After Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng left Jietian Mountain, they returned to Panhuang Academy at the foot of the mountain.

All the deans have already been eagerly awaiting the return of their students.

When these deans learned that none of them had passed the test this year, they all seemed helpless.

No one expected that this year, no one would be selected as a Panhuang disciple.

"Although it is a bit regretful, both Zhou Peng and Ling Shuang have obtained the qualifications to re-enter ten years later. It shows that Lord Panhuang actually takes a fancy to you."

Mu Lao said with relief.

"It's a pity that Zhuo Bufan, who finally qualified, is..."

Perhaps in the eyes of everyone, the most regrettable thing is Zhuo Bufan!

His performance can be said to be unparalleled, but Pianpian was ignored and indifferent by Panhuang.

"I believe that Mr. Panhuang has other reasons. We can all see Zhuo Bufan's performance."

Zhou Peng stood up and spoke to Zhuo Bufan.

Although everyone felt it was a pity, as time passed, everyone felt relieved.

After everyone stayed at the foot of the mountain for a few days, it was finally time to say goodbye.

But before leaving, everyone came to say goodbye to Zhou Peng in a tacit understanding.

In just one month, Zhou Peng has become the backbone of them.

"Senior Brother Zhou, if you have the opportunity in the future, welcome to our country of Da Qi. Qi Ji is waiting for your arrival!"

"Me too. If Senior Brother Zhou has time, he must come to our Dragon City. I must thank Senior Brother Zhou for his help during this period."

Everyone was grateful to Zhou Peng. Nana, who had been following Zhou Peng, was sincerely happy for him when she saw that Zhou Peng suddenly had so many friends.

Moreover, Nana also discovered that there was a blue figure in the crowd, and she seemed to have strange feelings for Zhou Peng.

The person Nana noticed was naturally the confidante Zhou Peng met on Jietian Mountain - Ling Shuang.

Even a fool can see Ling Shuang's feelings for Zhou Peng.

"Senior Brother Zhou, I told the dean that I want to learn puppetry from you. Can you teach me?"

Ling Shuang's learning of puppetry was a lie. Her real purpose was to get close to Zhou Peng.

Zhou Peng originally refused, but to his surprise, Nana actually agreed.

"Okay, okay, Pengpeng, I agreed for you."

Nana agreed to Ling Shuang's request for Zhou Peng. Obviously, Nana also saw that Ling Shuang liked Zhou Peng.

Different from Zhou Peng's thoughts, Nana actually knew very well that as a puppet, she was not qualified to fall in love with Zhou Peng.

She knew better that she was just a missing person created by Zhou Peng.

What Zhou Peng liked was not her at all, but the dead woman named Nana.

Now Nana is indeed a puppet.

A puppet is just a cold piece of machinery. It has no emotions and cannot have emotions.

So Nana wants Zhou Peng to start his life again, find his partner, marry a wife and have children like a normal person.

Zhou Peng didn't have many friends in the past, so Nana stayed with Zhou Peng more like a close sister.

Now that Zhou Peng has experienced the trip to Jietian Mountain, it is obvious that he has grown a lot.

Seeing that Zhou Peng has so many friends, Nana is also very happy for him.

Especially after seeing Ling Shuang, Nana felt that Ling Shuang and Zhou Peng were a perfect match. She was the woman she had always wanted to find for Zhou Peng.

This is why Nana agreed.

With Nana's consent, Zhou Peng basically had no problem, so Ling Shuang followed Zhou Peng naturally.

"I'm ready to leave too!"

Watching the Xuanyi disciples leave one by one, Zhuo Bufan also came to say goodbye to Zhou Peng.

Zhou Peng was obviously a little surprised. Although he had known that Zhuo Bufan would leave one day, he just didn't expect that this day would come so quickly.

"Where are you going?"

Zhou Peng didn't hold back too much because he knew very well that he and Zhuo Bufan were destined to part ways.

Zhuo Bufan has a more important mission to do, and he and Zhuo Bufan are not the same people after all.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"Going to an old place, a very dangerous old place."

Zhuo Bufan said this, undoubtedly telling Zhou Peng that he did not intend to go with Zhou Peng on the next road.

"Thank you for taking care of me during these times. I think if there is a chance, we should meet again."

"Before I leave, I want to give you a gift."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Zhou Peng frowned slightly.

"what gift?"

Zhuo Bufan deliberately made a mistake and said with a smile.

"Before I give you this gift, I want to ask you a question. What do you think of Ling Shuang?"

Zhuo Bufan asked suddenly. Zhou Peng was stunned for a moment, obviously confused.

"Why are you asking her so suddenly?"

"Why, can't you see that that girl is interested in you?"

"Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid?"

Zhuo Bufan said speechlessly.

"I just consider her a friend."

"You want to gain the girl's affection, right? Don't say such useless things. Zhou Peng, if you were asked to choose between a girl named Ling Shuang and a boy, who would you choose?

Zhuo Bufan raised the question directly.

Zhou Peng replied without hesitation: "Your question is very strange. There is no doubt that I will only choose Nana."

"Well, remember your words Zhou Peng. The gift I want to give you is Nana!"

When Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Zhou Peng suddenly felt a little baffled.

"What do you mean? Nana is mine, why do you give it to me?"

Zhuo Bufan smiled and said: "I mean, I will give you a living Nana."

"Alive Nana?"

"That's right, call Nana tonight and see you outside the city!"

Zhuo Bufan pretended to be mysterious and said no more.

That night, Zhou Peng took Nana outside the city.

Nana obviously didn't know what Zhou Peng was going to do, so she kept asking.

"Pengpeng, where are you taking me? Why don't we have frost on our feet?"

"Just follow me and you will know what to ask her to do."

Zhou Peng has not yet told Nana that Zhuo Bufan and the others are leaving.

When they arrived outside the city, they saw the excellence and excellence they had been waiting for for a long time.

Zhuo Bufan had a serious look on his face. What Zhuo Bufan was going to announce next was obviously very important.


Seeing Zhou Peng and Nana coming, Zhuo Bufan quickly stepped forward to greet them.

"Xiao Yue, it's so late, why are you here?"

Nana saw Zhuo Zhuo and said hello to him.

Zhuo Zhuo did not answer, but stood beside Zhuo Bufan honestly.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan on the side spoke.

"I have called everyone here today to announce two things."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the three people in front of him and said.

The four of them, to be precise, two people and two puppets, have been together for almost a year.

So they actually have feelings for each other.

Parting always makes people a little sad, so Zhou Peng has actually felt the sad atmosphere in the scene.

"The first thing is that we plan to leave. Nana, Zhou Peng, thank you for your help during this period. Next, Zhuo Zhuo and I are leaving here."

When Zhuo Bufan said the first thing, Nana was obviously a little surprised.

"Leave? Are you leaving?"

"Yes, we are leaving. I have more important things to do, so we may need to be apart for a while. But I believe we will meet again."

Zhuo Bufan actually likes Nana very much. She is simple and kind. Even if she is a puppet, she can give people warmth.

When Nana heard that Zhuo Bufan and the others were leaving, she looked sad.

"Do you really want to leave?"

She looked pitifully at the outstanding person beside her.

Zhuo Zhuo didn't answer, he obviously knew it already.

"I will miss you."

Nana said sadly.

"We can too." Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"The next thing is the second and most important thing!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he walked towards Nana and Zhuo Zhuo.

"Nana, Zhuo Zhibo, do you want to become human?"

When Zhuo Bufan raised this question, Nana, Zhuo Zhuo and Zhou Peng who were present all showed incredulous expressions.

Zhuo Zhuo replied: "I don't know!"

To Zhiqiang, he is just a simple puppet with no ideas of his own.

But Nana is different. She has fragments of the Sky Mending Stone and simple thoughts.

Therefore, she is obviously more emotional than Zhanzhi.


Nana looked at Zhuo Bufan blankly, then looked back at Zhou Peng.

"That's right. Become a person like us, with our own soul, our own thoughts, and our own emotions and desires."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Zhou Peng rushed forward, grabbed his shoulders and asked.

"What do you mean? Can you really make Nana a human?"

Zhou Peng was even more excited. After all, if Nana really became a human, it would indeed be the most unforgettable gift for Zhou Peng.

"Can I become human?"

Nana looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Zhuo Bufan nodded solemnly and replied.

"Yes, believe me, I can make you human."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he slowly raised his hand. On the tips of his fingers, streaks of golden energy began to float.

Accompanied by circles of mysterious runes, Zhuo Bufan's golden finger glowed brilliantly.

That kind of light was extremely sacred, comparable to the brilliance of Panhuang that Zhou Peng and the others had seen before.

He didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan actually had such power, and it looked even more incredible.

Zhou Peng held his breath and watched Zhuo Bufan's every move.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan's fingers fell on Nana's chest.

As streaks of golden energy poured into Nana's body, Nana's eyes, which were originally without any luster, actually glowed with agility.

What's even more incredible is that a soul began to be born in Nana's body.

That's right, Zhou Peng can already feel the fluctuations in Nana's soul.

Although it is very weak, it does exist.

After a while, the light on Nana began to disappear.

Then I saw that she had a unique temperament, which is the temperament of talents.

The soul determines the temperament, and excellence gives Nana the soul.

When the light disappeared, Nana slowly opened her eyes, and then looked at Zhou Peng and Zhuo Bufan.

Finally, she looked at her hands.

She couldn't help but squeeze her palms, and then there were two tears in her eyes.

"Pengpeng, I, I am a human! I have become a human. I have really become a human."

Nana's world view began to undergo earth-shaking changes. With the birth of Yu's soul, she felt the emotional existence of a human being for the first time.

While Nana was excited, Zhuo Bufan looked at Zhuo Zhuo.

Then he also used the Heaven-Mending Technique to give excellence a soul.

When Zhiqiang possessed a soul, his whole person also underwent earth-shaking changes.

In him, the brilliance of humanity shone out.

He began to think and have feelings. He understood what a brother is and what a younger brother is.


Zhuo Zhuo looked at Zhuo Bufan with a smile he had never seen before.

When Zhuo Bufan looked at the smiling Zhuo Fei, he also showed a satisfied smile.

"That's great. It seems that this Heaven-Mending Technique was learned in vain."

Zhuo Bufan possesses the best magical power in the world. The first thing he did was to give soul and life to his two most important puppets.

The art of repairing the sky can make up for the defects of all things, and can give soul and life to all things in the world.

This is the power of the world's number one magical power.

"Xiao Yue, do you like this feeling? Do you like this feeling of having soul and life?"

Zhuo Bufan reached out and touched Zhuo Zhuo's head and said.

After hearing this, Zhuo Zhuo nodded repeatedly and replied.

"I like it. Thank you, brother, for giving me life. An elder brother is like a father, and I will pay homage to you."

As soon as he turned into a human, Zhuo Zhuo immediately started to kneel down and worship Zhuo Bufan.

At this time, Zhou Peng and Nana came to Zhuo Bufan and knelt down without hesitation.

"Thank you for giving Nana life,"

"Get up quickly. Why are you so polite between you and me? Just think of it as the tuition for teaching me the puppetry skills during this period of time."

Zhuo Bufan knew that they were very excited now. After all, it had always been Zhou Peng's dream to make Nana a human.

Unexpectedly, this dream has now come true.

"How did you do it?"

Zhou Peng looked at Zhuo Bufan in disbelief. After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled lightly and said.

"You don't need to know this, but Zhou Peng, I hope you remember what I said before, and you must treat Nana well! I gave her soul and life, and I hope you will treat her well."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to help Zhou Peng and Nana up.

"Finally, he patted Zhou Peng on the shoulder and said.

"Okay, it's time for us to go."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stood up with Zhuo Zhuo and prepared to leave.

This time, Zhou Peng and Nana made no attempt to stay, they just cuddled together and watched Zhuo Bufan and Zhuo Zhuo leave.

"Sister Nana, goodbye."

Before leaving, Nana finally heard a call from Zhuo Zhibo.


"Brother, where should we go next?"

On the road ahead, only Zhuo Bufan and Zhuo Zhimo will go forward together.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he thought for a moment and then said, "Let's go to Dahai Dynasty! I have something there."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took Zhuo Zhuo towards the Sea Dynasty.

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