Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1147: Battle for the Throne

The people who suddenly came out attacked Zhuo Bufan with devastating power.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan didn't take it easy and responded to the opponent's sudden killing move.

However, the terrifying energy still spread throughout the hall, burning it to the ground.

When the dust settled, Zhuo Bufan looked at the attacker again and said in shock.

"Ni Qiong, it's you again."

After Zhuo Bufan saw the true appearance of the visitor, he became furious.

He didn't expect that the backer behind the Sea Emperor was Ni Qiong.

"Hahahaha, you brat, you didn't even say a word to me and just left without saying goodbye?"

Ni Qingqiong grinned.

"Junior Brother Zhuo, we meet again."

Zhuo Bufan discovered that there was another person following Ni Qingqiong, it was Meng Qingqing.

The relationship between Meng Qingqing and Ni Qingqiong has obviously eased a lot, and now they actually appear here together, which makes Zhuo Bufan somewhat unexpected.

"Senior Sister Meng, why don't you stop this lunatic quickly? I don't have time to fight with him now. I have important things to do."

Zhuo Bufan turned to Meng Wuqing for help, but Meng Wuqing just shook his head slowly and said.

"I'm sorry, Junior Brother Zhuo, I can never stop what he wants to do."

Meng Wuqing replied helplessly.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he blasted away Ni Qingqiong with a palm, and then glared angrily.

"In the end what you want?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little impatient.

But Ni Qingqiong smiled.

"Boy, although I don't know what you are going to do, I will stop you from everything you want to do."

"Unless you fight with me."

Obviously, Ni Cangqiong has not yet decided against Zhuo Bufan, and he still has unfinished thoughts about the battle in the Ziyang Realm.

But Zhuo Bufan was indifferent and said.

"It's impossible for me to fight you now. Don't forget our agreement. After the incident with the door is over, I will fight you however you want."

"That won't work. Who knows how long it will take you to destroy the Jie Yinmen again. I'm impatient to wait."

Seeing Ni Cangqiong acting like a shameless old gangster, Zhuo Bufan really wanted to teach him a lesson here.

However, Zhuo Bufan couldn't do anything here. He couldn't expose himself too much now, while attracting God's attention.

I have been reincarnated for three lives just to wait for this moment.

If he is discovered by God and punished by heaven again, then the dormancy of the three reincarnations will be completely turned into dust.

Everything will be in vain, which is not what Zhuo Bufan wants to see.

"Then what do you want?"

Zhuo Bufan looked slightly impatient.

I just wanted to go to the royal ancestral land, but I didn't know that Ni Qiangqiong suddenly appeared and blocked me.

"I don't want to do anything, I just came here on Master's orders."

"You brat, as a black disciple of Jie Tianshan, you interfere in worldly affairs. Do you know that you have violated the ban?"

"Master has long banned monks above the Yuan Shen realm from intervening in the secular world with force. Otherwise, they will be punished by his elders."

"Since you didn't know about this ban before, I came here specifically to inform you."

"If you dare to take action again, don't blame me for being rude to you."

No wonder Ni Qiong was so proud today. He came with the ban just to force Zhuo Bufan to take action.

After hearing Ni Qiongqiong's painting, Zhuo Bufan sighed helplessly.

Then, he slowly put down his hand and said.

"Okay, since this is a ban set by Panhuang himself, we juniors should naturally abide by it. I won't take any action."

Zhuo Bufan was helpless. After all, once he took action, Ni Qingqiong would also take action.

In this way, the two will definitely start a war, which will help Ni Cangqiong.

Ni Cangqiong said with some regret after hearing this.

"Hey, Zhuo Bufan, can you be a little ambitious? Are you going to back down like this?"

Facing Ni Qiongqiong's provocation, Zhuo Bufan seemed very calm.

He ignored Ni Qiong at all, but turned to look at Hai Tu beside him and said.

"Emperor, I want to visit your imperial mausoleum. Are you sure you don't want to?"

Zhuo Bufan's tone was slightly threatening.

The emperor had been frightened for a long time, and of course he did not dare to refuse Zhuo Bufan's request.

However, just as he was about to speak, Ni Qingqiong shouted.

"Boy, do you dare to promise him to try."

"Grandpa is here. I ask you to reject him. Do you understand?"

Ni Qiong also threatened the emperor.

At this time, being an emperor was already on pins and needles.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't afford to offend him, he had seen Zhuo Bufan's strength.

But he couldn't afford to offend Ni Qiong. Who was Ni Qiong? He was Ni God!

"I'm sorry for listening to Nishen. The imperial mausoleum is the most important holy place of our Hai family. I cannot agree to your request."

Haitu finally rejected Zhuo Bufan's request.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked at Ni Qianqiong, and finally asked.

"Ni Qiong, don't you want to compete with me? That's fine, I'll play with you."

When Ni Qingqiong heard this, his eyes lit up and he said.

"What, you decided to start a war with me?"

"That's right, it's not a battle between the two of us. I want to change the game with you!"

Zhuo Bufan said.

After Ni Cangqiong heard this, he asked, "What's the trick?"

"You just reminded me that the Hai family has some connections with me. Now, I think I should take care of the Hai family's affairs."

"Ask your emperor to take good care of the throne for me. I will personally take over the throne in a few days."

"Since you, the emperor, don't listen to me, there is no need to exist."

Zhuo Bufan knew that there was no point in dragging on.

So he decided to use his own method to enter the imperial tomb.

Hai Long, the ancestor of the Hai family, was once a follower of Ji Xuanhao. Therefore, the Hai family and Zhuo Bufan actually have a very important connection.

Since there is such a relationship, Zhuo Bufan has reason to intervene in the Hai family's affairs.

"Zhuo Bufan, do you want to assist another emperor? It's interesting. I accept your challenge."

Ni Cangqiong heard the meaning of Zhuo Bufan's words. It was obvious that Zhuo Bufan planned to establish another emperor to replace the current Haitu.

Of course, it is impossible for Ni Cangqiong to let Zhuo Bufan succeed.

But whatever Zhuo Feifan wants to do, of course he has to do it right.

"Okay, Zhuo Bufan. If that's the case, then I will play with you."

"If you want your people to ascend the throne, then I will no longer prevent you from entering the imperial mausoleum. And I will do my best to help you destroy the Jie Yinmen."

Ni Qianqiong answered decisively.

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly after hearing this guy's promise.

"Very good, I accept this agreement, farewell!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he left the palace with Zhuo Zhuo without talking nonsense to Ni Qianqiong.

After leaving the palace, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and looked up at the sky.

"Next, let's go find Hai Xiaoyun first!"

Now that the gambling game has begun, Zhuo Bufan naturally has to take this test seriously.

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that the imperial palace was guarded by Ni Qiong, and he would definitely not be able to go to the imperial mausoleum.

He could only use this roundabout method to ask Hai Xiaoyun to support him, and then he could enter the imperial mausoleum openly.

Obviously, the battle for the throne of the Dahai Dynasty is no longer just a game of power in the secular world. It is now a contest between Zhuo Bufan and Ni Qingqiong, which can be regarded as a battle of gods.

At the moment, Zhuo Bufan had to find Hai Xiaoyun.

It's just that Hai Xiaoyun is wanted across the country, and it's not easy to find him.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was struggling to find Hai Xiaoyun, Hai Xiaoyun unexpectedly found Zhuo Bufan first.

On this day, Zhuo Bufan collected information about Hai Xiaoyun in the market.

When he returned to the hotel where he stayed, he found a letter in the crack of the door.

Zhuo Bufan opened the letter from an unknown source, which read:

The Purple Yihou is on the shore of the East China Sea!

After learning the news, Zhuo Bufan immediately rushed to the coast of the East China Sea with Zhuo Zhuo.

Along the way, Zhuo Feifan solved several stalking tails under Zhuo Bufan's instructions.

After arriving at the coast of the East China Sea, Zhuo Bufan did not take the initiative to look for Hai Xiaoyun.

Zhuo Bufan believed that if Hai Xiaoyun really needed his power, he would actively look for him.

If Hai Xiaoyun can't even find him, Zhuo Bufan, then it means that the Ziyi Hou is not worthy of Zhuo Bufan's assistance.

Sure enough, on the second day after Zhuo Bufan arrived at the coast of the East China Sea, a woman in red came to the hotel where Zhuo Bufan stayed.

Obviously, the other party was making sure that Zhuo Bufan was not being followed, so he dared to contact Zhuo Bufan.

The woman's cultivation level is not weak, she actually has the cultivation level of Tianyuan Realm.

In this secular world, he is considered a master.

The other party has enough ability to protect himself, so he dares to contact Zhuo Bufan alone.

After Zhuo Bufan saw the other party, he saw at the first glance that the other party was sent by Hai Xiaoyun, so he said it unceremoniously.

"Why does Hai Xiaoyun still want to be a tortoise?"

"Fortunately, he got a good hand and played it very well."

Zhuo Bufan hit Hai Xiaoyun unceremoniously.

When the woman heard this, she smiled sweetly and said.

"I am wearing a red curtain and have met Mr. Zhuo."

"Master Zhuo, I'm sorry, my lord didn't make enough preparations before, so he was caught first by Hai Tu. But my lord is the direct blood of the late emperor, and he holds the family tree of the Hai family, which is the treasure of the country. He should be the true destiny of the Hai Dynasty." Emperor."

This woman is eloquent and good at talking.

Zhuo Bufan didn't like communicating with these scheming people, so he just asked calmly.

"Then when will Hai Xiaoyun come out to see me?"

"If I'm not wrong, you have spies in the palace. What someone on my desk did in the palace has already reached your ears!"

"Why, you still don't believe me now?"

Zhuo Bufan's guess was correct, there was indeed an informant planted by Hai Xiaoyun in the palace.

The incident of Zhuo Bufan making a big fuss in the palace was also learned by Hai Xiaoyun through his spy.

When Hai Xiaoyun learned that Zhuo Bufan destroyed the Jinluan Hall on his own, he was really shocked by Zhuo Bufan's strength.

However, he should be cautious about sailing the ten thousand year ship. The counselors around him warned him that this might be the emperor's strategy.

The emperor used this cruel trick to find out the whereabouts of Hai Xiaoyun through Zhuo Bufan, and finally killed all Xiaoyun in one fell swoop.

Therefore, the counselors around Hai Xiaoyun have been secretly observing Zhuo Bufan.

Until Zhuo Bufan arrived at the coast of the East China Sea, Hai Xiaoyun did not take the initiative to show up.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, the woman in red, Honglian Qiao smiled.

"Young Master Zhuo, your Majesty naturally trusts you, but as subordinates, we must ensure your Majesty's safety."

"Safety is bullshit! Do you think I'm a spy sent by the emperor?"

"Didn't Hai Xiaoyun tell you that I found your Hai family tree for him?"

"If it weren't for me, Hai Xiaoyun would still be in Panhuang Academy in Kaitian City, being the arrogant Purple-Robed Marquis."

Zhuo Bufan was slightly angry.

He came all the way here, but the other party avoided him.

If he wasn't betting with Ni Cangqiong, he would have strangled Lian'er to death.

Sure enough, just after Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, a group of people rushed in from outside the gate.

"Get out of my way, I told you that Brother Zhuo is not that kind of person, why do you have to test me?"

The person who rushed in was none other than Hai Xiaoyun in purple.

He finally met Zhuo Bufan after being stopped by his subordinates.

At the first sight of Zhuo Bufan, he immediately bowed and said.

"Brother Zhuo, please forgive me. None of my subordinates can get things done."

"I told you that Brother Zhuo couldn't be the emperor's man, but they insisted on testing him."

"Brother Zhuo brought back my Hai family tree. How could Brother Zhuo be the emperor's spy?"

Hai Xiaoyun tried his best to say.

Looking at Hai Xiaoyun's appearance, Zhuo Bufan smiled coldly.

"Okay, Marquis Ziyi, don't pretend in front of me."

"I understand that you have to be cautious. After all, you have only one life after escaping death, and you have to keep it for rebellion. You should be careful."

Zhuo Bufan could see that Marquis Ziyi Hai Xiaoyun was acting.

But Zhuo Bufan didn't have time to play tricks with Hai Xiaoyun now.

As his chess piece, Hai Xiaoyun had no choice now.

"Now that I'm here, you don't have to hide anymore."

"Ask the emperor for your throne openly. I can assist you with all my strength. As a condition, I want you to take me into your Hai family's imperial mausoleum after you ascend the throne."

Zhuo Bufan didn't waste time talking to Hai Xiaoyun. He directly stated his purpose right away.

Hai Xiaoyun and his subordinates frowned after hearing this.

They naturally didn't think Zhuo Bufan was bragging. After all, according to the news from the palace, Zhuo Bufan was a man who could compete with the legendary Ni Cangqiong.

It's just that Ni Cangqiong is now the emperor's backer.

Is it really feasible to rely on Zhuo Bufan alone?

"Zhuo, Brother Zhuo! No, Lord Zhuo. Xiaoyun doesn't doubt your ability. It's just that it's rumored that the emperor's backer is the eighteenth disciple of Panhuang of Jietian Mountain, Ni Cangqiong."

"With such a person as a backer, can we really do it?"

Even Hai Xiaoyun himself doubted it.

After all, that was Ni Cangqiong. He alone can destroy the entire Hai Dynasty.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Hai Xiaoyun's timid appearance and couldn't help shaking his head.

"I began to doubt that you could not become a good emperor."

"Hai Xiaoyun, are you still a descendant of the Hai family?"

Hai Xiaoyun said immediately after hearing this.

"Of course I am! I am the great ancestor, the king of the sea, and the descendant of the sea dragon! I have the blood of the great ancestor in my body, and I am a descendant of the Hai family."

"That's good, now, I want to assist you to ascend the throne, do you believe me?"

Zhuo Bufan only needs Hai Xiaoyun's trust, after all, to him, Hai Xiaoyun is just a chess piece.

After listening, Hai Xiaoyun finally nodded solemnly and said.

"Well, believe it!"

Hearing Hai Xiaoyun's answer, Zhuo Bufan smiled with satisfaction.

The fight for the throne begins from this moment!


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