Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1130 I am your master

The boss punched a hole in the dome of the hall.

Zhuo Bufan was even sent flying into the sky.


The boss banged, penetrated the roof, and flew up toward the hole in the roof.




As soon as they flew into the sky, there were thunderstorms above the clouds in the sky.

Above the clouds, a battle unimaginable to ordinary people is clearly taking place.

Zhuo Bufan was forced to take action.

Since his cultivation reached the Yuan Shen realm, he has not made any move.

However, the punch from the boss just now knocked him unconscious.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan looked at the boss standing above the clouds in front of him with his hands behind his back, feeling furious inside.

"Even if you helped me save my life, was that punch just too much?"

Zhuo Bufan was obviously a little unhappy inside.

After hearing this, the boss smiled and said.

"Sorry, I just couldn't hold back my fist."

"This is also the gift that adult asked me to give you. I think you should understand."

"I understand you! If I punch you as soon as I come up, will you understand?"

Zhuo Bufan felt that this boss was crazy.

I had no enmity with him, so I just punched him when I ran up.

"Okay, I won't give you any nonsense. Tell me, who asked you to cause trouble?"

"I'm curious who ordered you to come."

Zhuo Bufan knew that there must be an expert behind the owner of the villa in front of him.

And this expert is very likely to be Zhuo Bufan's savior before.

Zhuo Bufan even suspected that this person was probably the Saint in Cicada Clothes he had seen before.

Zhuo Bufan truly believed that he had seen Meng Chanyi in the courtyard of Fengyu Villa.

It’s just that the boss refuses to admit it, and there’s nothing he can do about it.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan also saw the memory about Meng Chanyi.

In that memory, Zhuo Bufan clearly sensed that Meng Chanyi might have something to do with his first life, Luo Tian.

Zhuo Bufan even suspected that Meng Chanyi had followed Luo Tian.

Of course, all this is Zhuo Feifan's speculation. Since it was a guess, he himself couldn't be sure.

"Boy, there's no need to guess. Even if you guess, I can't tell you."

"The Lord asked me to do two things. First, give this scroll to you."

"There were a lot of people just now, so it's not convenient for me to say some things."

"But now I can tell you that there is a treasure hidden in that scroll that everyone in the world wants to pursue."

"If you can understand the truth, you will gain the power to fight the future."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was stunned and said: "The power to fight the future?"

"Yes, the power to fight the future. The power that everyone desires."

"What is it? So mysterious?"

Zhuo Bufan was puzzled.

The owner of the villa said.

"Only you can figure out what it is specifically."

"Because I am not qualified to get involved in the things inside."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that this guy would become more and more mysterious. From what he said, there was something hidden in this painting.

"Then what do you mean by punching me? Does the person you want to give gifts to have a problem with me?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

The owner of the Villa stroked his beard and said, "That's wrong, that gentleman didn't ask me to punch you."

"Haha, you know you were wrong now?"

Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes at the boss.

"Does this mean I should punch you back?"

As a result, Zhuo Bufan hadn't finished speaking yet.

Suddenly the owner of the villa clenched his fists again.

The moment he clenched his fist, Zhuo Bufan felt that the surrounding air was gathering towards his fist.

There was even a small black hole condensed on his fist.

"Wrong, in fact, she asked me to beat you up."

After the owner of the villa said that, he suddenly rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

That punch was gone and Zhuo Bufan didn't even have a chance to escape.

He just pinched the air deeply, and Zhuo Bufan's body appeared involuntarily on top of his fist.


This punch hit Zhuo Bufan in the face unpreparedly.

Zhuo Bufan was sent flying with a punch, directly blowing away the clouds thousands of miles away.

"Damn, let's play for real."

Zhuo Bufan finally stabilized his body, came to his senses, and found that the owner of the villa had rushed in front of him again.


The owner of the Villa almost did not hesitate to punch him again.

This time, Zhuo Bufan was prepared and pushed back before the fist came.


This rebuke palm is infinitely more powerful than before.

The owner of the villa was sent flying away by Zhuo Bufan's palm.

"Good boy, are you ready to fight seriously?"


The owner of the villa was aroused by Zhuo Bufan's chapter.

Then, he turned into a red light and rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan did his part, and he was also as fast as a black light, and he struggled with the owner of the villa.

Bang bang bang!



The two sides were going back and forth, making the whole sky seem to be about to break.

Similar people, watching the battle in the sky, were all frightened and dumbfounded.

"What kind of battle broke out that day?"

"Who knows! Why did that old man suddenly appear here? Why did he suddenly attack Master Zhuo?"

"Mr. Zhou, do you know this old man?"

The city lord on the side asked Zhou Peng on the side.

After hearing this, Zhou Peng shook his head.

"I don't know him, but he must know him."

What Zhou Peng is actually more puzzled about now is how Zhuo Bufan got such a powerful power.

It is simply unbelievable that Zhuo Bufan was able to fight with that mysterious old man back and forth in the sky without giving in to each other!

Where does Zhuo Bufan get his power?

In Zhou Peng's memory, Zhuo Bufan was just a small Human Yuan realm monk.

Not even qualified to go to heaven.

But now, he not only went to heaven, but also made such a big noise in the sky.

"Is it when we were crossing the Tribulation Mountain?"

Zhou Peng said doubtfully.

"What did he go through in Dujie Mountain?"

Zhou Peng has obviously guessed that Zhuo Bufan is likely to have an opportunity in Dujie Mountain.

But no one knows what Zhuo Bufan encountered.

But there is no doubt that Zhuo Bufan became stronger because of this.

"Boss, although you saved me, don't bully me too much."

"If you hit me hard, I'm going to beat you."

Zhuo Bufan and the owner of the villa were still fighting, their fists and shadows intertwined, and the sky collapsed.

"Boy, what I've been waiting for is your words, beat me up! If you don't beat me up, I'm going to beat you up."

"You are in the Yuanshen realm, right? If you are old and incapable of talent, you are also in the Yuanshen realm."

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was slightly surprised at first, and then smiled very but indifferently.

"I see, no wonder you are so powerful. I didn't expect that a small mountain villa owner could be a powerful person in the Yuanshen realm."

"Very good. If that's the case, then I don't have to be polite to you!"

"Holding Yin and Yang in your hand, you control life and death! The seal of reincarnation of life and death!"

Zhuo Bufan used the moves that Ji Xuanhao had used.

I saw that he made a seal with the word "life" in his left hand, and a seal with the word "death" in his right hand.

The two curse seals form the most terrifying seal of life and death in this time!

At that moment, the owner of the villa felt like he was being screwed into reincarnation.

The power of reincarnation is the most mysterious power of this time.

It is the power that combines the three forces of time, life and death into one.

In today's world, there are very few people who can master the power of reincarnation.

Those who can master the power of reincarnation can enter reincarnation and be reincarnated.

And Zhuo Bufan is obviously the one who can master the power of reincarnation.

"Boy, do you have the power of reincarnation? You don't have it!"

The owner of the villa seems to have been prepared for it. He seems to know that Zhuo Bufan will use the reincarnation seal!

So when Zhuo Bufan's reincarnation seal hit him, he suddenly let out a low drink.

"Gather the faith of the common people and turn it into the light of purification. It will not enter the five elements, it will not fall into reincarnation, it will not move like a mountain, it will be the supreme golden body seal!"

Waves of bright golden light suddenly erupted from the owner of the villa.

The light is dazzling and brilliant, illuminating the heaven and earth.

He actually holds the supreme golden body seal that does not enter the five elements and does not fall into reincarnation.

This move is obviously the biggest nemesis of the Reincarnation Seal.

If the other party does not enter reincarnation, then the other party cannot be erased.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan took a breath.

"So strong. Is this old man really just an ordinary old man?"

"This is too strong."

This old man is still the most powerful opponent Zhuo Bufan has ever faced when he came to Daluotian.

"We can't lose to him!"

"Across the world, the sky will collapse and the earth will split apart!"

Zhuo Bufan once again used Ji Xuanhao's unique skill, the great vertical and horizontal hand!

He used his hands to tear the old man's supreme golden body into pieces.

Once the golden body was broken, Zhuo Bufan resorted to fierce tactics again.

"Heavenly Tribulation Finger! Break!"

Zhuo Bufan pointed a cold light, accompanied by endless destructive intelligence, towards the old man of the villa.


When the old man from the villa saw this, he suddenly let out a low roar.

"Hegemony, shock!"

Zhuo Bufan's Heavenly Tribulation Finger was clamped by a supreme power.

"Boy, what a trick. First use the big hands to tear apart my golden body, and then use the Heavenly Tribulation Finger to prepare to destroy my soul?"

"Fortunately, I knew about you in advance, otherwise I would have fallen into your hands."

Seeing his Heavenly Tribulation Finger being broken, Zhuo Bufan's eyebrows almost knitted together.

"You know my tricks? How is that possible?"

Zhuo Bufan's moves were all Ji Xuanhao's moves.

And Ji Xuanhao was a person from two hundred thousand years ago!

"who are you?"

Zhuo Bufan had a feeling that the old man in front of him knew his previous life, Ji Xuanhao.

Otherwise, how could the other party know his tricks so well.

When the old man from the villa heard this, he laughed.

"Want to know? Then beat me first."

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, his combat power soared. He was very powerful and knew all kinds of secrets.

"Well, I won't be polite."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly reached out and waved forward.

I saw a black mist heading towards the old man in the villa.

"The reincarnation of life and death continues! I live, you die!"

"Come out, my servant, the bringer of death!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, wolf-shaped beasts in the form of black mist emerged one after another from the thick black mist.

These are no ordinary beasts, they are all incorporeal.

This is the virtual body that Ji Xuanhao captured in his previous life. He captured these virtual bodies and made them his servants, becoming the spokesperson of death, that is, the messenger of death.

"Punish him!"

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand and pointed at the old man in the villa, and thirty-two virtual bodies rushed towards each other like crazy.

"Is the most difficult move coming!"

"I didn't expect you to inherit this move."

The old man in the villa couldn't help but take a breath when he saw the thirty-two virtual beasts released by Zhuo Bufan.

These thirty-two virtual beasts can fight against the monks of the Saint Yuan Realm.

Even if Ni Cangqiong came, it would be very difficult.

It can be said that this is one of Ji Xuanhao's strongest moves.

"Fortunately, I am prepared!"

Seeing the thirty-two virtual beasts rushing towards him, the old man in the villa suddenly took out a brocade bag from his waist!

Then he opened the brocade bag, and saw that the brocade bag suddenly turned into a huge pocket, and then began to devour the virtual beasts rushing over frantically.

Those virtual beasts had no time to react and were swallowed up by the brocade bag.

"No! Come back!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted at his servants, but it was too late.

All the thirty-two virtual beasts were put into the brocade bag.

"Damn it, give me back my servants!"

Zhuo Bufan rushed to the old man in the villa. These thirty-two virtual beasts were his strongest trick. How could he watch his trump card being taken away?

However, when Zhuo Bufan was about to rush over, the old man in the villa suddenly raised his hand and said.

"Okay, no more fighting!"

"No fighting? No fighting is fine, give me back my servants."

The old man put the shrunken brocade bag on his waist and smiled.

"Sorry, I can't give this thing back to you."

"This is the second gift that the adult gave you. These things will only bring you disasters."

"You should study that scroll carefully. If you can understand the true meaning of it, it will be much better than this."

"Okay, kid, my mission is complete, I should go."

Unexpectedly, the purpose of the old man's visit this time was to take away the thirty-two virtual bodies in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan didn't know whether he should believe the other party.

Seeing that the other party was about to leave, he hurriedly shouted.

"Hey, you haven't told me yet, who are you?"

The old man in the villa turned back and whispered when he heard it.

"Me? In a way, I am your master."

After the old man finished speaking, he turned into a red light and disappeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the disappeared old man and was speechless for a long time.

"My master? What do you mean, is he Ji Xuanhao's master?"

"No, isn't Ji Xuanhao's master my father-in-law Emperor Xuan?"

"Could it be that he is the master Ji Xuanhao recognized in Daluotian?"

Zhuo Bufan was confused.

If what the old man said was true, then the purpose of his doing this was obviously not to harm himself.

"He knows Ji Xuanhao's moves so well, and he also knows how to defend each move. It seems that he is really Ji Xuanhao's master."

"If he is Ji Xuanhao's master, does that mean he is also my master?"

Zhuo Bufan wanted to sort out the relationship, but he found that the more he sorted it out, the more confused he became.

"Thirty-two virtual bodies exchanged for this scroll."

"Is this scroll really worth it?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took out the painting that the old man said he would give him before, and looked at the back of the person in the painting, he was speechless for a long time.

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