Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1141 A thunderous battle

Watching Zhuo Bufan fly to the purple sky, everyone present exclaimed.

"Is this the true strength of Senior Brother Zhuo?"

"The one in the sky should be Senior Brother Ni!"

"Senior Brother Ni? Are you saying that Senior Brother Zhuo is going to fight with someone like Senior Brother Ni? This is incredible."

"How I wish I could go to the sky to watch the battle! This will definitely be a shocking battle."

Everyone looked up at the sky, full of expectations for the battle in the sky.

However, they have not forgotten their respective tasks.

"Okay, don't forget our tasks."

"He has his battles, and we have ours."

Zhou Peng was still calmer, and he did not forget his mission.

Zhou Peng jumped up and unfolded a small mechanical device in his hand.

After the mechanical device fluttered twice in the air, it turned into a huge flying eagle-shaped mechanical puppet.

When Zhou Peng summoned the giant flying eagle mechanical puppet, everyone was stunned.

"So powerful, Senior Brother Zhou Peng is not simple either!"

"This flying eagle puppet looks much more powerful than the mechanical puppets we trained."

The group of people also admired Zhou Peng.

Zhou Peng couldn't help but shout when he saw this.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go together!"

Zhou Peng called everyone to chase the escaping paper cranes together.

Everyone present was stunned after hearing this.

"Can we do it too?"

They didn't expect that Zhou Peng was willing to give up the flying eagle puppet and ride with them.

Zhou Peng said when he saw this.

"Haven't we been supporting each other and come this far?"

Since this is the last level, let's go to the end together.

Zhou Peng's words made many people burst into tears.

"Senior Brother Zhou is really, so good."

"Good man! But we will drag you down."

"What do you mean by drag? Come on up."

At Zhou Peng's request, Ling Shuang was the first to jump on the back of the flying eagle puppet.

Afterwards, the other disciples present no longer hesitated, jumped onto the back of the puppet, and then chose to follow Zhou Peng and continue walking.

"Those paper cranes seem to have floated over the mountain, let's catch up!"

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, he led all the black-clothed disciples to chase after the place where the paper cranes disappeared.


On the other side, above the sky, another destined battle was about to begin.

Zhuo Bufan felt a little uneasy before entering the Ziyang Realm.

As expected, after entering the Ziyang Realm, he felt a nasty breath coming towards him.

This guy, Ni Cangqiong, was waiting for his arrival.

"Ni Cangqiong, I remember we should have made three rules."

"I won't fight you until the Jieying Gate is destroyed."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Ni Cangqiong with a contemptuous look.

Ni Cangqiong snorted after hearing this.

"Boy, I'm not here to fight with you today. I'm here as your examiner. This fight won't decide life or death, and it doesn't matter who wins or loses. As long as you can get this little paper crane back from me, it's fine."

After Ni Cangqiong finished speaking, he took out the paper crane and wrapped it up with his Yuanli.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, showed the Minsheng Sword in his hand, and then pointed the sword at Ni Cangqiong.

"It seems that this battle is inevitable."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect Ni Cangqiong to fight him in this way. Since he couldn't escape, he shouldn't escape.

Zhuo Bufan was willing to face this battle head-on.

Ni Cangqiong looked at the Minsheng Sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand, raised the corner of his mouth, and smiled.

"Yes, I have heard the legend of this sword. It is said that it was the strongest sacred tree in the world, able to resist the calamity of heaven for ten thousand years without being destroyed."

"In the end, it suffered the jealousy of heaven and was killed by the way of heaven. In some ways, it is really similar to me!"

Ni Cangqiong also suffered the calamity of jealousy of heaven, and his cultivation declined step by step. He has not yet found a solution.

"It is luckier than me. Later, he met a great man who forged its ashes into a sword. It can show its power again."

"My master told me that the Minsheng Sword is ranked fifth on the list of artifacts of the way of heaven. And the person who created it was just a great man in the Saint Yuan Realm."

"This is the only sacred sword that is not afraid of the calamity of heaven."

Ni Cangqiong's tone was a little lonely.

In fact, his situation is even worse than that of Jianmu.

Now he is also suffering the punishment of heaven, and maybe one day he will be wiped out.

I don't know if there will be anyone who can recreate his legend for him at that time.

Zhuo Bufan seemed to sense Ni Cangqiong's desolate look, and couldn't help but say.

"I've heard about your story. I also understand why you want to defeat me so badly."

"Ni Cangqiong, I accept your challenge. Come on!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to continue talking nonsense, and the Minsheng Sword in his hand suddenly flashed with purple lightning.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The lightning was like a snake or a dragon, crackling on the sword.

Enshrouded in glory, the edge was exposed, shocking!

"Boy, although your Minsheng Sword is a divine weapon on the Heavenly Dao Divine Artifact List, your sword is not good at fighting!"

"It's time to open your eyes, kid."

After Ni Cangqiong finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand to the sky and shouted.

"Ni Shen Gun, come out."

That loud shout was like thunder blasting in the sky.

With a rumble, a long spear with reverse teeth descended into Ni Cangqiong's hands like a dragon.

The long spear was round and bloody red.

The tip of the spear was sharpened on one side and reversed on the other, full of a strong murderous aura.

When Ni Cangqiong held the Ni Shen Spear, he was instantly filled with a fierce Shura aura.

At that moment, he was a peerless war god, possessing the domineering power of the world and the power of the universe.

"Tell me, how much power do you need me to give you!"

Ni Cangqiong looked at Zhuo Bufan and showed his bold words without hesitation.

"First of all, I don't underestimate you. Although you defeated the fifth brother, in my opinion, you are still a little devil."

"I can tell you responsibly that I can abuse you with 30% of your power."

Ni Cangqiong is very arrogant, extremely arrogant.

Perhaps this is Ni Cangqiong, after all, he is the most arrogant Ni Shen in the world.

Zhuo Bufan could see that this guy was not joking, he really had that confidence.

Even if he used 30% of his strength, he might not be able to defeat the opponent.

However, Zhuo Bufan was an arrogant person with his own pride.

"Ni Cangqiong, in the battle in the cultivation world, you used only 20% of your strength, which made me unable to resist."

"Later, you descended 50% of your strength to solve the crisis of the Yin and Yang world."

"You are very strong. It can be said that in my previous cognition, you are an outrageously powerful existence, and I dare not imagine surpassing you at all."

"But, half a year ago, I saw the battle in Futian Mountain."

"That battle not only made me see the splendor of this world, but also broadened my horizons."

"From that moment on, I knew, Ni Cangqiong, sooner or later, I will surpass you, and I will be able to surpass you."

"I didn't expect that this day would come so soon."

"So in this battle, I hope you will go all out and use your 100% strength!"

Zhuo Bufan also made his own bold words, he wanted to challenge Ni Cangqiong who was going all out.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's provocation, Ni Cangqiong grinned and began to laugh exaggeratedly.

"Hahahaha, very good, very good, very good!"

"Zhuo Bufan, I didn't misjudge you. You kid, you are even crazier than me, Ni Cangqiong."

"In that case, then well, you will face Ni Cangqiong with full firepower next, I will try my best to protect your life."

"Come and fight! Yay!"

As soon as Ni Cangqiong finished speaking, the long spear in his hand came out and hit the dragon directly.


As soon as the long spear came out, the spear came out like a dragon, with a dragon soul roaring, and pierced through Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan's figure flashed and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

That shot directly penetrated the core of the earth, blasted the lava land of hundreds of miles, and stirred up thousands of molten fires like rain.

After Zhuo Bufan dodged Ni Cangqiong's move, he raised his sword and released endless lightning and fire on the blade in his hand.

Chi Chi Chi!

Lightning and flint struck Ni Cangqiong.

Ni Cangqiong's hegemony was fully opened, and the long spear in his hand turned, forming a storm that destroyed the world.


The storm swept towards Zhuo Bufan, directly breaking several peaks. Many prehistoric beasts were swept into the storm in an instant, and then strangled into dust.

Zhuo Bufan flashed by again, and the Minsheng Sword in his hand suddenly rolled up two black and white divine powers.

"Life and death, reincarnation never stops! The seal of life and death reincarnation, broken!"

Zhuo Bufan actually used the Minsheng Sword to roll up the power of life and death reincarnation.

The opposite Ni Cangqiong had already offered a killing move at the same time that Zhuo Bufan rolled up the reincarnation sword energy.

"I am the Ni God, and I should rebel against time and space!"

"Ni Wang Jue!"

Ni Cangqiong's aura began to be completely restrained, and then he swung a seemingly powerless gun towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan knew the extraordinary power of that shot, so when the Sword of Life and Death was swung out, endless thunder power surged.




The current situation of the tip of the gun and the tip of the sword, in an instant, in the ten-point confrontation, produced endless black hole power.

Then there was a shocking destructive shock wave, flattening the four seas and eight wildernesses, and sweeping away the clouds for thousands of miles.


This collision caused the entire Ziyang Realm to tremble and even tend to collapse.

"Oh no, these two little bastards, are they going to destroy my Ziyang Realm?"

At this moment, Ziyang, who was watching the battle outside, was so scared that he quickly used Ziyang's divine power to repair the damaged world wall of Ziyang Realm.

The other brothers and sisters present were already stunned and shocked.

"What kind of battle is this?"

"Brother Zhuo is in the Yuanshen realm, but he has a fighting power that is not weaker than that of the Shengyuan realm?"

"More than that, he is on par with the younger brother who is fighting with all his strength!"

"Big brother, I feel sorry for you. You dare to use Ziyang Realm as a battlefield for these two little bastards."

"Big brother, I feel sorry for you too."

Hearing the distressed voices of the younger brothers and sisters behind him, Ziyang regretted it.

"What are you talking about? Second brother, fourth brother, follow me in to stop this battle."

Ziyang can't let Zhuo Bufan and Ni Cangqiong fight like this anymore, otherwise his Ziyang Realm will collapse.

After Ziyang finished speaking, he took the second brother Huang Shang and the fourth brother Lu Xingzhou into the Ziyang Realm.

Just when Zhuo Bufan and Ni Qingqiong were about to break out into another round of battle, three great gods arrived at the same time.

Among them, Ziyang manipulated the world rules of Ziyang Realm and directly kidnapped Zhuo Bufan and Ni Qingqiong.

"That's enough, you two."

As soon as Ziyang finished speaking, the chains of rules of Ziyang Realm appeared from the sky, and then tied up Zhuo Bufan and Ni Qingqiong, who were preparing to fight again.

"Elder brother, what are you doing? Didn't you see that I was fighting this guy?"

Ni Qiong couldn't stand it anymore and yelled at Ziyang.

Zi Yang rolled his eyes at him and said.

"Junior brother, do you want to destroy my Ziyang Realm?"

"That's almost enough. Besides, you've already lost this competition."

Ni Qingqiong was stunned when he heard this.

"What? I lost?"

"Elder brother, don't talk nonsense. Why did I lose? How could I lose to this kid? I haven't used any of the Eighteen Moves Against the God yet. I can send him to the west with just one move."

Even though Ni Qianqiong was tied up by the chains of rules, he was still shouting.

Even Ziyang couldn't stand it anymore and finally said.

"Junior Brother Zhuo, take out the paper crane and let this guy be convinced of his defeat."

After Ziyang finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand and held it in the air, and the paper crane appeared in his hand.

Ni Qingqiong couldn't help but be stunned when he saw this.

"What? You guy, when did you..."

Only then did Ni Qingqiong come to his senses. He had been so complacent just now that he completely forgot that the purpose of this battle was to prevent Zhuo Bufan from obtaining the paper crane.

However, from the very beginning of the battle, Zhuo Bufan had already obtained the paper crane.

Even Ziyang and the others who were watching the battle outside discovered that Keni Cangqiong was too immersed in the battle and completely forgot to protect the paper crane.

"Besides, Zhuo Bufan, you are a despicable person."

Seeing Ni Qiongqiong's furious look, Zhuo Bufan snorted coldly.

"You are just simple-minded."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he secretly rejoiced in his heart.

Fortunately, Ziyang and the others appeared immediately, otherwise if they continued to fight, Zhuo Bufan might really get beaten up by Ni Qingqiong.

"Okay, I announce that Junior Brother Zhuo has passed the final test. Junior Brother Zhuo, please go out now!"

"As for this idiot, let him stay here and have a good time."

After Ziyang finished speaking, he left Ziyang Realm with Zhuo Bufan without any more nonsense.

Ni Qingqiong was left, howling and screaming.

"What happened just now?"

At this moment, Zhou Peng and the others, who were still undergoing the test, stopped on top of a mountain.

They were shaken by the battle in heaven.

At that moment, it felt like the end of the world, making everyone panic.

"It's too scary. Is that the battle between Senior Brother Zhuo and Senior Brother Ni?"

"It's so scary! Do they want to destroy this world?"

"It's not a good time to stay here! Let's find the paper crane quickly!"

"I don't want to search anymore. If I keep searching, I'm afraid I will really die here."

Just when all the Xuanyi disciples were in panic.

Suddenly a huge flame dragon rose into the sky from the sea of ​​lava at the foot of the mountain.


The giant flame dragon circled in the air, and then let out a shocking roar!

From that mouth, a stream of terrifying lava spewed out towards all of them.

Seeing this, Zhou Peng quickly asked the flying eagle puppet to take everyone up from the top of the mountain.

"Stop yelling and get ready to fight!"

Zhou Peng was obviously not affected by the battle in the sky. His target was the giant dragon in front of him.

In the chest of the giant dragon, there is a ball of light, and in the light, there is a paper crane!

Obviously, this battle is inevitable for them.

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