Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1138 The true meaning of painting

In the square of the Shenji Palace, everyone collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath.

Some were seriously injured and were receiving treatment from their companions.

Others were lying on the ground, refusing to get up no matter what.

Zhou Peng sat on a huge piece of iron sheet, receiving treatment from Miss Ling Shuang.

"Brother Zhou, do you feel better?"

Ling Shuang used her remaining energy to heal Zhou Peng's injuries.

After hearing this, Zhou Peng clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Miss Ling Shuang."

After hearing this, Ling Shuang smiled.

"Brother Zhou is too polite. If it weren't for Brother Zhou protecting me all the time, I might have been the one injured just now."

"Brother Zhou was injured for me, Ling Shuang is very grateful. And if it weren't for Brother Zhou, we wouldn't have been able to defeat these mechanical puppets."

Ling Shuang looked up at the scrapped copper and iron on the square, her eyes full of admiration for Zhou Peng.

After hearing this, the other black-clothed disciples on the side also expressed their gratitude.

"Yes, this time it's all thanks to Senior Brother Zhou. Senior Brother Zhou, please accept my greeting."

"Senior Brother Zhou also accept my greeting!"

"Senior Brother Zhou, please accept our greeting."

The ten black-clothed disciples clasped their fists and expressed their gratitude to Zhou Peng.

Under Zhou Peng's leadership, they finally passed this almost impossible hurdle.

All ten mechanical puppets were knocked down.

Even the puppet's owner, Han Fei, was a little surprised.

"What a good young man! I really want to keep him and recognize him as my junior brother."

Han Fei expressed his recognition of Zhou Peng.

Not everyone can be recognized by Han Fei, after all, Han Fei is the most outstanding puppeteer.

"Little ghosts, you did a good job. Next, take a good rest for two days! Your training has just begun."

After Han Fei finished speaking, he led all the disciples into the Shenji Pavilion.

When Zhou Peng and his disciples stepped into the Shenji Pavilion, a sense of satisfaction that they had never experienced before hit their hearts.

For them, the gains brought by this test are incomparable.

On the other hand, Zhuo Bufan's own cultivation has reached the Yuanshen realm, so the test of Jietian Mountain for him is more special.

He did not join Zhou Peng's training. After all, his cultivation is there, and Zhou Peng's training is not suitable for him.

Moreover, the Eighteen Heroes have no power to set test items for Zhuo Bufan's test.

The only one who can test Zhuo Bufan is Pan Huang, the most powerful existence in Jietian Mountain.

And the test Pan Huang gave Zhuo Bufan is more bizarre.

His test is that there is no test.

Zi Yang took Zhuo Bufan into a cave for storing books according to Pan Huang's instructions.

Then Zi Yang did not leave anything worth explaining, and just said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Brother Zhuo, just rest here and wait for the master's order."

Zi Yang asked Zhuo Bufan to stay in the cave and wait for Pan Huang's order.

This made Zhuo Bufan not know what to do for a while.

So, Zhuo Bufan took out the painting.

That painting was a mysterious gift from the owner of Fengyu Villa when he was in Kaitian City.

In his words, there was a shocking secret hidden in that painting.

Zhuo Bufan had no time before, but now that he was free, he finally had time to study it carefully.

Unfolding the painting again, the painting still showed the back of the mysterious man.

"Is this man Luo Tian?"

Zhuo Bufan had seen the same back in a dream.

The owner of that back was Luo Tian.

He was wearing a black plain dress, with long black hair falling on his back, a bit unrestrained and a bit handsome.

That was a man who looked like a perfect star in the sky, and Zhuo Bufan would never forget that back.

And the back in the painting in his hand was very similar to Luo Tian.

"If he is really Luo Tian, ​​then what does this painting mean?"

"Also, who asked that boss to give it to me? Would it be Queen Wa? Or the Chanyi Saint in the courtyard?"

Zhuo Bufan pondered hard.

He could basically guess who the person in the painting was, but he couldn't guess the real meaning of the painting.

According to the owner of Fengyu Villa, Zhuo Bufan could only unlock the secrets of the painting and grasp the treasures inside if he understood the real meaning of the painting.

"Is there a brushstroke hidden in this painting?"

Zhuo Bufan began to observe the handwriting of the painting inch by inch, and even used his Yuanli to sense it.

But he looked over and over again for several times, and did not find any special handwriting.

He found that the painting was unexpectedly completed in one go, and the brushstrokes seemed to have been practiced countless times.

It was like copying countless times, and then painting this painting in one breath.

If the painter's painting skills were not already fascinated, then it means that she must have painted this painting frequently.

Zhuo Bufan believed that it was the first type, and the other party's painting skills were amazing.

"Although I don't know much about painting, this painting is indeed very well painted. It is a masterpiece."

"Maybe I should find someone who understands painting?"

Zhuo Bufan really couldn't see the mystery of this painting. He suspected that it was just an ordinary painting, but he was fooled by the owner of Fengyu Villa.

So, Zhuo Bufan planned to find someone who understood painting and let him help analyze it.

Zhuo Bufan believed that there must be a person who loves painting on Jietian Mountain.

So, Zhuo Bufan walked out of the cave and found Ni Cangqiong who was in confinement.

"Boy, I will be out of confinement in ten days. When the time comes, we will immediately go to the reception gate you mentioned, and then destroy that damn reception gate, and then fight you to the death."

As soon as he saw Zhuo Bufan, Ni Cangqiong rushed to him and said.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Ni Cangqiong who was blocked in the barrier and smiled coldly.

"Don't worry, don't worry, let me ask you, is there anyone in Jietian Mountain who knows painting?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Ni Cangqiong was stunned after hearing this.

"Knowing painting? Why are you asking this?"

"Eighteen heroes of Jietian Mountain, each of them is proficient in eighteen kinds of martial arts."

Ni Cangqiong said very proudly.

Zhuo Bufan frowned when he heard it.

"Oh? So you know painting?"

"Of course, I am Ni Cang Qiong, the almighty Ni God. My paintings are worth a fortune in the secular world."

Ni Cang Qiong was not polite, saying that he was an extraordinary painter.

Zhuo Bufan was skeptical. After all, Ni Cang Qiong was just a fighting madman. How could such a rough man know painting?

However, after finding out the truth about the back picture, he still took out the painting and showed it to Ni Cang Qiong.

"Take a look at this painting, what can you see?"

Zhuo Bufan took the painting and put it in front of Ni Cang Qiong. Because of the barrier, Zhuo Bufan was not worried that Ni Cang Qiong would snatch it away.

Ni Cang Qiong stared at the painting that Zhuo Bufan took out, and finally said.

"Zhuo Bufan, did you draw this with your feet? I can draw a hundred pieces of this kind of garbage a day."

"Don't pretend, talk nicely."

Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes at him.

After hearing this, Ni Cang Qiong looked at him with contempt, and then said.

"Besides, I don't understand. Is there any secret in your painting?"

Ni Cangqiong believed that Zhuo Bufan would not just pick a random painting to tease him. There must be some secret in this painting.

After hearing Ni Cangqiong's answer, Zhuo Bufan was almost certain that this guy could not see anything.

"Playing the lute to a cow, tell me, who among the eighteen heroes is the most knowledgeable about painting?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to talk nonsense with Ni Cangqiong. Anyway, there was nothing to gain from talking too much, and they might even quarrel with each other later.

Ni Cangqiong responded after hearing it.

"Pay attention to your attitude when you speak, or I won't say anything."

"You don't want to say it, right? As for the battle, I think..."

"Hey, hey, hey, I say, you have learned to threaten now?"

"Don't talk nonsense, tell me!"

Faced with Zhuo Bufan's threat, Ni Cangqiong finally had to confess honestly.

"Go to the Huaxin Pavilion on the tenth peak of the back mountain to find the tenth senior sister! She is the one who studies painting the most among our eighteen disciples."

"Tenth senior sister, Su Yan?"

Zhuo Bufan recalled the names of every outstanding person that Dean Mu Lao had told them.

Among them, the tenth senior sister was Su Yan.

"I see, thank you very much."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he turned around and headed towards the Huaxin Pavilion without talking nonsense to Ni Cangqiong.

"Hey, Zhuo Bufan, let's talk more! Hey!"

Ni Cangqiong wanted to say more, but Zhuo Bufan had already disappeared.

According to Ni Cangqiong, Zhuo Bufan came to the tenth peak of the back mountain, Huaxin Pavilion.

The owner of Huaxin Pavilion, Su Yan, is a person who cherishes and loves painting.

After Zhuo Bufan came to Huaxin Pavilion, he circled in the air for half a circle, looking for Su Yan's whereabouts.

However, at this moment, Zhuo Bufan found a group of flying birds attacking him.

They were a few ordinary flying birds, but Zhuo Bufan felt murderous intent and threats from the flying birds.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan took decisive action on the spot, slapped down with one palm, and directly killed several flying birds.

What surprised Zhuo Bufan was that the dead birds did not bleed red blood, but colorful liquid.

Zhuo Bufan took a closer look and found that it was not blood, but paint for painting.

"Are these birds painted?"

Zhuo Bufan said in surprise.

At this moment, a flying dragon suddenly flew up from a pavilion in a small courtyard below and roared like a dragon.


Accompanied by a terrifying roar, Zhuo Bufan slammed out with one palm.


The extremely powerful rebuke palm blasted out at the same time as the flying dragon hit.

The flying dragon exploded directly in the air, exploded on the spot, and turned into a colorful rain.

"It's really painted!"

Zhuo Bufan was sure that both the flying birds and the flying dragons were creatures painted by people.

And he found the location of the painter, in the pavilion below.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately flew down.

"Disciple Zhuo Bufan, meet the tenth senior sister!"

Before the other party made another move, Zhuo Bufan immediately stepped forward to show his identity.

The other party then stopped the third round of attack.

"Brother Zhuo, why did you come to my Huaxin Pavilion without invitation?"

Su Yan did not show much welcome for Zhuo Bufan's sudden visit.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan hurriedly explained.

"Please calm down, I came here to ask for something."

Zhuo Bufan did not want to fight with Su Yan.

After hearing this, Su Yan put down the brush in her hand, and turned to look at Zhuo Bufan.

She had long black hair, like a waterfall and ink, and her graceful figure made people want to change their minds.

Su Yan was definitely a beauty in the world, even Zhuo Bufan could not help but look at her a few more times.

In the hands of Qianqianyu, a strange woman, she holds a colorful wolf hair.

The strokes turn into paintings, and the wonderful strokes produce flowers.

Anything drawn with that magic pen can jump off the page and become a living thing.

Because of this, Su Yan is known as the painting saint of Jietian Mountain.

Zhuo Bufan didn't dare to slack off and quickly took out the scroll in his arms and presented it with both hands.

"After hearing that Senior Sister Su is known as a painting sage, her understanding of painting is unparalleled. Junior Brother has a mysterious painting in his hand. I wonder if the world can help identify it."

Zhuo Bufan took out the painting with confidence.

He believed that Su Yan had no ulterior motives for this painting.

After all, people who cherish painting have noble personalities.

Seeing this, Su Yan moved her jade finger lightly, and saw the scroll in Zhuo Bufan's hand float up, then naturally fall in the air, unfolding the scroll's true appearance.

When Su Yan saw the work in the painting, he first glanced at it, then thought about it, and finally was shocked.

"This painting is done in one go, without any extra strokes. The painter hid all kinds of gorgeous techniques and only used the simplest brushstrokes to complete this picture of the back of the clothes. It's amazing!"

Su Yan exclaimed.

Regarding this painting, she actually felt ashamed of herself.

"I see, that's it. After your painting skills reach their peak, can even a stroke of stroke still express the author's intention?"

Su Yan looked at the back picture, and the colorful wolf hair in his hand flew gently in the air.

In an instant, a dragon and a phoenix flew out from the tip of the pen.

There is a babbling sound, and the phoenix sings for nine days.

With a roar, the dragon soars into the sky.

Su Yan suddenly had an epiphany because of a painting.

A beam of skylight fell on Su Yan, and the soul in Su Yan's heart evolved into a holy soul.

"Breakthrough, congratulations, senior sister, for breaking through to the Saint Yuan realm."

Zhuo Bufan stared blankly at Su Yan, whose body was sealed with luster. He never imagined that Su Yan could understand the method of breakthrough from just a painting.

"Is this the treasure in this painting?"

"Could it be that I'm self-defeating?"

Zhuo Bufan was worried that he rashly showed the back picture to Su Yan, but instead allowed Su Yan to obtain the treasure.

After hearing this, Su Yan smiled.

"Thank you, junior brother, for making it possible. However, I have not understood the true meaning of this painting."

"The painter's painting skills are far superior to mine. It's just the mystery of the brushwork that makes me feel ashamed. My breakthrough is all because I feel the true meaning of painting. But Su Yan has no idea about the true meaning of this painting. Perception.”

It turned out that Su Yan did not perceive the true meaning of this painting. It’s just knowledge and understanding of the true meaning of painting.

The relationship between the two is completely different.

The true meaning of painting is simplicity.

Su Yan didn't know what this simple back view meant.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan sighed helplessly.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind Zhuo Bufan.

"Eh? Isn't this painting by senior sister? Why is it here?"

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he suddenly turned around.

I saw Meng Qingqing, the saint of Mazu Mountain, walking from the front yard carrying a pot of tea.

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