Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1176 Immigration Plan

Miracle Palace, the spiritual base camp established by Zhuo Bufan on the earth.

This palace has been set up for absolute defense by Zhuo Bufan, so there is no need to worry about some stupid people attacking the Miracle Palace with missiles.

At this moment, Zhang Jing no longer knew what expression to use to describe his admiration for Zhuo Bufan.

In his eyes, this was a miracle.

He watched helplessly as Zhuo Bufan created such a miracle palace out of thin air.

What is this if not a fairy?

Now Zhang Jing has completely regarded Zhuo Bufan as a god.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan is indeed a god in this world.

Zhuo Bufan did not explain too much to Zhang Jing, but took Zhang Jing into the Palace of Miracles.

I saw that earth-shaking changes began again in the Palace of Miracles.

In the center of the Miracle Palace, a huge round table was born out of thin air.

Twelve seats rose up around the round table. These tall and straight seats were intimidating.

Zhuo Bufan naturally sat at the top position.

He looked at Zhang Jing and then gave him a look.

When Zhang Jing saw this, he was a little confused and at a loss.

However, after receiving Zhuo Bufan's affirmative look, he carefully sat down at a table to the left of Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufanjian Zhang Jing sat down and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

I saw him raising his hand and saying.

"My evangelist, upon my order, come to see you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, nine people were born out of thin air at the other nine round tables in the center of the Miracle Palace.

Zhang Jing was stunned for a moment, feeling horrified.

“Can even humans create?”

Zhang Jing thought that the nine people who suddenly appeared were created by Zhuo Bufan.

These nine people were both male and female. To be precise, they were half male and half male.

And their skin colors are also different, including yellow skin, white skin, and even black skin.

And it can be clearly seen that everyone here comes from various countries.

"You are the evangelists chosen by me, and now is the time to tell you my true identity."

Just when Zhang Jing was confused, Zhuo Bufan's voice suddenly came from his mind.

That's right, Zhuo Bufan didn't speak, but used his soul to communicate with everyone present.

They may speak different languages, but the language of their souls is the same.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan's voice can be understood by everyone present.

"I am the creator of this world. I am what you call the Creator!"

When Zhuo Bufan said that he was the Creator, everyone present looked at him in shock.

Creator, does such a legendary existence that only exists in books and fictions really exist?

"Don't be surprised by this, because as long as I want, I can easily restart this world. Survival, death, destruction, reconstruction! All of this is just a thought of mine."

After Zhuo Bufan revealed his abilities, Zhang Jing looked at Zhuo Bufan in fear.

He 100% believed in the words of this god-like being, because he saw this god-like existence with his own eyes, and created such a floating island with just a move of his fingers.

"Creator, is this God? Oh, I must be God."

There was a fair-skinned blond man who looked at Zhuo Bufan in stunned silence and let out a sigh.

Zhuo Bufan chuckled after hearing this.

"God? No, I am greater than the God you say! I can create the God you say at any time if I want."

"Otherwise, who do you think created the spiritual energy born in this world?"

When Zhuo Bufan said that he was the creator of Reiki, everyone sat upright, mouths dry.

The ten of them present had personally felt the shocking changes brought about by this spiritual energy.

"It was me who gave spiritual energy to this land. It was also me who made this world evolve."

"In your words, I am your God."

Zhuo Bufan claimed to be a god, and everyone present looked at each other.

"Is there really a god in this world?"

Some people express doubts because, in his view, gods are made-up.

In this regard, Zhuo Bufan did not want to explain too much. Facts speak louder than words. He would let the facts convince everyone present.

"Okay, I'm not here to discuss atheism with you today."

"Since you don't believe in the existence of God, then I will let you experience how God feels."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, ten divine lights fell on the other ten people except Zhang Jing.

Then powerful strength began to burst out from all of them.

Gather Qi, build foundation, store spirit, form elixir, Yuanying, Yuanshen!

The cultivation level of these people, according to the cultivation system set by Zhuo Bufan, began to increase one level at a time.

In the end, everyone's cultivation has reached the state of divine escape above the soul.

After the baptismal light disappeared, everyone present suddenly felt the nuclear bomb-level power in their bodies.

One by one, they looked at Zhuo Bufan in disbelief.

In their minds, each had a unique skill.

Of course, these unique skills were all set by Zhuo Bufan.

At this time, no one dared to doubt Zhuo Bufan's identity as the Lord of Creation.

"Omaika, oh no, it should be my supreme creator! Please forgive me for my previous offense to you."

"God is above the Creator, we will definitely follow you forever. Your will is our mission!"

"Lord Creator, we will preach your miracles and let hundreds of millions of people in this world feel your gifts."

At this moment, everyone present was willing to be the extraordinary slave of God.

Zhuo Bufan proved that he was a god-like existence with irrefutable facts.

Zhuo Bufan seemed very calm after hearing the flattering words of these preachers.

"You don't have to flatter me. I give you power so that you can gain abilities faster and do things for me."

"After the spiritual energy recovered, I formulated a cultivation system in the name of the Creator, called the Nine Heavens of Lingwu."

"The nine realms are: Qi Refining, Foundation Building, Spiritual Treasure, Pill Formation, Yuanying, Yuanshen, Divine Escape, Heavenly Tribulation, and Heavenly Man."

"Qi refiners take the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and incorporate it into their bodies."

"Those who build the foundation use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to temper their own physique and reach the state where the spiritual energy can be freely released."

"The spirit treasurer incorporates spiritual energy into the five internal organs of the body, integrates the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys to create the five elements of heaven and earth."

"The elixir builder fuses the five vital energies of heaven and earth that were born, and condenses the golden elixir of Yuanli."

"The Nascent Soul is obtained by using the Yuanli Golden Pill to communicate with the chaotic energy."

"The Yuanshen, let your soul merge with the Yuanying, and give birth to the power of the soul that can communicate with the will of the universe."

"The divine escaper, the Yuanying merges with the Yuanshen to achieve the ability to escape into all things in the world."

"You are now in the realm of divine escape. You can already jump out of all realms, no longer enter the five elements, and there is no longer any restraint between heaven and earth."

"Now you can enter and exit this world freely."

"To the creatures in this world, you are the so-called gods."

The training system set up by Zhuo Bufan is very overbearing. He changed it from the Yuanli system he practiced.

In the beginning, this training system only cultivated spiritual weapons, but in the later stages, it cultivated vitality, and it was still the same chaotic vitality as Zhuo Bufan.

The realm of Divine Escape is even more similar to the realm of Saint Yuan in Da Luotian.

It is also possible to break through the world wall and jump out of the world.

Of course, the realm of Divine Escape is still far behind the realm of Holy Yuan.

After all, Zhuo Bufan himself is only in the realm of Saint Yuan.

"As for the next two realms, they are the Heavenly Tribulation Realm and the Heavenly Human Realm."

"There are nine levels of heavenly calamity, and five levels of devastation for heavenly beings. This is actually a test for you by me."

"Whether it is the ninth level of heavenly calamity or the five declines of heaven and man, it will make you feel that life is worse than death."

"Only when you pass the test are you qualified to serve me as your master. If you are double-minded and have evil intentions, the next two realms will make you irrecoverable. Do you understand?"

Zhuo Bufan declared domineeringly.

As the creator of the 'earth', he can create the rules of the world's cultivation system.

It was also from this day that a kind of spiritual practice was born in this world, and it had a fairly complete practice system.

"Now, do you understand your situation?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at everyone present and said.

Everyone present nodded.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, and there is no such thing as a free lunch.

The creator in front of them gave them absolute power just to choose the servants of God for himself.

Of course, the word servant of God is not meant to be derogatory in the slightest. Even if you are a servant, you are still a servant of God!

Therefore, everyone present expressed their loyalty to Zhuo Bufan.

"Okay, let me tell you something more important next."

"That's why I do these things, why I want to bring spiritual energy into this world, and why I want you to become my evangelists."

What Zhuo Bufan wants to say next is obviously very important.

So after everyone present calmed down, they began to look at Zhuo Bufan seriously.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and said.

"Because next, this world will usher in a large number of more powerful humans. They do not belong to this world, but they have far more numbers than the humans in this world."

"In your words, intruders."

When Zhuo Bufan said the word "intruder", Zhang Jing and others were stunned.

"I understand. Does the Lord want us to become stronger as soon as possible and then stop these invaders?"

Zhang Jing said, and the others nodded.

They guessed that this was Zhuo Bufan's purpose.

However, Zhuo Bufan shouted.

"No, I'm not asking you to stop these intruders. I want you to accept them."

"The world they live in will be destroyed in the near future, and this world may be their only place to survive."

"I want you to accept them so that people from all worlds can live harmoniously in this world. Do you understand?"

When Zhuo Bufan revealed his true purpose, everyone present looked confused.

No one could have imagined that the Creator’s purpose was to accept those aliens.

"I train you to be evangelists, not only so that you can promote martial arts. More importantly, I hope that you can lead the humans of this world in the future and be prepared to welcome visitors from other worlds."

"Can you possibly do it?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the ten evangelists present.

They are all excellent talents that Zhuo Feifan is looking for from all over the world.

If Zhuo Bufan wants to build a world of great harmony, he must consider whether the humans in this world can accept it.

No native would willingly accept foreign invasion.

But Zhuo Bufan must transfer the creatures of other worlds to the ‘Earth’ as much as possible.

At least, he must transfer the humans of the Yin-Yang World.

After all, the Yin-Yang World can be regarded as another world of Zhuo Bufan.

It’s just that the Yin-Yang World belongs to Daluotian and is within the scope of Daluotian’s great cleansing.

Once the moment of the decisive battle comes, the Yin-Yang World is likely to be lost.

So no matter what, Zhuo Bufan must first transfer the creatures of the Yin-Yang World to the Earth.

Because the Yin-Yang World has his family, friends, and inseparable ties.

Faced with Zhuo Bufan’s request, some of these people in front of him don’t know what to do.

Because the decision they make now may change the whole world.

“I don’t want to hurt the people in this world, but I can’t watch the creatures of other worlds die.”

“So whether you agree or not, this alien invasion is inevitable, it’s just a matter of time.”

“All you have to do is to prepare the people of this world to welcome the arrival of new humans.”

No one can stop what Zhuo Bufan decides to do.

After hearing this, the ten preachers present pondered for a moment.

At this time, Zhang Jing took the initiative to speak.

"I understand, God, I will fully cooperate with your plan."

"Everyone has the right to survive. This planet originally belongs to you, so of course you have the right to decide how to deal with it."

Zhang Jing knew very well that they had no choice now.

Even the whole world belongs to this creator. If you anger him, at most he will eliminate all the creatures in this world.

So the best choice is to accept the creator's proposal, accept the new humans from other worlds, and everyone will live in harmony in this new world to create a world of great harmony.

"Very good, although you are not the smartest one, you are indeed the one who knows the current situation best."

"Then Zhang Jing, I will appoint you as the Lord of Miracle Mountain, and the others will assist Zhang Jing in the preparations before the great immigration."

"This world will continue to expand, and new immigrants will not affect the security of the indigenous territory."

"Because there are a large number of new immigrants, the indigenous territory will remain unchanged according to the current territory. New immigrants are required to survive in the newly expanded territory."

"Finally, I want to warn you not to try to provoke these new immigrants, they are much more powerful than you think."

"Of course, I will also restrain these new immigrants and will not let them enter your territory at will. New immigrants and indigenous people will live in a state of non-aggression."

"As for whether we can live together harmoniously in the future, I have my own conclusion."

Zhuo Bufan said his plan.

So far, a great immigration plan has begun.


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