.

However, at this speed, Zhuo Bufan believes that it will not take long for him to reach the Shengyuan realm.

"Spiritual Realm, is this the cultivation of my previous life?"

Everything Zhuo Bufan has obtained now is what Ji Xuanhao left behind in his previous life.

That is to say, before Ji Xuanhao entered the reincarnation in his previous life, he was in the Spiritual Realm.

A small Spiritual Realm can actually achieve such a heaven-defying degree, and even create something like the Gate of Rebirth.

Zhuo Bufan had to admit that he was more awesome in his previous life than in this life.

Now, Zhuo Bufan has completely obtained the mantle left by Ji Xuanhao in his previous life, and even the world he created.

"Success, Lord Wahuang, he succeeded."

Through the Xuanjing, Meng Chanyi saw that Zhuo Bufan successfully obtained the mantle of his previous life.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan finally had the power to protect himself in this world.

After hearing this, Wahuang responded: "Success is inevitable."

"Because that originally belongs to his own power."

"However, how he will go in the future still depends on him."

"How to become the next master of the world under the nose of Daluo Tiandao. The road he has to go is still very long and difficult."

Wahuang was not too happy about Zhuo Bufan's success.

Because Zhuo Bufan's next road is even more difficult.

"Empress, I want to go beyond the sky!"

At this time, Meng Chanyi suddenly proposed that she wanted to go beyond the sky.

The so-called beyond the sky is the outside of the Daluo Tian world.

At that time, only cultivators above the Yuanshen realm could go there.

"Go beyond the sky, could it be that you want to help him find the end of time?"

Wahuang saw Meng Chanyi's intention at a glance.

Meng Chanyi did not deny this.

"Silly child, do you know where the end of time is? Even Mazu doesn't know."

"The only one who knows the end of time is Daluo Tiandao. At the beginning, Luo Tian also sensed the end of time through the fragmentary information obtained from the virtual Luo Tian. He obtained the Heart of Time from the Lord of Time. Later, we handed the Heart of Time to Ji Xuanhao, and then we had the door of rebirth on Zhuo Bufan now."

After listening to the words of the Queen Wa, Meng Chanyi replied.

"It's okay, my queen, I have the power of a corner of the Heavenly Dao, and I can also sense the end of time where the Lord of Time is."

"I want to do something for him."

Meng Chanyi knew that she couldn't help Zhuo Bufan, and perhaps the only thing she could do was to help Zhuo Bufan find the end of time and the Lord of Time.

Only by completely integrating the reincarnation of the three lives can Zhuo Bufan become the real Lord Luo Tian.

So, Meng Chanyi volunteered to find the end of time.

Seeing Meng Chanyi so infatuated, the Queen Wa sighed.

"There are many dangers outside the sky. If you want to go, be careful."

"I'll tell him when the time comes."

After hearing this, Meng Chanyi stood up and bowed to the statue behind her.

"Thank you, my lady. Chanyi is leaving!"

After saying this, Meng Chanyi turned into a stream of light and disappeared into Mazu Mountain...

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